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Alexandra Medina


Ask me anything you like anonymously

153 Replies

Which song do you think you repeated the most ?

No clue I would have heaps ahahahah

AlexMedina replied 3285 days ago

Who do you have a thing with?

Inbox me

AlexMedina replied 3285 days ago

Do you always look hot!

I'm not even ahahah, who is this

AlexMedina replied 3287 days ago

Do you have a thing with someone

Currently: Yes I do :) xx

AlexMedina replied 3287 days ago 1

What happened between you and Liam

We decided to end things I guess wasn't feeling the same anymore

AlexMedina replied 3287 days ago

Which movie s*cked for you this year ?

Heaps ahahahah

AlexMedina replied 3287 days ago

What type of people bore you ?

People that dont like to push the boundaries

AlexMedina replied 3287 days ago

Hey Alex xx have u started the music yet? Cause if u have u can add whatever song you want! And could u add other good remixes too. Love u x Maggie.Copeland

Hey babe xx , I have started and half way through only thing is that half of the music won't download for me xx but ill try my hardest to get it for you xx but I will be done by Thursday

AlexMedina replied 3311 days ago 1

If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?

BELLA! And cause I'm crutches so she has to do everything for me. even whilst I pee she has to hold my crutches ahahahahahahh

AlexMedina replied 3316 days ago 1

Who was your first crush ?

Can't even remember ive had so many boyfriends

AlexMedina replied 3322 days ago 1

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

No clue :)

AlexMedina replied 3322 days ago

What was your first cellphone ?


AlexMedina replied 3331 days ago

What was your dream yesterday?


AlexMedina replied 3349 days ago

What would make you happy?

For me and bailey to be friends (and will but he like hates me)

AlexMedina replied 3349 days ago 1

Ok babe i hope ur ok!! Maggie.Copeland

Yea I am thanks for looking out for me Mag xx

AlexMedina replied 3349 days ago 1