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Ask me anything you like anonymously

53 Replies

Hey fwendie!!! Do ya miss mE????

yess I doo hehehe

...Nokwanda replied 3766 days ago

Do u prefer tns or bhs

uuuhhhmm im not really sure buh personally I think tns

...Nokwanda replied 3766 days ago

This Girl Rockks!! Heyyyy Nokki :p its nicky here :D thanks for being welll .... The Beautiful creature you are! Love ya lots ! And thanks for being there for me ALWAYS! Love ya lots like vodka Shots nicola56

Heyyy #Mofo miss you loads!!!

...Nokwanda replied 3766 days ago

What bores you about people ?

when they only talk about themselves and act really fake and bi***y

...Nokwanda replied 3766 days ago

If You Had To Choose Between £10000000 and a car worth that money what whould you choose?

Uuuuhhhh errrmmm that's pretty hard!! But °̩'d choose the money!!

...Nokwanda replied 3830 days ago

Hy mini dis iz Shane ....Noddy dd u realli love Naledi


...Nokwanda replied 3830 days ago

Yeah it is me bt who asked the question abt the liyanda thang TabyTabz

°̩ don't know and honestly °̩ don't care!

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

hi doll guess who #eminent freak

TABBETH!!!!!! Or should °̩ say "MRS NAMELESS!"

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

Do YoU Regret Taking Liyanda Back

What the hell who is this??!!

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

No I'm not ally

Who are you then??

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

Do u miss me??

Is this Ally??

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

Yoh u.guys r rude n betta back off.... u hurt her I hurt u LITERALLY if u dont know me im ally ... PS im very very very very very very very VIOLENT n if I find out who u r .... u willl pay!!! !@#!! F#K y@!!

Thanx Ally people can be such cowards now °̩ know what Miss Klemp mean't!!

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

So tell me who is your closest friend

This other crazy chick names Ally! And the other one is Nicky!

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

Hw u know it was me???

You didn't hide your user info!

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago

Everyone stop being mean to nokwi lobe chirsty

Thanx Chirst ({})

...Nokwanda replied 3834 days ago