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Jeanne van Niekerk


Ask me anything you like anonymously

113 Replies

Hii к̣̣̥α̇̇̇̊п̥̥ εk asb Michael van Gustav se pin kry?

Hey!*..uhh hehe jah suRe vra mii 0p bbm...*:)*as*eblieFies...??*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4268 days ago

Sounds good to me:D MichaelQ02

Mii 2,..*:)*hehe

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4278 days ago

Me hungry... U got ice cream??? MichaelQ02

Me hungry...I have ice-cream!*Lets share ice-cream??*:-P*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4279 days ago

Elo myse cream soda will manet se hey lol en miss jw vreeslik bja kani wag om jw wea te sien nie lief jw vreeslik bja MichaelQ02

HalLoOoOw mii GranadilLa twiStii/Legit/awesOme/butaQii persoOnQii!!*misS jOu owk flipPen bjA!!(Het jOu soOs 3dae truG gesien maar steEdZ!!!!)LieFies jou owK heaVii bJa!!!*eN oNs gaWn gaWn mOevii nHe!!!*:D*hehe staY awesOme eN leGendaRy!!*(diS nie I keUse nie dis jOu eienskapPe!!)

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4281 days ago

So u will kiss someone if it snows this winter

DuDe!!!*thaT was flipPen sarcasM!! If your with me while it snows all you gona get is a snOwbaLl fight =))....*hehe lOzer!!!

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4281 days ago

Where do you think is the perfect place to have a kiss...and when?

All I am sayiNg is iF I haVe tO kisS sOmeOne it will snOw..:-P*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4281 days ago

Hi miii lil poptart,ur awesome,and u beter stay awesome, coz poptarts are irreplaceable!!!! :p

HalLoOow!!*:D* liefieS jOu bJa my **TweedLedum**:D*hehe yOoh is inrepLaceabLe 2 nHe mii maiQii!!!* your very owN...TweedledeE..:-P*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4282 days ago

Hey my tjom jy moeti my kom sleg se nie want dat jy kla so vol van jouself is wys kla jy isi beter as enige mens en glo my jy isi beter as Wian nie jy sal wens om so rustig en snaaks en al daai goed te wees soos hy daai man pas vir Jeanne mooi op Chrissa_07

Ahw!!!!*bJa bJa bJa danQii Chris!!*lieFies jOu maL bJa mii maiQii!!*danQii dat jy altyd dasOw is vimmii!!!!*(hugGiezZ)jy is reriG awesOme!!!!:P* jah dOnt mess witH me and my poPpeyE..:-P*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4282 days ago

I am beter then your ex..AND hotTer then your next...

Hehe!!*Tell me aNother jOke!!*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4282 days ago

You always act as if you ok..even if your broken down in so many pieces..I wana know why hide the pain inside your heart!why not tell people how you feel and just admit I AM N0T can't do that your just like I am always ok:) but your not

Its easier tO faKe a smilE..theN tO explain why yOur saD...*:)*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4282 days ago

Hey chatterbox he he jy moet so weet wie die is want die mensie liefies sy beste mai'Q mal baie en hoop dat jy n wonderlike dagi het en sommer baie giggle soos jy jou naampie gekry het he he(hug) Chrissa_07

Hehe ahw!!!!!*bJa danQii!!!!!*liefies jOu owkk mal bJa my awesOme maiQii!!!!!!!!**hehe jaH ek het daAi naAmpies verdieN:-P*:0*:))*heEheE bJa danQii wAardeUr dit bja oM sO I awesOme kiCk-as*ed persoOnQii te he soOs jy!!!*yOoh jusT mad my smiLe liGht uP:)*

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4288 days ago

Hko isit so groot deal dat jy nie wil se nie?

TheY wOuld juDGe you if yOu did it...
TheY wil judGe yOu if yOu diD nOt...
So ratHer keEp tHe answEr iN yOur heaRt...
WHere the litTLe secretS are lOcked uP..* <3

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4288 days ago

You say you like gummybearz mmmmm?so if u talk about gummybearz when som1 askes about kissing then that must mean you like kissing eyy? •]••´º´•»Ŀ♡Ŀ«•´º´••[•. Haha loviez jw jw awesome meisieQ

Hehe LOL!!!*ek weEt S00000 wie die is!!!*:-P*hehe Net jY!!*hahaha I dO nOt meaN it liKe thaT:-P*:D*hehe liefies jOu owk my maiQii ((M))snaAkse manneQii jy!!

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4291 days ago

MY kLeiN teLLitUbii ..!*:D lieFieZ y00h mii maiQii ..!* heheZz && bLy s0a bL0nd so0s waT jYy iS ..* waHaHa ..(( C0nFuSed faCii )) .. Hehe * danQii vii aLz !!* d0 n0t .. UNdeR aNy cHanCe .. EVeN aS eK aL j0u guMmii bearZ vAt cHanGe nii xXx *(( huGii)) MuPpetQii101

Hehe ahw!!!!!!!!*lieFies jOu MAL bja my Pumpkin Pie!!*(aMorQii)jy rOck bly awesOme!!!!!!*dOnt leT lOzers eVer ruiNe yOur hapPiness:-P* (hugGiezZ)

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4291 days ago

JE4ANNE... Nushii hiers0... Wεεt jy wat neh?? :0 ..•ΕK« *̩‎S bjah lief vit j0u!!°..εή :] as iemand j0u verander... Slaan •εk« hy/sy se k0p af :0...((#stayawes0me)) Anushii_

Hehe ahw!!!!*liefies jOu owk bja Nushie!!*saL owk ieMand puNch vir joU:-P*:0*stAy awesOme!!!* xXxxX(hugGiezZ)

JeAnNeQfOuRiE replied 4291 days ago