NuShii BuShiiiii..... YoOoH LovAbLe PerSooN*Qii. . . BaiE DanKiE viR jOu LOvEAbLe FrieNdShiPpiE*Qii... En JaH joU kniEe iS noGstEedS MooI... Al iS onS noU "GrOoT" (GrAPpiE) joU knieGabLe LovAblE peRsooN blY NeT wiE jy iS!!* ChaNteLLie_
Nααhw... Dαnk*̩ε tellii wellii , jah☺ εk (: sal(( haha)) εk (: *̩s s0 lief v*̩я j0u !!!°
Heloooo mii Nushii !! I miss & lovies yewww vewiii muchies !! ♥ stay A-M-A-zing my se*xii blondiQii :p . . . From: yo 1 & only NiecieQii !!
Hεhε miis y0u 0ngel00flik bjah !!!*_ m0et ietsie reel !!° _ εk (: sal whiir _ nααhw... ,l0viiz y0u !
Hoe se ek vir jou ek like jou
Ehh _*???
Ons praat soos nooit op bbm ni ma jy lyk na een stunning en amazing girl :)
DanKii, maar s0as , se net hey 0f hell0 0f iiets dan kan 0ns Praat ??*
Hoeveel ouens het jy al gehad in die H/S
_ ehh ping m*̩*̩ ?? And i'll tell y00hz ...
Wie is ☃?
Jy(•: m̶̲̥̅̊
ε̲̣τ̣ wεεt hkm ?
Hєу°◦nuShii .. D*Ì©Æ tOernoOii ..whoOp whoOp ..*!! ÆƘ♥ *Ì©s maNt sO #excited ..*:D GaN kOm kYk hOe speeL jY ..((WinK winK )) heHe !!* weLL bYe bYe nOu ..*xXx MuPpetQii304
Whh00p wh00p !!° kanii wag n*̩ε !•, gan j0u 00hk k0m 0ndersteun MateRkii !!!° liefies j0u!!° xx
NUSH...SGS dogters 0/19!!! Nough said!!!*Hahaha LieFFiies jou mal baie...Kan nie meer wag nie tel die dae af!!*Ek kon rerig nie vir 'n beter span vra nie.*xxx *C*
Nααhw... , ja ee beste spannii'kii 00iit !!° liefies j0u 0hk!!° xx
Seeing you smile.....
N0t seeing y0u ...
Ehh ... M0enii w0rrii n*̩ε 0hkii ??
Praat jy en dylan nog?
Εή :] jy m0et wεεt h0ek0m ?? (:
Liefies •J̣̣̥uω☺ ook bja kani wag tot more toe ni ♡•Hεhε•
Hε̲ү"̮♡ anushii ek wil net se bly die beste moet nie laat iemand jw afbreek ni asb keep smiling en moet nooit verander ni asb van nikita
DanKii...° εή :] jYy 00hk n*̩ε neH!!*_ hierdie jAar t0ern00I kan n*̩ε wagh n*̩ε j0Ng!!° ennnnnnnn o̶̲̥̅̊
ƨ̣̣̇̇•« *̩s ƌ*̩ε d0ele wh00p wh00p hεhε !!° liiefiies j0Uz
Van wie hou jy
Ehh_* thiis »•“ B 0 y ”•« ;;)
Is jy single?
D00 dAA D00 DaA _ «
You are so pretty!!
Thank y0u (: _ PiNg m*̩*̩?
Ek is so bly dylan is nou myne
Well geluk v*̩я j0u !!*
Hallo wats ju bbm pin*
Hi ja dylan is myne!!!
Bly v*̩я j0u !!° :]
Hєу˚° ..*SE hUlle "ChriSsa*†heheZ !* mA anYwayZ nuShii *̩‎​♡u2∞ buDdii ..* * .. BLeH *! BLy Ñ•Ï…Ïα* Ñ•Ïєѕιααℓ*♥ ..* xX amOr*Qii ..* waHaHa !!!*((eviL faCii )) MuPpetQii304
Hell0.. *̩ ♡u2∞. «!!!.. Dαnk*̩ε KAAS munciEr... Whahahawhaa
Is dit jou shizface!! Ek heti tyd vir jou nie hoor jy vir my tjom jy kan dink wat jy wil van jouself maar vat my man tot man aan more dan kyk ons ok want as ek mos so groot is wat is jy dan is klein pissie sal nie lelike woorde gebruik want jy isi moeite werd Chrissa_07
Se h0m Chris... 0h myy hell.. 0uu kryy 'n lewe!!..m0ennii ander seuns slegse net 0mdat jyy n*̩ε 1 *̩s n*̩ε 0hkii ;) ... Dαnk*̩ε Chris...({})
Ag hoor nou weer vir macho man!!!! Ek sal dylan se wat ek wil!!
