You're the gay one, gay boy
Georgous girl xx <3
Thankyou kind stranger <3
It means... "Hello Abby, you're a potato." Parkway
Parkway drive
It's Hungarian :'( f*** you potato! Parkway
What does it mean then?
What erppp, on a scale from Rhys Mulder to 10 how much swagg do you have?
Isn't is supposed to be on a scale of 0 to Rhys Mulder how much swag do you have? Because you're saying Rhys is the swaggiest ? dah
Szia Abby, te egy burgonya.
^Translate that!<3
I'm sorry but is that even a language?
I'd say i'm about a drag...didn't even inhale!
I wish, I wish...I was a fish.
I wish, I wish.. You\'re a f*****
Do polar bears get lonely?
URL: http://able2know.org/topic/124846-1
Are you a baked potato?
I love asking pointless questions, but that's a statement not a question! OOOOHHHH
11:11 make a wish
I like drawing polar bears in snow storms eating vanilla ice-creams with white sticks and their eyes closed.
That's like my fav hobby! :p
battlefield or call of duty?
as*as*ins creed
I'm a potato, you're from RoseSPUD
Oh good one! :p
You look so hot today rhonda, like a sunrise!
Kiss me katut
why does a round pizza come in a square box?
Because humans are stupid
Inboxings to scary, you inbox me :p
I don't know who you are..
On a scale of 16 maybe 32, how Kerser are you?
On a scale of 1 to Justin bieber how high are you
On a scale of 1 to G6 how fly are you?
Obviously g6..
To***wal, happy hour caravan park
Great place!
Omg bby
It's actually spelt abby*
I know where you holiday ;)
Oh do you now?
yeah who are they
Shania Annie Zoe and courtney. And I'm pretty sure this is one of yous
Prepare yourself, the se*ual questions from ***** guys are coming.
Thanks for the heads up hahah
you're really pretty :3
Aw thankyou :')
best friends?
Mean who are my best friends or....
you b-b-beautiful
Why thank you :)