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questions would be good

152 Replies

What makes you instantly hate someone?


Ashleestewart replied 3043 days ago

Whats the best thing about your sister (Annie)


Ashleestewart replied 3488 days ago

Lamborghini or Ferrari?


Ashleestewart replied 3621 days ago

Your face. I like that.

Thanks bud

Ashleestewart replied 3671 days ago

The worst thing someone could ever say is "kill yourself" no matter how much you dislike or hate someone you should never say it because what happens if she did? It would be your fault

Thanks x

Ashleestewart replied 3694 days ago 1

You may not like ash but Don't tell anyone to kill themselves. What if they actually did? How bad would you feel then?! How about you think what the effect could be on people before you say that ****!

Thanks means a lot xo

Ashleestewart replied 3694 days ago

How are you so perfect?

Aww thanks but I'm clearly not

Ashleestewart replied 3694 days ago

Kill yourself S.L.U.T

And what if i did

Ashleestewart replied 3697 days ago

Your Dream Job?

Zoo keeper

Ashleestewart replied 3699 days ago

You're "obese"?
Holy **** I would love to be as "obese" as you! That would be lovely!

Keep smiling beautiful, people are just c**ts xx Skyetanika

Thanks Skye means a lot xx

Ashleestewart replied 3699 days ago 1

Fb pokes are to let some one know your keen.
True or false

Depends really

Ashleestewart replied 3699 days ago

Remember when I called you fat? Well guess what your obese now! You aren't going to loose weight you know that right? Haha oh and your friend jasmin she's far too!

Hahaha you make me laugh use have nothing but a mouth to protect yourself get a life instead of ruining it for others yea!?

Ashleestewart replied 3706 days ago

Fat *****


Ashleestewart replied 3706 days ago

Thoughts on Sam McNeill?

Hmm nice guy really cute and good kisser!

Ashleestewart replied 3729 days ago

Anon you probably shouldn't talk about yourself like that! Maybe before you go and tell someone to kill themselves you should take a good hard look at yourself first, don't pick on other people's features when you most likey aren't prefect either. oxBrookexo

Aww brooke thanks means alot to me and yea im not perfect but **** some people are ****s!

Ashleestewart replied 3749 days ago