What thing did you do that ruined a relationship/s?
Tell the truth.
MУ рrivate photоs look here v.ht/sezxx cherieix932
Wie se kind is jy????
Bino_ replied
2693 days ago
The way your recents get me in my feelings?❤
Are there more coming??????
Thank you SM anon ♡.
Irdk, maybe 1 more?
Bino_ replied
2699 days ago
You look like such a lit person...
Maybe you could be the bestfriend??
Thank you so mucchh anon . Maybe we can work something out. DM me ♡.
Bino_ replied
2699 days ago
Nai jy nou vir rose godess of tamson??? Wanr is dit my beert??
Ek dink dis beter as jy maar net aanhou "nai" met jou skool werk.
Jirre walvis??.
Jou laste post???? Who broke you?
Damn anon </3
Bino_ replied
2701 days ago
Can I slide??
You may if you can, but I don't know if you can tho..
Bino_ replied
2701 days ago
What happened to the girl from rhb? You guys looked so good together?
The Internet goes down, suddenly, and forever. What do you do?
Idk, it's not that bad. Go back to letter writing I guess? I mean, it's hella romantic.
Bino_ replied
2701 days ago
What are you currently worried about?
" I ain't worried bout nun , nigga I ain't worried bout nun "
Hey myne Renishh?❤.
It's been a while. X nou in Walvis but, I'll slide in ya DM's when I'm in town. See ya soon??
What do you wish had never happened to you?
Bino_ replied
2729 days ago
Jy lyk soos n lit mensie??✨
Ayyy, thanks anon. Glo jys netso opit
n Mens wat beteken??
Djy daai? Ay.esha
Dankie Dame_
What is the one thing you do just to annoy other people?
Ignore them? I donno? Why would you wanna annoy sb?
Bino_ replied
2779 days ago
What phrase do you wish people would just stop using?
Maak 'raras'????
Bino_ replied
2792 days ago
What do you never trust?
Deez hoes
Rhb spins die naweek? ?
Bino_ replied
2797 days ago
What is the biggest way people waste money?
By spending it on deez thieving A$$ hoes??
Is jy en cassie van een ma en pa?????
Nope, een ma. Verskillende pa's??
Bino_ replied
2820 days ago
Just give me a little taste of you??
Sal maar nie, jy sal hooked raak???
Bino_ replied
2820 days ago
Plan jy nie om dalk Swakop toe te komi? renichh
Dalk nog in die maand, nie seker nie?❤
Bino_ replied
2820 days ago
Are you a hoe??
On some days??
Binotjie ek misssss jou vreeslik?❤
Bino_ replied
2826 days ago
Ek sien jy het n lekker dingetjie ini Reepding op ge tel??
Te lekker tbh??
Bino_ replied
2826 days ago
Last song you listened to ?
Another Sad Love Song - Khalid?
I miss you so much? renichh
Ek sal jou weer kom kuier MaNishh???
What common thing have you never done?
Cheat ?
Who is she???
Someone special??
What do you no longer waste time on?
"Chasing btches" > Chase a check??
Bino_ replied
2838 days ago
Jy's alweer terug???
Bino_ replied
2839 days ago
Jou ig post is lit??
Dankie Anon❤. I'm assuming the last one???.
Bino_ replied
2841 days ago
Nou bino hulyk wnr kmj weer rhb toe laat os kan twi twi toe gaan??????
Fri Fri???. DM?
Bino_ replied
2843 days ago
Jy word mannet heel jaar gelek hier ? ??
Verstaan jy? X al sopnat?? Die persoon kan net hul naam by sit?
Bino_ replied
2846 days ago
Bino_ replied
2846 days ago
Your crushs' initials? Because I think your Beautiful❤ I would like to DM
No crush. Why? Because rejection would 'crush' me??
Heyy noww?? Go ahead?
Bino_ replied
2847 days ago
Just here to show some love . ? Alexgabby
Thanks Gabby?❤
What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?
Having hoes✌
Bino_ replied
2847 days ago
Wat beteken die woord bekeer vir jou? ?
Ek sou sê dat dit beteken dat jy nogsteeds kan beteken?. Maar in God se perke?
