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Brendon Weston


Amuse me.

525 Replies

Who's your secret lover ?

My car :0

Brendonisaswagking replied 3514 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?

about 5 years and counting because we don't have one anymore :(

Brendonisaswagking replied 3573 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

34 :0

Brendonisaswagking replied 3574 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

I don't have a heart..

Brendonisaswagking replied 3577 days ago

Fine. Have you thought that maybe I'm shy and I don't want to look like a **** head.

You're not going to get anywhere in life if you don't put yourself out there.. You have two options.. 1. You could tell me who you are, inbox me or something. 2. You can not tell me, and then there will be no chance whatsoever that anything could happen between us. Either option can go that way. Option 1 is potentially the only chance you have. You're choice.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

It doesn't matter seriously


Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

Well you just inbox who you think it is

Nah, don't worry about it. I obviously don't mean sh*t to you if you're not fighting for me and making an effort. So i'm not going to bother.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

even though we fight everyday pretty much you're the best twinnie and I love you lots

Love you too sis <3

Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

Yeah my heads pretty messed up. Better watch out 'swagking'....

Are you a comedian? Your jokes are pretty funny! :')

Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

Don't know why but I seriously fell like giving you a flying superman punch to the face... While wearing knuckle dusters... That are laced with barbed wire... While eating salt & vinegar chips that I will rub into your now even more ****ed up face.

Lol. That's cute. You would obviously have a reason to think that.. Otherwise you have one really f*cked up head thinking you can do sh*t like that without a reason.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3585 days ago

No then I seem like an idiot
Just don't worry about it

No tell me.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3586 days ago

You won't care anyway

Of course I would? inbox me..

Brendonisaswagking replied 3586 days ago

Word on the street is that you fûćk your car in the exhaust pipe. ;)

That's cute.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3586 days ago

Don't worry about who I am
It doesn't matter :(

Noo tell me.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3586 days ago

Your cars a piece of ****

Haha okay matey.

Brendonisaswagking replied 3586 days ago