Anonymous person says you are hot
thanks anonymous person
btch it’s a very old friend that you. Haven’t talked to in gang long it’s the one and only green and black ockley glasses
no one uses qooh me anymore btch
just bored u know
Someone you miss who you haven't spoken to in a long time
lots of people
Why is the world cruel
mainly because of the people on it
Which parkrun?
mainly Lonehill
Porcupine nipples squirting out mothers milk
wtf ?
A few girls that you know in grade 9?
Lucy, Gemma, Shannon, Amy and some more
Darian R?
my boi but sometimes we drift
Who do u ship in grade 8
Andy and Georgie ?
Where are you for the holidays
Why did you change so much, I thought I could trust you but I guess I don't matter to you anymore.
pls pm me
What are you bad at ?
a lot
You have amazing eyes, I'm so jealous.
Daniel Shapiro?
my boii ????
Aleksa marinovic
bloody knuckles and wack music buddy
Have u pulled gaby or not, you said you haven't had a first kiss
things change ?
Your thoughts on Makayla?
she's nice we used to be closer
Do u want to lick da ***** ?
da what?
dont really know her
fck kill marry
Gaby T, Georgie, Holly
fck Georgie, marry Gaby, kill Holly (nothing personal Hols)?
Who do you want to pull
Lonely nights i lay awake?❤????
pray to Lord my soul to take?❤?⚡
Who was your firstly friend? ( at your crawford)
Shaelin and Raul
she's pretty cool
If you could travel one place... where would you go? And who would you go with?
Ireland/Canada with my mates
I am here to say that you are so amazing,never doubt yourself and if it is still in your mind it is worth taking the risk. live life on the edge go for it cause you are Ben,and Ben is such I great person, you inspire me and never stop being you
aww pls pm
Lauren toute
we not very close
Ben help me with my WIFI
Ben I have something to tell you...