Agh... Shame.. Wat van jyy h0uu j0uu m0nd_en l0s al2 van hulle yt 0hkii?... Hulle *̩s meer mature as j0uu... 0hkii... !!!!*
Hey Nush** jy is soooo spesiale meisiki** ek mis jule rgtg bje!! En miis jo pragtige nefi soos i mal mens.. J mut i leker aandji heâ€
Soet wees** and remeMberR Zani LoveS yo0oh neh**
Dαnk*̩ε Elzann'ii... Jah..•εk« *̩s kwaad daar00r!!.. Mααя* BLY p0sitief!!!... Mis j0uu !!..εή :] dαnk*̩ε!!... Ŀ♡v• Y00h ²!!!..
Hey julle peanuts wat my tjomma Dylan sleg se op my vriendin se Qoohme kom ek se so neh jou peanut ek sal jou gesig in druk waar die son nie skyn want of jy kry respek vir Anunu's en my buddy of jy gaan kry iets wat jou boring lewe besig hou ok!!!!!! Chrissa_07
Jah...0ehh...!!!! Vat ˚đ°̩t̶̲̥̅̊
˚ by 1 van ƌ*̩ε awes0meste mense!!!... Dαnk*̩ε Chris'ii...
Hi hoop dit gaan goed
Jah_k0m 0ns se mααя* dit gan g0ed...
Hay yoOhZz awesOmely amaZing persoOnQii** nhe heheZz rai wii* ((my nawpii* begin met n MMMMM)) liefieZz jw mal bje Anushii* dnQii* dat jy soa ouwlike maiQii* is!!* :) ({}) ....* TrOubleTwin
M*̩*̩ Mawlene'qii...hHεHhε... L0viiz y00h ² nhe!!! ...
... Hiihii ... n0-0ne... X_X
Wat is jou fav. Color?
ScruBBle ScruBBle_NuShii yOohz beTtaW staY yOohZelF 4evA cuZ yOoR tOOo AwEsoMe bROoO_l♡ve YOohZ loTz_&& as EniGiemnD met mii nuShii wilL SuKkel sl ekA juLLe uiTsoRteer mT eEn puNch_sOo StaY aWayZ i can get agrO...Nushii Stay Blonde && AMa-zinG Xx♡ Binxii404
Binxii-Winxii... ThatS ² speciaL...l0viez y00h ²!!!-if s0me0ne..changeS y00h...*̩'ll punch them like heavii hard..!!! , 0hw..y00h cann get agr0!!..with permissi0n!!!...=D ... Whyy d0es everii0ne,call m*̩*̩ bl0ndii??(X_X) ... Dinn0 whyy??°..
Hey moennie lat mense jou afbreek nie*!! Just smile!!
Dαnk*̩ε ... Εή :] •εk« sal...° ( :] )
Hkm hou jy nog van dylan? Hys f****
Ehh_ nεε..hy *̩s n*̩ε [ ;) ] || and wh0 saiid *̩ like hiim?° :)
You are awesome
Thank y00h..]
F*** dylan
_* l0s h0m yt?!!!_ || 0h εή :] v*̩я j0u 00hk ;)
Wat is jou beste vriendin se naam?
Chantel_Le_R0uX...° :)
Just say yess my hunnybun/WHITE patato/greem salad/ pork chop... I love you to the moon and back to infinity and beyyoonnnnd
[ :) ] shame...*
My lief waarheen is jy oppad met daai voete.. Want daai bene roep my naam.... En daai oe...
