Jeanne van Niekerk
Hii к̣̣̥α̇̇̇̊п̥̥ εk asb Michael van Gustav se pin kry?
Hey!*..uhh hehe jah suRe vra mii 0p bbm...*:)*as*eblieFies...??*
Me hungry... U got ice cream??? MichaelQ02
Me hungry...I have ice-cream!*Lets share ice-cream??*:-P*
Elo myse cream soda will manet se hey lol en miss jw vreeslik bja kani wag om jw wea te sien nie lief jw vreeslik bja MichaelQ02
HalLoOoOw mii GranadilLa twiStii/Legit/awesOme/butaQii persoOnQii!!*misS jOu owk flipPen bjA!!(Het jOu soOs 3dae truG gesien maar steEdZ!!!!)LieFies jou owK heaVii bJa!!!*eN oNs gaWn gaWn mOevii nHe!!!*:D*hehe staY awesOme eN leGendaRy!!*(diS nie I keUse nie dis jOu eienskapPe!!)
So u will kiss someone if it snows this winter
DuDe!!!*thaT was flipPen sarcasM!! If your with me while it snows all you gona get is a snOwbaLl fight =))....*hehe lOzer!!!
Where do you think is the perfect place to have a kiss...and when?
All I am sayiNg is iF I haVe tO kisS sOmeOne it will snOw..:-P*
Hi miii lil poptart,ur awesome,and u beter stay awesome, coz poptarts are irreplaceable!!!! :p
HalLoOow!!*:D* liefieS jOu bJa my **TweedLedum**:D*hehe yOoh is inrepLaceabLe 2 nHe mii maiQii!!!* your very owN...TweedledeE..:-P*
Hey my tjom jy moeti my kom sleg se nie want dat jy kla so vol van jouself is wys kla jy isi beter as enige mens en glo my jy isi beter as Wian nie jy sal wens om so rustig en snaaks en al daai goed te wees soos hy daai man pas vir Jeanne mooi op Chrissa_07
Ahw!!!!*bJa bJa bJa danQii Chris!!*lieFies jOu maL bJa mii maiQii!!*danQii dat jy altyd dasOw is vimmii!!!!*(hugGiezZ)jy is reriG awesOme!!!!:P* jah dOnt mess witH me and my poPpeyE..:-P*
I am beter then your ex..AND hotTer then your next...
Hehe!!*Tell me aNother jOke!!*
You always act as if you ok..even if your broken down in so many pieces..I wana know why hide the pain inside your heart!why not tell people how you feel and just admit I AM N0T can't do that your just like I am always ok:) but your not
Its easier tO faKe a smilE..theN tO explain why yOur saD...*:)*
Hey chatterbox he he jy moet so weet wie die is want die mensie liefies sy beste mai'Q mal baie en hoop dat jy n wonderlike dagi het en sommer baie giggle soos jy jou naampie gekry het he he(hug) Chrissa_07
Hehe ahw!!!!!*bJa danQii!!!!!*liefies jOu owkk mal bJa my awesOme maiQii!!!!!!!!**hehe jaH ek het daAi naAmpies verdieN:-P*:0*:))*heEheE bJa danQii wAardeUr dit bja oM sO I awesOme kiCk-as*ed persoOnQii te he soOs jy!!!*yOoh jusT mad my smiLe liGht uP:)*
Hko isit so groot deal dat jy nie wil se nie?
TheY wOuld juDGe you if yOu did it...
TheY wil judGe yOu if yOu diD nOt...
So ratHer keEp tHe answEr iN yOur heaRt...
WHere the litTLe secretS are lOcked uP..* <3
You say you like gummybearz mmmmm?so if u talk about gummybearz when som1 askes about kissing then that must mean you like kissing eyy? •]••´º´•»Ŀ♡Ŀ«•´º´••[•. Haha loviez jw jw awesome meisieQ
Hehe LOL!!!*ek weEt S00000 wie die is!!!*:-P*hehe Net jY!!*hahaha I dO nOt meaN it liKe thaT:-P*:D*hehe liefies jOu owk my maiQii ((M))snaAkse manneQii jy!!
