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ily n shi* haha
Um inbox me on facebook but no I will not have se* with you haha
lol sooooozz .
u too xxxxxxxxx <3
no shi* .
Im not saying, im not stupid. Im going to wait for you to tell me yourself that youv done the wrong thing .
i know who you are.
well if your older than me it wouldn't be embarrest?
noone at rowville has a v-line, has blonde hair and blue eyes, and plus if i went to knox with you i'd think your hot
honostly if this is fake your a f***head, :'(
no im not please inbox me.
this is actually making me sad loool
Your not ugly ! Your beautiful <3
Please just telll me ! I won't care please your making me depressed omg hahahhaga :(
And I'm sure your not uglyyyy
Please i will legit give you money tomorrrrow omg
Are you kiddding ! It won't be embarras*ing i won't tell anyone it will be just between us haha xoxox
And hahah Awh to your brother.
Hahaha Awh I love you Lila ! Hahah little cutie .
Good what about youu? Xoxxox
Facebook meeeeee ! Or I dunno please :(( <3
Haha, Awh sorry she has a boyfriend <3
Just inbox me! And yeah I love her heaps she's more than everything to me !
Omg please inbox me ! Please I'll actually give you money and run up and hug youuuuu :) hahah please I wont care xoxo
Awh! I probably notice you, just don't talk to you . :) inbox me please it will actually be the cutest thing! Unless this is fake :/ hahah
Love you heaps! Your more bootiful xxx
I honostly dont hate anyone!
Thankyou! <3
Inbox me on faceyyy <3 xxxo
lol your the perfect one goooose!
um no she didn't ? the f*** are you on....
and shes perfect in every single way!
i love her to bits, and if she tried to kill herself i would be very very unhappy.
awh, thank-you <3
No have you?
Shut up about my as* i actually hate it! :/
How about f*** off shes perfect. Shes my bestfriend, and she\'s not a slu* she hasnt done anything with guys.
rnSo tough saying this shi* on annonymos arent you...
rnf*****! And shes not ugly shes pretty lol
you are beautiful to anon, love you! xoxo hhaah
like a aqua colour, or a sky blue :)
12 b or some shi* hahah
because im not a ***** f***er?
that i never see?
taylah keating
jasmine boulter
jess cox
gemma chatfield
aimee taylor
i don't know everyone is beautiful :)
haha , how am i loosing if i don't know him, or heard of him? ahhaha
nah, haven't even heard of him? :/
i know most of my friend's on facebboook,
and im pretty sure i don't have him on there haah
no? ahhaha who the shi* is that?
to young, ahaha
probably not,
want to wait til im olderrr! :)
for me to know and for you to not find out lol
hahha yeah.
why do you have to do it over anonymous, just inbox me who you are, i actually do not care who you are. ahha
hahah it's not rude, i guess they want to know, but i find it awkward thoough, that they want to know if i have pubes.... haha
don't really need to shave anything else... :/
inboooooooooooox me? ahha
deserve what? haha <3
i don't mean to sound rude, but i don't know who you are! :( inbox me <3
awh, i love you anonymous. <3
your beautiful as well xo
hookup! :)
Inboox me on fb
Haha no,
i love you <3
inbox me please :) xoxo
turn on;
boys that are nice! have good eyes and abbbbs, and nose pericing's omg hgfdsjfgdcscjuhgfbnjmkioiuytrew
turn off;
as*hole's, b.o, long/dirty finger nails, and boys that do not brush their teeth ew..
inbox me on faceeeeeeeeeey
inbox me who you are? ahhaa
um not at the moment? lol
hoook up! hahaha, not a slu* yet! x0x0x
i said you inbox me? lol
inboox me
um lol who the shi* are you?
inbooox me ahhaha
is this kealan?
and yeah cause whenn you start to go through puberty they get mooood swings and they can go from good to bad in like a second hahah
i used to, cause of all the stress and shi* that went on in my life!
inbox me :)
inbox me on faceboook & i'lll teell youuu :D
looove you mooooore <3
love you toooo <3
iv had s e x ahahah