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Ask me something or go away :)

395 Replies

I have herpes......


Alexia.99 replied 2472 days ago 1

why is there never anyone there when you need someone the most

Because people s*ck

Alexia.99 replied 2472 days ago

Yo can you not steal my hoodie? Thanks ????

Don't have such a good hoodie... I would like it back thank you ;)

Alexia.99 replied 2671 days ago

to simplify it for you, hating someone you care about

I need more of an explanation then that..

Alexia.99 replied 2671 days ago

Can i give you my insta account and you logon upload whatever u want idc whateva then you just logoff and laugh after

Um sure?..

Alexia.99 replied 2671 days ago

how can someone care about another so god damn much, but still hate them the most... lifes logic

Um?... please explain?

Alexia.99 replied 2709 days ago

What percentage is your phone's battery on right now?


Alexia.99 replied 2709 days ago

What is the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?

Not a clue.

Alexia.99 replied 2809 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

Couldn't say.

Alexia.99 replied 2815 days ago

Why are you not a millionaire?

Because I like makeup :3

Alexia.99 replied 2831 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

I'd give it to people who needed it more then I did.

Alexia.99 replied 2833 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

Couldn't choose

Alexia.99 replied 2840 days ago

What or who , do you think about the most ?

I think the most about homework, and when school will be over :')

Alexia.99 replied 2850 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

If I said, then the person I told it to wouldn't be happy ;)

Alexia.99 replied 2854 days ago

What do you envy about the opposite $ex?

It being socially acceptable not to wear a top.

Alexia.99 replied 2878 days ago