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Braydan Hodge


Ask me anything idc.

757 Replies

Thoughts loser? :) Chloe.Sayle

You're amazing, favouritest girl ever! You're just perfect never change ❤️

B.Hodge replied 3386 days ago 1

How do you react when you encounter a homeless person?

It actually breaks my heart. No matter what reason, no one should be made to live their lives on the street

B.Hodge replied 3387 days ago

I bet your so proud of yourself. Breaking cassies heart like that. Your putrid filth that does not belong on this earth. Take the plunge and kill yourself. I dare you. You just got rid of the best thing you had in your life now you have nothing. I'm not proud 2.not for you hater I have family

B.Hodge replied 3387 days ago

Most expensive thing you have?

Probably my ps4 c:

B.Hodge replied 3579 days ago

Thoughts? :* CasssCoughlan

You're a dork ;) Nah, you're my baby girl, you're funny, cute, i love being with you most of the time i cant stand being without you You're pretty and i''m happy found you <3 P.s im sorry about how i made you cry because of the video last night :') I love you.

B.Hodge replied 3580 days ago 1

Thoughts? :) Chloe.Sayle

You're a nice girl, always have been there for me, you'll always be a friend to me. but the thing is i feel like you're changing for bad or good i don't know you're just different but i guess it happens to us all. plus we need to catch up one day, its been a long time since we've had a proper conversation. :)

B.Hodge replied 3580 days ago 1

Thoughts? :) taylahnicholson

You're a wonderful girl, one of my good friends. You're so funny just a great chick to be around! Never change any guy would be lucky to have you! Stay Golden :)

B.Hodge replied 3580 days ago 1

Thoughts? coffff_dawg

You're a great chick, good to hang out with. We have a lot of good memories, we don't talk much at all anymore we sorta stop and say hello. I still remember out old friendship. That's the Courtney i miss.

B.Hodge replied 3580 days ago 1

Current mood?

In pain and ****ing tired

B.Hodge replied 3594 days ago

What would you do this year If you had no fear ?

Fight a great white shark with a knife.

B.Hodge replied 3862 days ago 1

I'm actually happy you acknowledged me for once aw! :) Chloe.Sayle

All G :)

B.Hodge replied 3881 days ago 1

Are you and Chloe sayle still friends?

Were friends I guess, don't speak much though.

B.Hodge replied 3881 days ago

4 people that have always been there for you no matter what?

Always um Chloe S Harley B Kaleb G Jesse E

B.Hodge replied 3881 days ago 1

Closest female friend?

Uhh apart from cass, probably bri

B.Hodge replied 3881 days ago

Do you not want to be here on earth anymore? You just seem so deppressed and it's upsetting.

Honestly I do not wanna be here.

B.Hodge replied 3881 days ago