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I have heard of it, unfortunately don't know where to get ahold of it. Wanna help a girl out?
Misery from 1987. Based on a Stephen King novel. Its not graphic, just psychologicaly ****s u.
When I took him home to meet my family, less than 2 weeks after we started dating. Just took long time to tell him.
I am, yep...
LOL. Wouldn't u like to know, I wud never recommend a product i have never done and abused... #Wink#
My fave subject, ;-). Be VERY explorative of ur body, be very openminded. The best toy, try the old \'\'boring\'\' vibrator, add visual stimulation, p*rn, & ur good to go. Try dif genres of p*rn to c what u r comfy with, oh and erotic literature to set ur imagination alight. If u have a man that will not be threatened by a PLASTIC pleasing u, give him a show that he will never forget. Give him 1 rule only, to not touch u till ur done. If he DOES feel threatened by a plastic ****, well ur in bed with the wrong person.
rnLet me know if u wanna go into fantasies, blindfolds, spanking, etc... #wink#
I sure hope some of his wisdom has rubbed off on me!
Eish. Unfortunately I have. Eish. Thank GOD I got out of it, both parties were not good for me @ all.
LOL. Ok...
rn\'\'I have a man wu is 35 and I am 23\'\', that sounds like a gay frienf of mine. Joking. But my point is, no where on that statement is ur *ex given away. ;-)
I'm wondering if ur male or female... Anyhoo, not really. I dont really read up on them.
I'm 24 and my bf is 37, turning 38 in Dec... Does that answer ur q?
It's spelt 'Linda', with an i. I guess they were not breast feed enough nor hugged enough as children Otherwise,ur guess is as good as mine.
Dumbiest **** and the bestiest thing, solo trip to Mozambique!
I never do and tell....
Wear xtremely tite pink skinny jeans and brite orange shirt and dance to Cabo Snoop's Windeck. LOL
Yep, I have. Stayed in a mildly haunted house for almost a decade. Whenever it was just us children, aged between 6 - 18, awake at anytime in the evening, the lights would go out on their own, red eyes would appear just beneath the tv stand and couches, my little brother would scream loud enough to wake my dad sleeping the other side of the house. When he woke up, the lights come back on their own. I once fell asleep alone in the house, with the lights on in my room, door open with lights on in the hallway. When I woke up, lights were off, door was closed, I felt a VERY hot hand on my hip. Lay there for what felt like forever till I thankfully passed out. When I woke up, all lights were on again but the door was still closed. Initially thought I dreamt it, but I had a green big bruise on my hip.
My God u have got to be a very sad person! Shem, askies neh?
But seriously though, I am starting to think ur momma should have swallowed u b4 u left ur daddy's ball sack. Got no idea what-so-ever how Linda's activities have anything to do with u, BUT i'm happy, we have to be doing something right to get all this attention. ;-).
Oh, I wont be answering ur other's. Going anonymous to say all this, how sad.
U r welcome! That man's books should come with a warning stamp on it that says "WARNING: CONTENTS ARE WITHOUT A DOUBT, ADDICTIVE!"
Tryna decide if I shud dignify this with an answer.... Nah. I will leave ur bitter self to it.
Hhayi kabi neh, but u would never understand. When you find true love, you become like children. And you are just crazy and you wanna tell the whole world. So, ya, people with small brains will probably think it is childish or contrived. We do do you.
Hhayi kabi neh, but u would never understand. When you find true love, you become like children. And you are just crazy and you wanna tell the whole world. So, ya, people with small brains will probably think it is childish or contrived. We do do you.
As long as he doesn't get in my way, I wont shoot.
Start with his 1st books, they r the best coz he was a druggie wen he wrote em so he was in a nutty state of mind. Start with Carrie, The Stand, Firestarter, Misery, Pets cemetary, The Shining and Night Shift. My all time fave movie is Storm of the century which is about 4hrs long. i learnt that its originaly called Stephen King's Storm of The Century. Excuse my french, but its FCUKEN brilliant!! If ur like me, u'l find the man's books to be addictive. I have read all his old books and screenplays, the last book I read of his was The Dome, it was ok. He had quit drugs at this point, so it was just ok.
