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Ask me anything you like anonymously

580 Replies

Lol okay okay i dont want to look like you, i just want your body type and you're hair :D lol!

**lol okay ill send my body type and my hair to u over email ok:)**

BeeLord replied 4183 days ago

Im also lez, and a tomboy, and i just wanna say you look awesome. You're like an inspiration to me... All your pics are flawless. Lol... I'd only wish to look like you some day! Love the hair! :D

**awwwwww that really made me smile so glad u lez us lesbians rock:Dand don\'t wish to look like me your beautiful as yourself and tx I love my hair to bt never wash it sssssssh:)**

BeeLord replied 4183 days ago

Is that kristen in ur pfp

**i change my pfp to often so I wouldn\'t know**

BeeLord replied 4183 days ago

Are you a girl or a guy..please explain I'm really confused about what you are bcz you have a six-pack and all that but yet you say your a girl??? #confusion

**i AM A GIRL:) and wish I had a siz pack lol all I\'m dealing with is a beer bop at the moment:D**

BeeLord replied 4183 days ago

Do u think u hot

**dont ask me dumb questions.... OF COURSE I DO :D**

BeeLord replied 4183 days ago

Yay -_-

** 1 2 3 woo hooo woopyyyy!!!!!!! Xx:D**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

MofO:D ♡


BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

Why did you change your se*???

**what do u mean why did I change my se*? As in why do I like girls? Bcz I didn\'t change my se* lol iv been a girl since I was born I LOVE it:D**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

I'm so jealous of you -_- you're like extremely pretty :| Nayyy98

**awwww tx so much means so much to me:D**mwaaaaaaaaz

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

When did u be*** so

**wen my dads spam cell wen into my moms cookie haha jj I dona bt tx(hugz)xx:)**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

But u still play girls

**NO I DON\'T I have b4 I WILL NEVER cheat agen!!!!**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

So u play girls

**NO I have b4 and I felt so bad I would NEVER again:) just been honest u know I\'m not proud of it:( bt iv changed a lot :)**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

Itsh mehh again ur pp whhee ♡ ♡ ♡ ;;). *̩ would soo go leZ fOr yOu ;;) ♡ se*yy beast

**lol I feel so loved hehe tx mahn u so sweet ill call u my lil fake lesbo:D xx**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

Hw long have u been lez

**since I was in like grade 3:)**

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago

Hayy yOo amaziing persON ♡ hOowss yOo ;;) :P hehheeh miSsin yOo lOads :p u loseeer =)). AnD ii hOpe u stay amaze baLlz :D aawwee niggah :*

**Hey you flop haha I dna who this is but miss you to I cry every nyt 4 u haha jj I shal stay amaze balls if u stay awez balls**:D

BeeLord replied 4184 days ago