MY kLeiN teLLitUbii ..!*:D lieFieZ y00h mii maiQii ..!* heheZz && bLy s0a bL0nd so0s waT jYy iS ..* waHaHa ..(( C0nFuSed faCii )) .. Hehe * danQii vii aLz !!* d0 n0t .. UNdeR aNy cHanCe .. EVeN aS eK aL j0u guMmii bearZ vAt cHanGe nii xXx *(( huGii)) MuPpetQii101
Hehe ahw!!!!!!!!*lieFies jOu MAL bja my Pumpkin Pie!!*(aMorQii)jy rOck bly awesOme!!!!!!*dOnt leT lOzers eVer ruiNe yOur hapPiness:-P* (hugGiezZ)
JE4ANNE... Nushii hiers0... Wεεt jy wat neh?? :0 ..•ΕK« *̩‎S bjah lief vit j0u!!°..εή :] as iemand j0u verander... Slaan •εk« hy/sy se k0p af :0...((#stayawes0me)) Anushii_
Hehe ahw!!!!*liefies jOu owk bja Nushie!!*saL owk ieMand puNch vir joU:-P*:0*stAy awesOme!!!* xXxxX(hugGiezZ)
Het jy al iemand gesoen?
I like gummybearZ don't yooh??*i always bite theiR heaDz of first sO then I dOnt have tO see their faCes when I eat them..and then they can't fiGht baCk?!*:0* wait what was the QuestiOn again?*i think I answered it:)* :0
Het jy al jOu 1st kiss geHad?
I like gumMybeaRz..*dOnt yOoh liKe gummybearZ?!!*
Wie se lil poptart is jy? Of wie is jou lil poptart?
Jy is rerig awesome..:)*.. ""BOB""
Tnx mii bOB yoOh 2 nhe!
They will hate you if your pretty
They will hate you if your not
They will hate you for what you lack
They will hate you for what you got..
(M.a.w moenie veraner nie jy is awesome,mense moet net hul ogies owpmawk!)
Hehe aahhhw!!!*bja danQii!!*ek dink ek weet wie die is..*:D
You are pretty..don't question it..believe it...*
Tnx yoOh..*:)*
Van wie ALMAL hOu jy???...*(die hehe lysie as*eblief!)
*̩ dOnt haVe a l*̩st...*̩ am nOt a player..*̩ onLy likE thiS oNe ♥♥SPEC*̩AL GUY♥♥
Hey ou giggels dis uuhhhm Waterboy hierso he he ek wil net hallo se vir die oulike mai'Q van my he he en dat jou chin reg gaan kom bid vir jou my mai'Q jy moet n lekker dag he neh((hug)) Chrissa_07
Hεε Hεε..*helLooOw!!*hehe иааннωωω ва*̩ԑ ÐaиQ*̩*̩!!*lieFies jw m°̩°̩ maiQii!!!*
Is die oukie waarvan j hou in jou klas!!!!????
nOpe..hahaha..Zii haVes a speCiaL peRsOn...* Hεε Hεε ...* (laShes)
WhO dO Уou mis frOm gussies??
This *̩s getTin laMez!!!* sO pls stOp it stAys tje saMe!!* Ricky,Kiola,tHe tWinS,...aNd eVerii1 elSe!!!*serioUslii bUt MosTlii Michael:-P he *̩s the oNly oNe i stilL taLk tO
Helo...!!! Mii gummiebear...!!!! Lov u !!!
Hεε Hεε!!*helLooO mii GummiibeAr l*̩еF*̩еs jw oWk mii maiQii
Hey you lil poptart :p can u geuss ???!!!! Hehe wafz ya buddie stay awesome
Hεε Hεε helLoOo mii maiQii!!!*net HenryQii sаl menSe PoPtarTs noeM!!*:-P*hehe lafF yoOh buDdie!!!* Hεε Hεε tnX yoOh 2
Jello myse cweams soda liefies jw vreeslik bja. Me missing uz like cwazy lol can't wait to seee uz agai :D MichaelQ02
HeEelL000 mii GranidelLa twiSt*ie!!!* l*̩еFies jw owK ва*̩ԑ!!!!*en miS jw owKZ..* mааr sаl kOm kuiEr!!!* :D
Van wie hou j?????!!!!!!