Bekeer. Is mos basies jou hart oor te gee aan die Here? En met dai kan jy nie jou hart in stukkies gee nie. (Soos wat meeste jong mense deesdae doen.) Jy moet dit vol & vry-hartig gee❤.
Jy's nogals baie cool man ??
Dankie jou yster?. Jys seker nou weer vuur warm???
Jou bio??? Ephesians man and Proverbs woman??
Goeie vraag?
Ephesians 5 (Is the instructions for a Christian household)
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church, for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh?.
And Proverbs 31. ( Please go read the full scripture )
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness.
Her children arise and call her blessed;
her husband also, and he praises her:
"Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all.”
Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised" ❤❤.
Dit het my net. Dit sê vir jou basies alles om die regte vrou te kry. Maar elke diamant moet eers op gewerk word voor jy dai mooi clean cut beauty kry??
Dankie viri sopnat maak??
Bino_ replied
2848 days ago
Drop dan jou naam??
Bino_ replied
2848 days ago
Me & my boyfriend are not together anymore, I think you'd do just fine?⌚❤
Liefie daar is klomp honger siele in Namibia. Miskin kan hulle vir jou uit help. Want ek is niemand se rebound guy nie✌ Het darem standards van my eie?
What do you hate most in life?
People wasting my time?
Bino_ replied
2848 days ago
What do you do when bae starts acting up????
Ek ken wi dit is??☝
"Get some coconut oil" ???
Bino_ replied
2849 days ago
What type of girls are you into?
Joh anon? Tough one. Okay, a girl has to love laughing & goofing around because I treat life as a joke? but also has to be down to earth & know when to get real. Ya feel me? I prefer a great personality with some looks on the side??
I think I'm inlove?
Vertel dan?
Bino_ replied
2849 days ago
Heyy now???
Bino_ replied
2849 days ago
You're so tall & handsome? I'll ride you like a pony???
Dankie anon? mara weet jou ma jy doen sulke goed???
Bino_ replied
2851 days ago
Favourite part of the human body?
The heart❤ jk. That A$$ tho???
Bino_ replied
2851 days ago
Jou lekker??
Bino_ replied
2851 days ago
We met once at an event, we spoke for a while but I tell you I almost got lost in those eyes??
Fuq? Nou dop uit met 'n DM??
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
Omggggggassh, your feed is so lit?❤?
Dankie anon??
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
Me you & 1818??
Elke keer???
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
Ek hoor lang ouens is geseën??
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
50 Shades of Bino???
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
Het jy 'n meisie?
Nah. Chillin?
Bino_ replied
2852 days ago
Miskien ek n jy die naweek?????
Miskin jy DM dan maak ons 'n plan???
Vir wat gaan studeer jy? Ay.esha
Wiet nog lus vir boeke??
"Chase a check, never chase a biitch"?
Jk. As ek moet gaan study sal ek Engineering (cliché) , Mechanic or Fitter & Turner gaan swat??
Watse werk doen jy?
Doen Mechanic & Engineering werk by PAM in Walvis?
Bino_ replied
2855 days ago
Dankie Anon?❤
Bino_ replied
2855 days ago
Bino_ replied
2855 days ago
Leaving some of my love hierso❤?.
PS. Jy word waardeur?? Cindles.17.12
Cindyyy❤? Baie dankie mooiste??
What do you never plan on doing?
Cage diving?
Bino_ replied
2863 days ago
Are you single??
Bino_ replied
2864 days ago
Damn papi why you so fine???
I donno? I really donno?? Why you so fine mami?❤??
Views on Jesus?? Bino_
Okay, God is the Father & Jesus is the son. Right? So that means we are all brothers & sisters of Jesus. We are created in the image of God. ( stay with me on this☝ ) So if God is creator of everything. And Jesus is crowned King over everything. All of us are Princes & Princesses?
Jesus, is my King. Jesus gave us 2 of the most important gifts. 1st. Your precious life on Earth☝ 2nd. A promise, of everlasting life in heaven at the hands of the father❤?
The name itself holds so much power. JESUS?. Meaning Saviour. Jesus has a very special role. He saves people from the guilt of sin, by washing them in his blood. ( "Was my in die bloed van die lam, en witter as sneeuw sal ek wees"? ) God sent Jesus to die on the cross ( Forever greatful ) . God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but so that world should be saved through him. Jesus gives me hope. He restores my soul ? (Psalm 23:3 ) He sets the example.
