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Cassie Cini


Ask away!

1.2k Replies

I'm super cereal, what's been doing since high school? We never talked much so I'm more comfy asking anonymously P:

Nothing much to be honest. Surviving haha

Cassie_Cini replied 3335 days ago

I miss you.... How's life and sht been since high school?

Eh P:

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

What's some of your christmas wishlist?

I didn't have anything in mind for Christmas this year c:

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

Are you a chicken? or a duck? Bwakaaw!!!

I'm a duck ^-^ -quack-

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

What's the first song that comes to your mind right as you're reading this qooh?

Well I just answered a music question so that's the song in my head haha

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

What's your favourite song from a band that is otherwise meh?

I really like Justin Beiber's Sorry XP

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

What's a good, maybe $50, Kris Kringle/Secret Santa gift for a 20 something who likes travelling, dancing, and the colour blue?

I'm clearly very late replying to this XD Woops sorry!

Cassie_Cini replied 3345 days ago

Can I wank over your new photo? :D


Cassie_Cini replied 3409 days ago

Isn't censorship just big smelly pile of poo?

Well it's there for a reason. I may not agree with the level of censorship that exists but it does have to be there

Cassie_Cini replied 3428 days ago

Im not sure I quite understand that advice to a newborn, are you saying that regardless of the childs gender, they should definitely be after the *****?

What 0.0

Cassie_Cini replied 3430 days ago

If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?

Crawl back to where you came from, child

Cassie_Cini replied 3436 days ago

Speaking of innovation, what do you think of the upcoming guitar hero? More plastic guitars? It's gonna be a flop right?

I stopped following the franchise with band hero (which I got for DS because it was the first GH DS game to include drums and vocals as playable instruments) but the song list has gone so downhill. I got GH5 and Warriors of rock and there were only a handful of songs I liked. They tried to expand their audience too much and are losing their original fans

Cassie_Cini replied 3436 days ago

What's your thoughts on Nintendo today, compared to what other games and console developers are doing, do you support them?

I think they're doing great, it's just not for me anymore. I haven't got a new Nintendo console/game since I bought my Mario collectors edition DS lite. The Wii's and 3DS' just aren't for me, but they're going in their own direction and being innovative which is awesome.

Cassie_Cini replied 3438 days ago

Why the mario invincibility star?

Because that was probably my first ever special ability in a video game. Nostalgia.

Cassie_Cini replied 3439 days ago

From that sick as double air assassination in AC to how fallout smartness changes dialogue options. Activating star power in guitar hero by rocking out, or the diversity of music that Links ocarina can be used to play. Interesting cool or bust, your favourite?

Does the Mario invincibility star count?

Cassie_Cini replied 3439 days ago