Do you love me?
Who are you
I like perving on your b*m at school hehe 😈
Don't have a b*m sorry
Your so *exy so us you're ***hole
Thoughts on Emily kindred?
Hottest year 8! have to choose one.
I'm gong to marry you when we're older ok kool :)
jack! how are ya bud?
Good how are you man
Thoughts on briana burr? 😘 x
Don't know her
You're like the only year 10 I have respect for, you're not a player, you're not looking to get some action you're just a sweet heart. That's so fkn attractive <3
Just keep doing what you're doing
True yeah same
what year 8 girls from broadford would you be mates with? or get to know?
A few
Couldn't ask for a better mate then you mate love you ⤠683216
Same to you buddy don't listen the ****s that put you down love ya bud ❤
Thoughts on Ellie Berkeley? X
Don't know her
**** me hottest year 10 by a mile.
I would do anything to kiss you <3
Ive never met you or talked to you, just heard of you,
You are actually that attractive pwoah,
So are you
I always walk past you at school
You have the most cheesiest smile
Your such a cutie but there's no point inboxing you coz your too popular.
Just inbox me I'm not even popular :/
Would you ever kiss a year 8?
Because I know heaps that would kiss you
Yeah why not
Your so attractive
Can we be friends ?
Inbox me aha
I think your adorable hehe 683216
Yu to bby
you gay f***
Cool brother dude
Holy shi* you are that good looking.
Plz love me
You should inbox me
Inbox me
I would s*ck you so hard
thoughts on jasmine brereton ? :)
Nice and good looking
The things I would do with your **** OMG :))
Thoughts on me :) Georgia_
Nice as and you and Mitch were perfect together
Hottest looking ones you've seen? Just the year 8s and maybe year sevens if possible?
Alysaah and not sure who else
Your sisters gorgeous! <3
I know
4 hottest year 7s , 8s and 9s girls
Don't really know many 7s and 8s but year nine Breanna, grace, Maddison Ryan harmony and a few more :/
Thoughts in Chelsea crump
She seems really nice and she is good looking
Thoughts on kirra
Nice as
your so attractive wooooow
So are you
What do you think of mitchell seeley
Grouse kid
Thoughts on Dylan jay?!
Mum said I'm not allowed to give opinions
Thorghts on Briana burr, Tessa lunn, Louise spiteri, and Makayla snell? xoxo
I only know tessa aha she's nice but I have never talk to the others so would have a clue
Thoughts on me,
(Hint) Oooooooooohh! ;)
You are like a brother man love ya heaps
Thoughts on breanna
She is a nice as chick and good to talk to and hot
Thoughts on Stephen ward
Good kid
thought on emily smith?
Don't really know her but she seems nice
murray ludewig would love to take you home and make you his naughty, naughty boy
Mum said no sorry
Thoughts on kirra marks
Can be nice
Can we kiss plz your gorgeous.
I dont even know you, but f***, wanna kiss?
Why not
thoughts on courtney atkins.
Seems nice I guess
Who was your first root?
Thoughts on Dylan jay?
One of my best mates i would do anything for him
You're so beautiful, can we kiss
You're so hot I want to cry!
Not kidding
You to
Samantha Lewis?
She's a nice person :)
I wank to your photos and this is not Ricky
I do the same to yours rick
Who was your last relationship !
Jazzy ahah
Your wife is hot ;)
Very ;)
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
You fell in cow shi* hahah
Rhett ahah years ago
your the biggest cutie, I want to talk to you to bad but I'm scared to because all your mates will judge me
Inbox me ?
Do u wish u were as cool as me ;) 682928
Yeah mate I try so hard ;)
I would do anything for you
Your such a cutie but I'm to scared to tell you who I am
Inbox me
Reason for your last breakup?
Shouldn't of happend big mistake
who out of all your friends should be single and stay single?
Not sure
Seen a video of you pissing at Bsc toilets Aesop and the teachers were having a good laugh
That's alright
What do u think of Elly Jenkins & Chloe Robbins? :) ChLo3mAre3
Ely is way to shy but nice and Chloe is nice
hey im a person in your year level, i think your really cute but im too scared to inbox you :/
Inbox me
Why are you such a Butt
Thoughts on Jazz Brereton? :) x
Nice and cute x
Your the cutest kid
I'd take your virginity
Already gone