Rice with cooked tinned fish in mayo. YUM!
Lesbians, gays, straight people, we all bleed the same. If u can't stand, no 1 is forcing you to be in their presence.
Neither, but if I had to choose, it wud be law.
Whoa! Thats like asking a mother which child is her fave. I have no fave book, but a number of fave authors. Like Stephen King, Patricia Cornwel, Virginia Andrews.... Shud I go on?
In Primary read 5 books a month. In high school wen i discovred boys, I read 3 a month. In college wen I hit the city, I read about 6 books a month. Now in the working world, I try at least 1 book a month. So far, I have lost track.
Oook. Yes, I am.
Hmm, ya neh. I really intrigue u neh? ;-) As for keeping in shape, I am a lazy person. Havnt done gym since Jan, I dont walk much. Thank God I am not really into junk food!
U have no idea! Everytime I get a question like that, i reach for a bin and barf!
1st Q: Y wud I wanna do such a terrible thing?
2nd Q: I give up.
I do? ;-) I\'m not always positive, I\'m good at bull****ting sometimes.
Roses smell like poo, i love the Blue Orchid or White Lily.
Nonyabiznis. Next!
Ha ha ha.. Yeah i do.
I trust to a certain extent, in everyone there is a potential enemy. But I have only 1 safe house, Linda.
Uhm.. Definition of bestfriend?
I would love to, but I doubt Yende would like that. If I could to, I would like my next location to be Greece.
Yho! U sure as hell surprised him. He was probably working his moves on her and she didnt think there was some1 in the pic already. Yall working things out?
Ook. Found them doing what exactly? What was their body language? I can't jump to conclusion merely coz she was there.
Err, my parents r divorced?? Wrong person dude.
If there is going to be an issue from friends coz of an age factor, well they can step. I dont have time for trivial issues. Besides, its ME he is with, not them Has nothing to do with em.
Refer to Linda.
Eish, Mxit Language! My most painful moment is not for public consumption. My saddest moment though, was when I tried to open up to my then boyfriend about that moment and he wasn't interested. In fact, he rejected me. Don't think I ever forgave him nor let it go... Ya neh.
Other women who compare themselves to their partners ex, thats pathetic. Women who thinks falling pregnant will make him stay. I repeat, pathetic.
Being single for 10 months. Was hard, but it led me to the love of my mine. The fears of the past, troubles and insecurities was immediately shed off, I am where I belong.
Waiting period from when? 1st day we spoke? Met? Started dating? Kissed? What?
O rata di taba! Me...
My age, 24? Nope. 27 - 38.
I am very experimental and comfortable with my *exuality. Most def! Without my self confidence, my *ex life would be dead!
Wow. Thank u! What makes me, me? Well, gee, uhm, lemme think... My values, my mindset, I can adapt easily to any environment, I love love my own company, can never get bored with me. That question is not something easily answerable. What breaks me? Hmmm, not sure I really want to let that 1 out. I don't think I am breakable, maybe dented here and there, but not breakable. I am a strong person.
LOL. Feel weird? Should it? Not to me, i love as*, too phly...
Yes, he supplies me with brown sugar @ discount prices. Mxm
Good 4 u... So?
I realised on our 1st date that he is the male version of me. Coz of fear and denial, it took me a while to admit it....
To be at peace with myself, thats my ultimate goal.
Besides that Linda makes me feel very secure, I have always been that type of a person. If I don't have a reason to doubt or be unhappy, I will not nag unnecessarily nor go looking for issues. But overall, Linda gives me that security I want.
Eish. I'm sure u would. #WinkWink#
#ShakingMyHead# Ask me something I would actually want to answer.
Why would I do such a thing? If I cheat, means something is lacking in the relationship. Confessing, would mean that I want him to dump my as*. No way!
Nope. We don't consider ourselves such, we have egos but not THAT huge. Like u said, u read a qoohme about me being asked that, so clearly whoever asked that, seems to put us on that pedestal.
I am. I'm still trying to find myself.
Eish, mxit language! I almost didn't answer this 1, but oh well....
