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Near a beach of some sort
I shower so.....
Not dating anyone....forever alone
Yappa your hilarious and you do and say the stupidest **** but it's funny
Pov ;) nah your really funny and a good bloke
Basketball ring that is concreted into the ground
No one
Throw ****
Whenever I want bc I'm 12
Cyril Rioli
Obnoxious, rude
Nice girl, funny and good to talk to
A lot of things
When you can't have nuggets
Well money can buy nuggets so that's the same
Thinks she is funny but let's face it she isn't ;) nah she's cool and nice oh and small ;)
Her nap chats are really ****ing annoying, but she is nice
Too skinny, take things to seriously
Haven't seen her in ages nice
As a friend
I'm not
I know that
She had my phone and put them on
****ing *****es and gettin money
Like everyday
Way too many
Lily, Jovana
Can't tell
Your really funny really nice and cooking is the best
Girls Huon: yr7: dunno yr8 lily rose and jovana yr 9: dunno. Boys Huon: yr7 Ethan M yr8 Oscar Ben yr9: Dunno Boys Felt: yr7 Matt W Yr8 Lochie Mather the inbred, Lachie Ryan Xavier Cannizaro yr9 jarrod Cbf doing the rest
Yeah Oscar Willding
Your nice and when you yell at cooper it's hilarious, and yeah
I got you first mate
Nah we are too good Ooooooh kill em
we go away, Nah your a cool kid and your funny nice, and you s*ck
Hehe lel
Wouldn't know
Sorry you're mum beat you Little ****
Turn offs facial hair lots of make up *****iness and not being able to take/have a joke with
Your a cool kid your funny and your an all around good kid
Not really I just think you want to start **** :)
Obvs not
Well I don't we r just friends
I'm like a yr 7 girl
No ****ing hell
Aha nah not yet ;)
She hasn't left yet so no
Achieving something that you wanted to achieve
Good mate, yourself
Geelong football club
I like a lot of things
She was on it last night
Ask your mother
Idk I can't tell the future
Well It would have to be going down the wrong traveletor and then greasy looms from people
Your a cool kid your nice and we have really unusual chats
Are you ****ing retarted
Alrighty then
Stop disrespecting shrek
It's great you just need a nose and taste buds
I'm more hunky then chunky
Would you like fries with that quinton
Wouldn't know
I don't really know her that well but she seems nice and funny
Ihy you little fgt everyone hates you Nah ily man I have known you forever and we used to do everything together we used to be so close but we need to do more things together Any way ily
Your a lad nothing less
Your a lad
Is my swag that good that you can't handle it
Oh swag
Jovana,lily rose,Esther and kianah It's 4 because swag
What is that can I download it is it an app
Thinking about it
Because she is leaving next Monday as I with see her for 6 months
I'll have u know my husband is a cop
I forgot to check myself before I shrieked myself
Honestly your a shrekstitute
Cakes have layers