..° n*̩ε na j0u t0e n*̩ε.. (( ;] )) || well my☃˚ 0e kk n*̩ε v*̩я j0u n*̩ε.. Sh0cker..HAA
Hoori seuntjie of dogtertjie.. Los my en my lief yt ohky!? (Raised eyebrow)
Ehh... JYyh°◦˚* n*̩ε my☃˚ liefii n*̩ε...εή :] •εk« isa n*̩ε j0u liefie n*̩ε!!...0hkii?..εή :] L0S MY☃˚ YT
Horrii ou , los haar yt!,
(( '.) ]
But but why you say no.. I took time to write poem and know you tell me down!! Not nice... I'll be the chip dip if you'll be my white patato
Yahh_i'll turn y00h d0wn... '.) ... *̩ d0nt kn0w wh0 y00h are... S0... N0...
I Can't PING you.. Because I'm a secret admirer and I love you my little pork chop.. Stay with me forever...ill the mustard dip for your pork chop
((_ what if_n0_)) n0...
What if i like you?
What if *̩ d0nt kn0w wh0 y00h are?° (( =D ))
Iston houwen....... Lallalla I'm the little butterfly... And your the honey.. Let me be your honey...please honey bun
What??... Thats cute butt...d0nt kn0w wh0 it *̩s...PING M*̩*̩!!...(( :] )) plz?
Sal jy met my ytgan?
*̩ d0nt kn0w y00h...° ??? N0_
NuShii ..* laFFieZ y00h baiie KAAS munCher !!* bLy s0 inCrediBLeY bL0nD ..*((wink)) MuPpetQii101
(( What??...thankzz...(( :] )) *̩ will try ...butt..like d0 y00h ever think the bl0ndness will g0 away?(( Laughing)) l0viezz y00h ²
Hkm is jy en dylan yt? Hy weet nie wat hy verloor het nie!!! Hys f****** stupid!!!
*♒0hkYy-*..nehh... 1stens_ m0ennii vl0ek n*̩ε..° εή :] dan... Wat00kal.. 0ns Friends!!*en l0s h0m yt.. 0h my☃˚ siel..!!! Regtig kry 'n lewe..m0enii h0m sleg se n*̩ε!!
Wie is jou top 5 seuns wie jy like?
Ehh_ t0p 5 hmm?°... at this m0ment... 1.*̩'ma n0t g0nna tell ya (( ;) )) 2. Academy 3. Academy 4. Academy and 5.academy (( :] ))

Sooo I kinda sorta wrote what I wanted to write here on Facebook....!(•_•)
Haha uhmmm coz it was too long…»»LOL
ROAR …meow… woof… mooooooo…»*¿
Shhhh... Bunnies.!!:D
Love wabbit tabbit doo daa!!#...?
...° WABBIT_haaha..Ŀ♡v• Y00h!!*_ biGg wabbie tabbie...° (( g0carts))...n0t an g00d idea ey..°..n0000...haha..g0t hurt_..g0t thee fb messege as we'll :D
Wat is jou posisie in netbal?
AV *[anvallende vlieel]*
Hou jy nog van dylan?
Did y00h kn0w_that... Uhm... There's fish in da see?°(( :] ))
HelLooOw mii Nushie!!!*lieFies jOu M.A.L bja kinTa..*:-P**hehe stAy awesOme,blOnd en sO I bubbly persoOn..*:-P*(hugGiesS) JeAnNeQfOuRiE
Wh0 iz itz?*_ waiit *̩ kn0wzz... ITS J•E•4•A•N•N•E!!!!!! Liefie j0u th0usand times mal bjah!!°... *̩'m n0t bubblii...ppffftttsscchh...(( But bl0nde?)) L0viiz y00h..°(HuGZ)°
Wie like jy?
...° 0re0s?..:D
NuShii ..* lieFieZ y00h s0a bJa bJa maiQii ..*heheZ .!*bLy s0a aMazinGLy weirD && taLkaTiVe .!*HeheZz .((KAAS )) MuPpetQii101
Liefies...j0u 0hk..and ffankz..(( :] )) my☃˚ m0uth..never runns 0ut..°(( :p )) ((MUNCH))
Hkm is jy en dylan yt?
:] _
You are awesome!!
°[ thank y00h_ and y00h are...²...