PinG m°̩°̩ oP bBm..*dAn sε Ԑƙ jw!!!!*
Hey Jeanne gaan jou rerig baie mis ek is nogsteeds soooo verskriklik baie liefies vir jou en hoop sommer ons gaan GREAT buddy's wees lekker aandjie he en bly so pragtig soos jy is don't change for no one Chrissa_07
Liefies jw oWk!*en oNs gaAn greAt maiQies weEs moeNnie worRii nii!!!* && jy gaAn my n*̩e mis n*̩e..want Ԑƙ beplan n*̩e op weg te gaan n*̩e:-P!!* hehe ва*̩ԑ dankie vir so I oulike boOdskapPie
HeEheE* ({}) *** Blo0p!*
Hey Jeannie!*we were SupA weird in EnG 2day*
HeHe jaH!!*heEheE luVieS u tAmmYQii*
Heya Jeannie!*its Tammy* I lovies u so much and miss u a lot!(Kissy facie) I hope I get 2 see u at karate!*mwaH!*
Ey tAmmY luvZ u2 mii budDy!!!*jah See ya at karate
Ek hw vn jw
AhW!!!*((EyElAshES***HeeHeE***)). HeEheE danQ*ii
Ay Myy* MiNii'Qiii* ;) I LoViEz u 2 aLL oF tHe ShInY StArZ AnD bAcK!!!!!* JyZ EeN AwEsOme** Mai'Qii* hehe** AnD rEmEmBa 2 StAy BLoNd nEh** Hehe** XoXo*!! MiNii*+TiNkii* 4 EvA!!!!!* :P MarlieQii
HeEheE ahw liefiEs jw 2 tHe m00n nd back!!!heEheE!!!MaRlieQii((mii TinkiQii)))Ek diNki blonD iS I ch0ice vi oSi iT liKe parT oF the pacCage!!!heEheE
Hay Jeanne'qii. Miss jou verskriklik baie {J}☹♥✽✆
Ey misS jw o0k!
I love you but I can't tel you I am very scared but I realy love you you are a very pretty girl
Ey!!!*tNx ((blushY faCiE))plS piNg mE oN bBm({})
:p HELLO :p
WoW.... U are seriously hot...:O
Jeanneeee geuss who....daai gras*ies ÈŠÌŠÌÚª beautiful btw!! henry65
Ey heNryQii!!!hehe bJa danQii mii awSme maiQ*ii!!!!
HeyY .. Jeanii * °̩ am y0uR faTheR .. (( Grappii )) am0r*Qii waS hies0 ,, laffiez y0u pLenty maiQii ..*(( huggi face ))
HeHe ai am0rQii((mii fatha))hehE lieFieZ jW bjA!!!!!
HeYy .. JeaNii .. My kiCk as* buDdy*Qii (( huggi face !! )) JyY* supa awes0me staY aWes0me .. JyY* supa 0uLiK bL0ndii ..* xXx !! Am0r*Qii
AahhWwww heHe lieFies jw Am0rQii!!!!!bja danQii
Ey Mii MiNnI'Q LaFz u 2 MuCh!!!!!!!mWah*BLy oUwLiK nEh* Hee*Hee**«**» MarlieQii
HeeHee lieFies jW mii tinKieQii!!!*mwAhZ
What's upppppp
HehE n0t muCh nD thEre???
Hey!!!!!!:D hehe wil net se eke liefies juw so bje hehe gan juw so bje miss!!j beteken rrg bje vi my *..Dani..*
LiefieS jw rRg bja eN wiLi jW in H/s verlorie!!!!!!!!jY bteKen nT s000 bjA viMy!
