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Skye Billing


Hey dudes! ^_^

14 Replies

Most memorable moment in yor off? Brendonisaswagking

Oh god thats a hard one. Probably when i came out as being bi

skyeamberjayde replied 3661 days ago

Sup? :3 Brendonisaswagking

Not a lot :3 just laying on the couch trying not to fall asleep haha

skyeamberjayde replied 3661 days ago

Most attractive feature you find in a guy? Brendonisaswagking

Their personality, honestly and the respect they show to girls

skyeamberjayde replied 3661 days ago

You are gorgeous :)

Awww :) thats a tad adorable :3

skyeamberjayde replied 3661 days ago

The most unreliable person you know ?

Theres way too many to count - -

skyeamberjayde replied 3718 days ago

Fav pizza? ^_*

Satay chicken makes me happy :') but only from the churchill glendonald pizza shop.

skyeamberjayde replied 3798 days ago

If u could b any animal wat would u b? N why?

Ummm a domestic cat :3 they have it so easy! Just sleeping and eating and cleaning themselves -_- #jealous

skyeamberjayde replied 3798 days ago

Are you single? *

Nope! :3 I have an amazingggg boyfriend Lincoln <3 Who is this? Obviously you don't have me on fb?

skyeamberjayde replied 3798 days ago

Can money buy love?

No way! And anyone who thinks that doesn't know what love is.

skyeamberjayde replied 3798 days ago

Name a person you lied to today

Well I don't lie to people so no one?

skyeamberjayde replied 3815 days ago

M8 wtf u think ya doin :')

I think even knoe m8 :') Eatn sum fishes ;)

skyeamberjayde replied 3817 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?

That's really hard... At this point it would have to be Krystal <3 <3 xx :)

skyeamberjayde replied 3824 days ago

What are you really good at?

Umm I'm pretty good at drawings :)

skyeamberjayde replied 3836 days ago

The biggest mistake you made in your life?

I don't have any mistakes in life that I would class as my biggest mistakes or mistake because I believe all mistakes are just learning experiences.

skyeamberjayde replied 3858 days ago