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Stephanie Daniels


Ask me anything you like anonymously

28 Replies

Thoughts on me since you love me :* Alexia.99

Eww I hate your guts....jks Alecia I love you so much and I think you are just amazing, we are really close and in summer you are my are fun to be around and even though we have fights we still seem to make up for it in the up coming years...I can't wait till we are both old enough to drink then we will have a lot of you so much xx

Stephiepants replied 3348 days ago 1

What would make you happy?

1. If people knew how to reply 2. If boys would treat me how they would treat guys 3. If people realised what they are saying 4. If people stopped bullying my friends 5. If everyone just got along I know I'm asking for a lot but people need to realise this stuff

Stephiepants replied 3348 days ago

Thoughts on zac robinson

He is an awesome guy, good to talk to, overall he's just a guy that can be nice but when he needs to he can be mean to make a point...... Atm we aren't talking as much but I hope we can xx

Stephiepants replied 3452 days ago



Stephiepants replied 3454 days ago

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?

My bae Alecia :* <3

Stephiepants replied 3454 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

Close friends and my dog

Stephiepants replied 3475 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?

Out of town, but not too far out

Stephiepants replied 3525 days ago

Thoughts xx Cynthiiaaa

You're one of my best friends, I could go on for hours but just to sum it up, your a best friend anyone is lucky to have you, you are beautiful and you know how to comfort people when they feel down xx lave ya xx

Stephiepants replied 3553 days ago 1

Top ten best friends xx

Alecia Allaway, jasmine Wakeling, Mia speirs, Vanessa peiper, daniel baker, Nicholas vercoe, Sydne swift, Cynthia jolly, Taylor Collins, taylah dogget xx

Stephiepants replied 3572 days ago

What have you lied about lately ?

Tbh nothing

Stephiepants replied 3572 days ago

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

What is my purpose in life??

Stephiepants replied 3574 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?

Friends that care!!! There not everywhere!!

Stephiepants replied 3578 days ago

What do you do when you angry?

Walk to my room and slam the door!!

Stephiepants replied 3585 days ago

Current mood?


Stephiepants replied 3593 days ago

Do you think you're attractive

Not really..... Inbox!!

Stephiepants replied 3600 days ago