Hey my wifie...*gues who? :*
Ahw Ki0la!!*luvieZ ya budDy!!!! -xxX-
Missing u! Thnx for being as awes0me as u r, nd NEVER chngE! Lovies u! [JennA] JennaQiiy
Tnx!ahw luvieZ u budDy!!!! XxX
Hey my mosquito lovies you jalieshaQ
Ey jalieshaQ!!!luvies u 2!!!*
Hey se*y ding! :*
Hey frEaK
Luvies juw my Susa (Hug). (W)
Liefies jw ook m awsome butaQ!!!!*({})
Jou van is nie van niekerk nie
Ek weet hahahaha!!!!!!*
Eish....ya Taylor.L has a lka lyfie but a not so lka face Kiola_Bieber_
Noooooo he has a pwetty face
LOL ya! He is lka se*y! (Rotfl) hehe oooooh n austin mahone Kiola_Bieber_
Hehe nooooo Taylaur Lautner
Hey hey.............I jus wntd 2 say i was going thru your qooh's here.........n like 25 days ago sum1 askd u "Y do u hate justin bieber" it wasn't me who askd tht,Jeanne'Q! Pwomise! ({}) Kiola_Bieber_
Oh hehe sowwy kiolaQ!!!hehe just as*umed because u inlove with the guy!!!hehehehe({})
Luvies juw my budi jys Awsome ({})
Danki? wi is j?
Ey liefi wil manet sowwi vi ali tye wt ek mean was en kortaf en als will jw rrg nie verloor ni lief jw heavy bja!!!!({}) <3<3
Ok lief jw ook...gewoont da an hehe
Asb vra my vragies*!♡♥ tnx jul!*!*! Tnx jul liefies juw na elke sterrietjie en terug Jeanni'Q!!!(My Squishy Spongebob)!!*
Liefies je ook!!!asb vra ha vragies
Haayy jle asb vra my vragies -!!!!!! Lafies u jeanneQ to infinty nd beyond my ane helfteQ!!!!
Liefies jw ook!!!!julle asb vra m awsme besti vragies
Fave band at the moment?
Nickelback,the script...and sometimes Kings of leon(old band) and a few other old rock bands but none of you will no them exept Marlene and Wade(luvies julle)
Like fave song tht u use a lot
Hehe my fave song is Fix you from coldplay. And a song that I use a lot will be call me maybe
FiSh GuTs TaStE like cow urine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AWE!!!!!!!!
Good to know
Hey jeanni jy 'n awesome buddy love you so munchies thankz 4 being dere 4 me *J*
MpQ luvies u loads!!!!!!!!!
What ur theme song?
Hehe what do u mean???like uhm my favorite song or like dadadada sUPERGIRL!!!!!!!!!hehehehe
Ja oz doen. Al vr n week
Hehehe ok m buddy!!!
How do five gay guys walk? In one direction hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Hehe ok ramdom
Daai devon is snaaks
Hehe ai Michael:-))
Prt mt eckard
Awsme gan julle 2 uit
Ja ek en devi torture mekaar en sy bed het gebeur
Hahahahaha :-))hehe ai julle 2 nhe!...hehe ai
Thx. Wmj
Luister One Direction nj
Hay vi ever dai persoon is wt jeanne dai lelike vrae vrae hou op ek gaan juw klap. Jeanne j weet wi dit is juw dik pel michael
Ahw danki!!!!!hehe liefies jw m buddy!!!!hahaha ai hehe j n Devon torture meka nhe?
Dis net j en lienkie wt ni kwd was vr m ni mar jhis chinay ek dink ni ek sal ooit wEer mt haar prt ni
Dis ok muni worry ni({})
Hey was j vrydag kwd vr m gewees omdt ek ni m foon in gegee ht ni. Liz
Ne glad ni Lizzy!
Jame oor vrydag , ek was net in n bja bad mood toe haal ek dit op juw uit , ek rrg jame , kan jy my asb op bbm weer invyte 299CCDE7 , ek rrg rrg jame
Dis reg,ek ook jme!!!ek sal nu n danki({})
Wat dink j van belinda?
