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Ask me anything PG13 or no reply

62 Replies

I love my eyes,
when you look in it ??
I love my name,
when you say it??
I love my heart?,
when you touch it ??


As sweet as this may be to a normal human I'm not a normal human and more so I'm not in your life. Like I'm literally not even in my own life ? . But in the name of being polite thank you.

Celinethumbiran replied 2573 days ago 1

What is the smartest thing you've ever done?

More recently, Choose ice skating over clubbing .

Celinethumbiran replied 2573 days ago 1

can I tie your shoes? because I don't want you falling how for anyone else ?❤

First you won't want me falling next you won't want me to fly . No thanks ?

Celinethumbiran replied 2577 days ago 1 1

What are you sick of trying to explain to people?

Why I am the way I am.

Celinethumbiran replied 2577 days ago 1

Have you ever answered a suicide victims questions prior to their death? How sure are you?

Um Hannah Baker is this you? .
... And no non that I'm aware of , can't exactly ask them now.

Celinethumbiran replied 2579 days ago 1

I'm not a photographer but i can picture you and I together ❤❤

I'm not a model but I can see you're good at posing.

Celinethumbiran replied 2579 days ago 1 2

Are you religious?

I'm traditional : meaning I adore any and all traditions of this world.
I'm Spiritual : which in my understanding conveys the fact that I do pray.
I'm cultural : meaning I love the culture I was born in and respect someone else's just as much .
But No I'm not religious at all, in my opinion true worship starts within and to others.
adorning statues and praying to them won't change the world. Real, genuine Intention to create change is godly in itself.

Celinethumbiran replied 2579 days ago 1

Have you ever cut someone off without an explanation

Yes. If I can cut someone off without an explanation its usually more beneficial to them as their no longer wasting their time on me. I tend to be emotionally distant it's usually not personal.

Celinethumbiran replied 2579 days ago 1

Plans for 2018?

Personal growth

Celinethumbiran replied 2620 days ago 2

Do you like peanut butter ?

These are the questions that haunt you? ??????
And yeah I most certainly do I have it everyday ??

Celinethumbiran replied 2631 days ago 1

What have you been up to lately?

Reading, learning and trying to be present as much as possible.

Celinethumbiran replied 2631 days ago 1

Have you ever been in love?

Once, but I sure hope it was love. Because if I was not then I plead insanity.

Celinethumbiran replied 2631 days ago 1

Marvel or dc?

I have more 'favourites ' in Marvel. So definitely Marvel.

Celinethumbiran replied 2631 days ago 1

Your poem about the stage, have you ever acted?

Yes. I've been in plays. Dances . Orchestras. And have even played solo instrumental pieces as well as sang the national anthem of India with two others.

Celinethumbiran replied 2639 days ago 1

What is the worst decision you ever made?

Didn't apply for my dream job sooner.

Celinethumbiran replied 2642 days ago 1