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Tiago ;)


ask what you want but don't be a poes on this

100 Replies

Omw i cant believe we dont talk anymore

You are

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

So I sent booger haha do u know who I am?


AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

You are by far thee most handsome guy I have actually ever seen. I'd love to get to know you and become close with you because you seem like one of thee most amazing people to hang with and I'd like to be able to hug you even just once

Please tell me who you are :)

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

Booger :/ lol if u tune me ill slap u at NG haha stay awesome (:

I dare you you

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

Someone has been playing cuddle buddies off against eachother♡ just kidding love you loads♡♥

Love you 2

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

Hi .. Uhm so I've liked you for a really really REALLY long time now & you never talk to me & that kinda kills me

Well then tell me who you are on bbm

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3734 days ago

I bet you don't if know who sent that cuddle buddy hehe :p


AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Cuudle buddy :p miss you as* hehe !!!stay awesome and amazing :Dlots of love

Lol miss you too cuddle buddy

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Wow... someone is very handsome;;) why can't there be more guys like you around :(

Please ping me :)

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Im sorry TeegZ :)... you know who i am cause im the only one who could have hurt u right now♡:)but grateful to still have u in my life after 5 yearZ of so much up & downs and shiZz.:)& no it wasnt 5 years all for nothing ye</3 but stay strong:)Ye

Thanks Kita

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Hey my freaking Retard xD
Just popping in tooO say hii && I miss you sooO much *tear* blah blah blah , anyWho we should make plans sometime ツ
Kay'bii noweeE laark love you ♡ xP Leeannbouwer

Lol thank you and you too

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Hey tigz jayd here we don't talk often but from what I see on here u have chicks falling 4 u left right and center so don't break any and stay the way u are ♡ x

Will do

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Be mine :* and never let me go ♡

Ping me please

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3735 days ago

Be mine? Please

And who may you be

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3788 days ago

Heyy Tiag0 bOy it's me bεunέ.. Just want tO say hii♡ and loviies you<3 ({}) mwa !

Lovies you too buddy

AWE_TEEGZ replied 3788 days ago