Most people look up to Linda, I get the minimal attention. But yeah, we have people who look up to us as a couple. You would not believe the number of 'Psycho Alerts' that go off. I get a lot friend requests from some of his FB friends, lately I have rejected all of em. Only a few will I let through, esp if we have interacted on an update of his. Don't really care about peoples reaction or thoughts if we ever break up, GOD forbid. We are mature and sensible enough not to air our dirty laundry in public. At this point, it is 'us against the world' with everything that comes at us.
Never had it.
Eish. Think I am getting old or my job is slowing me down. Last time I did something like that was in 2009. Took an unplanned solo trip to Mozambique for 7 days. Man did I have a CRAZY as* TIME!! Now when I look at movies like The Hostel and Taken, I'm thinking WTF was I thinking??! But I would soooo do it again!
Eish. Think I am getting old or my job is slowing me down. Last time I did something like that was in 2009. Took an unplanned solo trip to Mozambique for 7 days. Man did I have a CRAZY as* TIME!! Now when I look at movies like The Hostel and Taken, I'm thinking WTF was I thinking??!
LOL. Well, before I can answer this, Linda has to pop the question.
The most I can hope for is a good friendship, we apparently have a lot in common so those are good grounds to start on.
Thank you so much! We both know what we have, appreciate it and are fiercely protective over it. Thank you!
#TakingADeepBreath# Not an easy 1 to answer. I do know that there will be an open channel of communication, they way we have it rite now, if not bust open. Some things I am learning from Linda as he was married b4, so some things I thought I may want to instill, I change my mind later on. Def not suffocate each other, give each other a lot of space (trying to convince him we shud have 2 main bedrooms, he aint budging, lol), not lose ourselves in each other as some couples tend to do. COMMUNICATION AND RESPECT each other in any situation. We are both very verbal, we lay it out, take care of it, not dwell on it, move on and not go back to it. I think we would look at both our parents to see how they do it and learn from them. I would like 3 of my own kids and adopt another. We have not exactly agreed on the adoption part, so work in progress.... As to why, 3 isn't so much, a good number. Why I want to adopt? Just something I am passionate about, there are way too many unwanted babies out there.
Well, I call him my Mr Big for a reason...LOL. Ok, 1st thing that attracted me was how similar we are. Our 1st date went like 'Whoa!! Get outta here! U too?? This is freaky!'. I love that he hears me and he listens to me, I never have to repeat myself. He just gets me, understands me b4 even I understand myself sometimes. I feel safe with him, can show my vulnerable side without worrying I would be rejected or judged. He is able to reign me in when I seem to be getting off track. He gels in very well with my family, my dad loved him even b4 we started dating. My mom just heard about this Linda character and told me he is the 1. He is such an amazing father! I am often asked if I am comfortable dating someone who is a father, a divorcee and with such an age gap between us. Honestly, I would not have it any other way. It's all of that, that has made him the man I could not help but fall 4. Him being a divorcee and a father, has moulded him into my ideal man.
Ya neh. #Exposed# Rather a girly girl, tomboys can walk on by.
I am 24 years young. I trust Linda very much, has never given me a reason to doubt him. ;-) Thank u!! Mwah.
Aahh, thank u Anonymous!! #TakingABow# Have a fab Sunday urself.
Knew i would eventually get a question like this. I wud deal with it like a lady.
Well, he has met his FB buddies the same way we met.
LOL. How explicit must a girl be?
Ha ha ha. I have my moments. Today I went thru the day feeling like an ugly duckling. Then I got undressed to shower, walked passed my mirror, took a brief look @ myself and thought DAMN!!! My as* is too phly, Linda is a lucky man. ;-)
I run a madhouse.
Guesthouse Manager
My full name ke Moyagabo.
Tjrr!! Yho! No and yes.
No, haven't met her yet. Time 4 everything, plus am nervous as hell! I dnt comment on all hs updates, bt i do m0st of em if i have somthng to add. If i dnt reply to som1 on my update, i either had nothing to add or i just moved on to the next 1.
I have the same fear, havnt conquered it yet. No, i dont hav my own kids. My 'kids' r my sisters children, Linda knows them all.