Laaste iets wat ek wil by add?
"Lees jou bybel, bid elke dag"?❤
Daars actually 4?
Gosh, sorry??
Hop in my DM's as jy sterk is??
Bino_ replied
2867 days ago
Why should I slide in your DMs when I have your number?
Oh you sneakin? dop uit?
Bino_ replied
2867 days ago
Would you consider yourself someone who drinks alot?
Girl(boii??), what is you sayin?? I basically only drink when I'm at #tag?
Res van die tyd proe ek maar net??
Bino_ replied
2867 days ago
Your the sht??
And you the toilet paper??
Dankie Anon, jys seker ook 'n yster op jou eie??
Daars net 3 mense wat my so noem?
Baai se mooistes❤?
So wie is dit??
Bino_ replied
2867 days ago
Bino?? jy slay lewe?
Jou hare??
Die lengte??
Jou stem ook nog????❤
En ek sien jou liggaam kom by???
Hey jy, dankie man?
My hare? Yes, trying something new?
Lente? I love it too?. Trying to reach higher places in my life? but fr tho?
My stem? Weeti van dai nie?? but dankie anon?
Ligaam??? Iemand hou omtrent dop?. Dankie mooi siel?❤
Slide in my DM's?
What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?
Lean! Codeine! Promethezane! I hate the fact that the rappers made it an "in" thing? These fools drinking that sht like water & thinking they "cool"?. When tf did drinking cough syrup become cool? That sht is worse than weed & drank combined. Raak wys asb. En bly by die goed wat jy ken✌
What was your biggest waste of money?
Money is already a waste?
Are you Gay?
Nah? I like women???. But maybe you should be asking your dad that? Found him creepin in my DMs ?
Bino_ replied
2877 days ago
What's the most expensive thing you own?
My life?? Irreplaceable mos??
Bino_ replied
2877 days ago
When were you the most happy and why?
Wow, Irdk? I kinda don't do "happy". I would say, any day in the past spent at the beach with friends?.
Why are you single?
Trynna be in it for the long run? can't be wasting no time on a short time thang???
What are you bad at ?
Telling a story, basically speaking.
Bino_ replied
2888 days ago
We need to buy some good Fries again, dont you think? ??
Sure brahbrah, catch you Friday at Shell??
Bino_ replied
2890 days ago
Go Best friend.??
Bino_ replied
2890 days ago
Pretty person???
Ai dankie jou pragtige siel?❤
Bino_ replied
2890 days ago
Js lewe. En my lewe is droog sonder jo? strauss.w
Weet jy?❤. Ek is nogals lewe ja??. But 'n ander dala mos bluetick tot laat??.
Kan mosi text as ek laaste getext het nie?. Dan is ek weer te opit??. Dankie viri liefde??
Bino_ replied
2890 days ago
Night mooi mensie??
Gn beautiful?? & thanks fam?❤
Bino_ replied
2890 days ago
Jy vra vir my want jyt vergeet ?❤ King.Candii
Jaaaa?? ek was soos in "ek ken jou ni, maar ek ken jou"??
Jy is so mooi??❤.
I'd rather not show my name??
Baie dankiieee anon❤❤. Night maker?
Bino_ replied
2891 days ago
What do you want the most right now?
Malachi back❤x
Bino_ replied
2892 days ago
What are you good at ?
Basically everything except life?
Bino_ replied
2892 days ago
W/app my, Ek need jou ????? (T'se)
Should have dropped ya name?❤
Bino_ replied
3009 days ago
You and Caylin what's the deal?
Hey vasek??
Caylin is 'n getroude vrou???
Ane man se guuz☝
Ons is vriende. Niks meer. Dis di 'deal'?
Young B?
Young T??
Bino_ replied
3012 days ago
Lafu too anon??
Bino_ replied
3014 days ago
Burger date ???
Soon, jy koop mos??
Bino_ replied
3018 days ago
Yeah B? you??
Bino_ replied
3029 days ago
Very much, yes?
Bino_ replied
3032 days ago