From broadford
Don't know year 7s or 8s
10 cutest year 7, 8s and 9s
From what school haha?
What happens when we die?
I've always wanted to know guess I'll find out soon and let ya knoe
I lyk ur rapping. It has a sik flow dude x
Cheers brother the wiggles inspired me xx
your bestfriend is amazing wish I had one like her
Who's my bestfreind
Y dont u reply to snapchats
I do sum times depends if ya in my latest snappers
Hi Dylan
Hey brother dude
What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?
My bed
Type of person you would like to marry?
I don't have a type
A Movie that made you cry?
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
Are you an alcoholic or what ****?
Nah I never drink ?
you cant rap for **** you fat **** bahahaha.
You can't be man enough to say what you said on anon bahahaha.
Mmmm di*do
Mmmm your mums
Thoughts on Sean mckenzies drinking habits?
He needs to stop his an alcoholic non stop drinker and it does nothing but make him winge about his emotions and I don't like it ilys ****.
thoughts on abby schmitt hah :')
Don't really know her well but should talk more haha :))
Thoughts on izzy cresswell & Bree burr?
Don't even know them
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Knowing your mates are happy
How did you and your best friend meet?
Thoughts on Chloe vandersteeg?
I fkn miss her and our cute phone calls tbh
eaze up on the drugs bro they arent doin ya face any good
The drugs I'm on arnt spoused to help my face haha
ur ugly as ****
I know tbh :))
yeh yesterday
Never was with a girl yesterday Aleisha
what happened to that girl u were with for a day
Never been with a girl for a day? Maybe an hour but not a day
Who's you lose your virginity to?
A v*****
Ever hooked up bub?
Well that's a stupid quistion
Fav girls and boys?
Girls: Aleisha rogers! Sam Humm! Kaitlyn walker! Danielle currie.
Boys: Ricky James! Sean Mckenzie! Shaun Biagioni! Liam Lucas! Jack leech! Thomas Cowan!
Thoughts on Ash Smith?
Used to dislike her but she's nice as and good to talk to
thoughts on natasha griffin?
She's the best to talk to worth every minute of the day to talk to she's pretty as and hopefully we get closer :))
you do know me just never would go their.
you make me so angry, you wright statues saying you want a girl friend like f**en get to know me, and maybe you will find a girl.
I don't even know who you are let alone do I know if I speak to you?
why dont you like dani foot
Cause I don't?
do you like anyone?
Not really tbh
If you died tonight. Who would have your heart?
Probs my mum
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
My heart
I think you're really cute and everyone else should f*** off with their negative shi* x
I think your cuter cause I know you are hehe x
can't believe I was friends with you.
Thanks for saying who you are :))
Heard your a slayer ? Jackleech
Yeah I've caught a few dragons in my life time
You're the cutest boy I've ever met
Aw hehe thanks princess ❤
Ill give ya a root if ya keen
Is this a set up
Ate you being serious with that rap shi*
I'm going places with it
You tunin anyone at the mo?
That's for me to know and you to find out
Text me xx
What's ya number?!
can i be your christmas elf xxxxx
who are they then?
Ricky, Shaun, Sean, Tom, jack.
losing friends one by one f***HEAD
Yeh I know but I guess I've got my real mates and they know who they are :))
3 things that attracts you to a person?
Personality that's it
you want to fight me brother ?
I wanna fight heaps of c*nts
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Would you like a Mint?
Do blind people have dreams?
You tell me
What makes your mom awesome?
The stuff she does for me she treats me like I'm a king I love her for everything she does for me!!
your my big brother man. love you xox
Your my little sister girl. Love you xox
heard Makayla Hamilton wants to f*** ya, inbox her bro.
I don't f***..
you're honestly the gayest **** I've ever met, next time i see you I'm gonna punch ya right in the mouth, watch your back boy, not even a joke.
Ill pay you to say your name?! I'm keen.
I remember when you wanted to have se* with me lol
I wanna have se* with a lot of girls.. Be more specific
omg boyfriend, hi! danniit
Ilys bby
Ill love you after we have intercoars
you're my bestie :3 danniit
Your not mine
i heard troy smith bashed you
Haha he couldn't fight his way through a wet paper bag.
Didn't Jack Steele almost murder you in the grade 6 sandpit brawl?
He wishes
Would you pound laine in them big t***ies
Thoughts on laine humphries
Has big boo*s
shut the f*** up about this qooh me shi*
s*ck my Dic*?!
Do you get your eyebrows waxed?
Nah but I get my a*s crack waxed
Thoughts on Caitlin hanlon
Don't really know her but looks hot from when I've seen her around
i dont like you at all
I probs don't like you at all to so look will just call it even Stevens?
Most embarrassing moment?
Well this one time at bandcamp
Thoughts on kirra marks
From what everyone says she's a slu* but I think she can be a nice girl and turn her life back around :))
Mmmm nah ill just let you suffer ehehe :p
Wouldn't be suffering cause I'm a virgin and I'm not having se* till marriage! :p
Mmmm I wish I could inbox you but im way too shy! Aha
Oh you can inbox me I'm shy to :))
Then stop doing it Hummslice and throw ya phone in the river like I'm doing
I am 4 months and adios phonieos rickba
Why can't we f*ck alreay!!! :(
I don't even know who you are :(
You could slay if you didn't ask girls to meet up every 2 seconds
Yes I'm aware of that Ricky
thoughts on dani foot?
Don't like her at all
Thoughts on bridie Pearce?
Funny and good to talk to and a hottie ;)
Thanks anon ilys xx
Ill inbox you in the morning Kehehehe ;)
Oh you won't inbox me at all haha :)
Dylan lets be honest deep down your everything and no there not now shhh!!! Xx
Oh haha thanks you hehe xx
No it's not kara
Oh don't know who it is then
Why can't all boys be like Dylan?!? Please explain :(
All boys are better then me and hotter I'm nothing anon :(
I think we should f*ck!
I think I need to stop f***ing but feel free to chuck an inbox
cutie pie! guess who
Noone calls me that so I can't guess anon :(
Your a cutie xx
I am a cutie hehe xx
Started to like you but you f***ed me off hope you happy
I wish I knew who you were cause I've never f***ed a girl off? Is this Kara?
You're disgusting, just your head ew wtf you make sick too the stomach don't take selfies it's fkn gross
Thanks anon I bet you wouldn't take it off shows how week you are and myself selfies I love them hehe
Monkeys are cute like you
Aw thanks cutie hehe ;)
thoughts on chloe Thomas
She's nice
Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?
Oh my bestfreind
Ha, wandong..
Ha toughest side in the b grade division f***er!
Hope things get better
Me to anon
How are you?
Like I'm average but I think ill be better tomorrow
Aw dyl, your so nice and a the biggest sweetie. Dont listen to them calling you ugly. Your not. And even if you were how does it effect their life at all?
Aw thanks anon hehe and I dunno I think they may be jelouse cause they can't have me :)))
thoughts on aleisha ?
She's really nice and pretty ;) she makes things awkward sometimes but she's an all round great girl like talking to her aswell :))