How big is your TV?
55 inch
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
Sky diving or something scary..
What have you learned today?
That it's nearly summer
What do you think people think of you?
Whatever they want to think.
A person you lost you would like to see again?
Biggest inspiration?
Ummm.. Ugh.. Idk if its the biggest but will Austin is a good one!
*exiest boy you know? (;
Forest gump
Some nights, I go to your bedroom window; and watch you.
Yeah same
I'm going to miss you *exy, so so so much. :( xx
I'm gonna miss you like crazy Blake! :( <3
Pool this year? :*
Yes for sure
Blake <3
A Movie that made you cry?
Forest gump, can't handle that ****
Facebook or Twitter ? Give a reason for your answer
Facebook & no
What are we gonna do without him cam?!
I gonna be that tough!
Gonna miss him **** loads!
I'm have to spend all holidays with him!
Something you're pumped for?!@
Queensland camp!!
Blake shindig
3 bestfriends?
Girls- Taylor, Kessey, nelly
Boys- no order, Trent, Blake, Tos, mos, hayd, Tom.
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Being a the best relationship ❤
An winning a grand final!
How did you and your best friend meet?
Something you are looking forward to? :)
Queensland camp!
Blakes thingo!
*exiest boy you know?
Blake, Trent!
Top 4 best girls in year 9? :)
1. Taylor <3
2. Kessey
3. Nelly
4. Caitlyn
Your girlfriend is a ****ing dog. I hope you like being whipped.
Lololololol not true.
Something you plan on never doing again?
Faint infront of people! :"")
Is 21 your footy number? :)
Last time you played with yourself?
21 days ago.
Are you going to the granny? :)
Yeah! Sure am.
5 people you really trust?
1. Taylor
2. Trent
3. Blake
4. Kessey
5. Nelly
so many more couldve been in there!!
Top 2 most popular guys and top 2 most popular girls in year 9?
Not any order for both
Guys- Blake LeLong and Trent Eccles
Girls- Kessy pickering and Taylor Williams
Who fell of the swing at the skatepark?
Poor nelly
Leg grazed and foot. :(
Never seen you laugh so much.
Should face plant more often.
I bet you know who this.
I have no idea
Just gonna say. You're a really good person and one of my best mates. :) nellyhineman
Aw thanks Nelly! Same to you! :)
Play for Hepburn next year!
No thanks mateeeeeeeee!
Lick a chode
No Taylor, why don't you!
Why so pretty? ?
Lol jkssssss
Last time you had a toss?
210 days ago
Last time you fingered a herpy infested sloth?
I currently am! :o
Yes we have the secret connection *Mating call*. blakeowenlelong
Hahaha! Yes :").
Too 5 best girl mates? :)
1. Taylor
2. Kessey
3. Caitlyn
4. Nelly/Tash
5. Alex
How the hell did you know it was me. ;) blakeowenlelong
We have a special connection!
Something you're looking forward to? :P
Going to taylors house, and QUEENSLAND CAMP! :)
In your opinion who's the most popular boy and girl in year nine?
Boy- Blake LeLong?
Girl- i actually don't know!
Move it Hepbun football!
You are the best at footy, I really hope you get places, and I think you will. Don't let people hold you back mate.
Thanks! This means alot! :)
You have big boo*ies
54DD mateeee
If you knew you could not fail ,what would you do?
Pass it
Have you ever s*cked your own toes? Be honest, we've all tried it at least once. I have.
No, my legs are way to long!
Hey hey hey hey. Miss you so much. Cant wait to talk to you again mate ! <3
Miss you.
If this is Taylor, I miss you too!
What would you leave in your will for the person you care about the most?
I would leave money or my house.
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like Oscarlol
Hahah what?
wel a bird bird bird, bird is the word Oscarlol
Birdy! Bird bird bird, the bird is the word!
Have you heard?
Heard what?
if you could anything you want, what would you
Could what?
you pick.
I go to school everyday!
If you could have a shi* in any shape you wanted, what shape would it be?
Obviously a footy funny
nah shape of a .... Cylinder
What is the stupidest thing your friends ever done
My friends are all great and don't do stupid things often or at all.
Thoughts on Harrison Knight?
Great kid, good at footy, funny and nice as
Why did you turn down the Clarendon Scolarship?
Wouldn't you like to know
Give me one good reason why I should qooh you? :3
I didn't say you had to
Would you rather be hated or forgotten?
Depends on who, but probs hated
what’s the biggest turnoff in a man/woman?
Men- bad personality
women- smokes
What’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever done?
Not sure, have no idea to be honest
What’s one of the strangest things you’ve ever done?
Eating sand when i was younger
What was your favorite subject in school?
What kind of music are you into?
Whatevers on the radio
What are some things that scare you?
Snakes, spiders
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
What there wearing.
Thoughts on Cam Lovig?
That's for you to decide
Getting sick of your shi* Mitch
Why? He's good kid, bloody funny as!
Top 7 nicest girls you know?
Do you think any kind of afterlife exists?
No idea
If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
What do you like least about yourself?
Can't kick left foot
What’s your favorite joke?
Not sure to be honest
Thoughts on Jake Keogh?
Best kid! Love him to bits! King at footy!
Who’s your best / closest friend?
Taylor Trent Blake, there way to many
3 nicest girls in your class?
1. Taylor!
2. Kessey
3. Caitlyn
To all the people that aren't happy about being cam and Taylor together, you should be happy for them. If you really cared about cam, or Taylor. You would be happy that they're so happy. They're the most perfect cutest couple, so hush. nellyhineman
Thanks nelly! :)
Top ten boys?
There's heaps!
No order:
Trent, tom, bill, Chris, hayd, deccy, Oscar, mos, Blake, jimmy, butts, kane, Mitch, jake, Joel, phoneix. Haha there's a few.
Who are these wankers trying to lip cam? Cam and taylor are the best stop trying to ruin it for them. Dic*heads. eamonnclarke21
Thanks brother! :)
Top 10 girls? :)
1. Taylor
2. Kessy
3. Tash
4. Nelly
5. Caitlyn
6. Alex
7. Mynette
8. Lucinda
5 Best mates?
Boy or girl?
Thoughts on Chris Polendakis??
Good guy, caring, funny, good mate!
I hate you now >:(
Whys this? Inbox me? Try sort it out?
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Just tell them.
Who's this Tash chick. Heard she's one of your mates? Is she moving to Clarendon next year? What's she like?
She's very nice! A good friend! Very caring and generous! A good person!
Thoughts on Blake Le Long, heard his a ****?
Well no, hes one of the nicest people! Hes the best! Always here for you and a great blue and friend!
I love you! :)
I love you too tay! :)
Thoughts on Kessey Pickering
She's that nice! Great friends! So so funny!
Thoughts on nelly, and who shed be cute with. (:
She's really nice, good friends and maybe someone like Trent or bill!
I love you!
I love you to Taylor! :)