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Courtney Beale


Ask me anything you like anonymously

186 Replies

thoughts on lachie farvis

He's alright never knew him properly so I can't say much haha

Bealey.xo replied 2954 days ago

What did you get for christmas ?


Bealey.xo replied 3475 days ago

What do you love the most?

My boyfriend my family and my friends

Bealey.xo replied 3527 days ago

What is your ringtone?

Uh a tune haha

Bealey.xo replied 3541 days ago

Who do you love more, mum or dad ?

Wouldn't ever choose between them I love them both the same !! Xx

Bealey.xo replied 3544 days ago

Who are you dating?

William Ep****a <3

Bealey.xo replied 3587 days ago

Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?

Yes and I'm not gonna name names

Bealey.xo replied 3601 days ago

Thoughts on Brodie Brosnan?

Brother to me know him my whole life!! Funniest guy !

Bealey.xo replied 3611 days ago

What freaks you out ?

A few things

Bealey.xo replied 3613 days ago

Thoughts on Hayley Bourke??

Oh she is such a hot babe!! I love her to bits!! She is such a beautiful girl and I love seeing her I'm homegroup in the mornings! She is one of the people I can trust!! I'll be there for her when ever she needs and I know she will be there for me!! Hayley you are amazing and I love you hehe I love joking around with you and our convos and our snapchats hahah

Bealey.xo replied 3613 days ago

Which friend would you take a bullet for?

All of them I love them all :)

Bealey.xo replied 3618 days ago

What did you last dream about?

My mum was in the garden and I told her there isn't anything to eat and she hit me in the head with the whippersnapper

Bealey.xo replied 3627 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?


Bealey.xo replied 3634 days ago

Your so hot ;)

Hehe thank you xx

Bealey.xo replied 3640 days ago

Top three people u hate in your class

I hate a lot of people :)

Bealey.xo replied 3641 days ago