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ask want ha wanna know

64 Replies

Whoever said that about my bestfriend Bella. I'd watch what your say, because she isn't ugly or gay, she is one of the kindest person I've met and she is gorgeous. Leave Bensen and her relationship alone Cordial99

Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

Idk tbh

Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

Fav Yr10s AT ksc


Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

Fav y ear 6s at kps! ( honestly )


Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

Whoever said that about Bella can get sterilised! Ugh pathetic. Court_burke

Yeah true

Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

Who is your girlfriend WTF SHES GAY AND UGLY

Umm that's nice

Bensen_911 replied 3389 days ago

Fav Yr8s AT ksc

Girls-Bella. Boys-heaps

Bensen_911 replied 3392 days ago

Fave year 8s at shc

Don't really have any year 8 favs

Bensen_911 replied 3393 days ago

Thoughts AlexMedina

Your a like one of my favourite yr 8 friends I haven't really known you for that long but your really nice and funny

Bensen_911 replied 3397 days ago 1

Top 5 people you'd date

I honestly don't think that Incould honestly answer that

Bensen_911 replied 3399 days ago

Top 3? From any school


Bensen_911 replied 3399 days ago 1

Top 5 from SHC (year 7)

I acutally dont know

Bensen_911 replied 3400 days ago

Top 5 at kps?

Umm I wouldn't know

Bensen_911 replied 3402 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?


Bensen_911 replied 3410 days ago

Top 5

Maddy bella Courtney Jess ella

Bensen_911 replied 3410 days ago 1