S een van m vriendinne...maar op di oomblik is s kwaat vir my
Hoe lank gaan j en michael al uit
3maande,5 dae en 14 ure en 37 minute
Is Marlene wearing a dress today?
Nope a jean
Whn last u been on mxit!? Hav u seen M stat
I was on mxit yesterday!!but u hve 2 tell me who u r else who's stat do I hve 2 read???????
Wil net se mensies wat altyd iets sleg te se het van mense maak seker j is perfek voor j ander mense judge!!!!..jame dt upset my net en daai mycie en di period thing dude that's just distgusting om dt hier op te vra!!!!!....liefies jw *C*
Danki chinayQ luvies u2!!!
DanQ Jeanne wt ht ek nog ooit aan daai persoon gedoen
MpQ n ek wet rrg ni!hehe({})
Helo m gogaQ los annemarie se gat yt asb
No Prob believe me!!!!
Dink j lizelia is n Bit** of n slet ?
Shame jul los arme lizzy uit! S ws ook al mean 1 of 2 keer mt m ma s I goeie persoon
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha funny ekt dit gvang! =D=))=D=))
Hehe lemi guess Arrie???=))=))=))=))=))=))
Roses are red my name dave this poem makes no sense microwave!!!!LOL
Hahaha aiii as mensies te feel images lees
U hav ur period 8 times a day!!!! :O hooLllllyyy crap
Hehehe haha only at school!hahahahahaha I hope boys dnt get this
Would it be weird if I wasn't one??? Hahahahahahahahaha no I'm joking of course I'm a girl dUH!
Hehehe ok!!!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm not gonna give up
Cos dreamz do come true
And my dream is to be with YOU . From your secert
admirer (again)
Ahw well tnx({})it is so cute if a boy rights a poem to a girl({}) tnx sooo much nd it kinda awsme neva had a secret admirer be4 tnx 4 makin me feel special!!!
My daily needs: food 15% water 5% sleep 20%
YOU 60% p.s from your secret admirer<3
Ahw tnx that sooo cute!
When's your period??? Plse answer this time!!!
Hehe the only periode I'm gna talk bout is 8a day...2 times brake...sometimes sport hehehe:-P
When is ur period? How AWESME wuld it be if ouRs were at the same time!!!!!!! :D:D:D
(SHOCKED FACE!!!)R u seriously asking me this on qooh me?????get a life nd oja please say u r a girl!!!
I'm 2 sHhHyYyyY.... :$:$
Pls I pwomise I wnt tell eni1
I knw 4 a fact she doesn't hate you just give her time
Ok...thank u!({}) I just wish I knew wt ws going on
U izZ veriiiiii pweTttyY :):D:$:$
Ahw dnki!!!hehe pls ping m op bbm
Vwhj. Behalwe Micheal
Ek ho nt van Michael hyt m hele Hartjie n wt hy damee doen is sy saak
Hey my maiQie ek wou manet se dat ek jame is oor j weet wat en ek is bja lief vi jw *C*
Dis ok als sl beta wc lief jw ook
What is Chinay for you
Chinay and daniella are m good friends nd marlene is m BEST FRiEND
What do you think of Daniella
Daniella is awsme funny random nd an awsme friend
Hehe luv u my speciale retarded ouQ
She aint happy?! Her stat what does it mean?
I dnt knw I wish I did she won't tell me I think I did something wrong:( if she hates me I won't blame her I'm the worst bff ever!!!!
Wat dink jy van Marlene? Ek like ha nix!
Sy is my beste friend!!!!so moenie agter haar rug so praat ni n oki voor my ni!!!!!!want sys I goeie persoon kan nie vi jw se hoeveel s m al in my lewe gehelp het ni!!!!ek is so lief vi haar n as j ni van ha ho ni isit jw los!!!!!wnt sy is een vani belangrikste mense in m HELE lewe n ek kani sonder haar lewe ni so rrg hko vra j m as j weet ek sal ei vi ha doen!!!!!!verstaan j di fact s m ANE HELFTEQ?????