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Thanks whoever said this (:
Annabelle McGee
<3 :)
Awwh, Thankyou who ever this is! :)
You realise that your hurting me from this comment :(
Is this Sarah Seckold?
I could write all day about Leticia. Of Course I love her! She is amazing, and without her I'd be a nobody.
No clue.
Wooooo. I like you as a friend, but not any further.
I dont have a crush on anyone at the moment. That'll probably change in like a day.
High Hopes - Kodaline. :(
Cayla is amazing. She is one of my Best friends and has been since grade 5. I never want to lose cayla as a friend because she is kindhearted to everyone, and I love her so much!
Just because I think some are annoying, doesnt mean I hate them!
Issy IS fabulous. She is extremely funny and so PRETTY! Without Issy, I may as well not live! I love her to pieces, she is one of the nicest girls I've met (no doubt)
Hey random
Madi is so beautiful. She always has a smile on her face and is so kind to everyone. Madi is so gorgeous.
Gabby is so kind and sweet. Everytime I see her she has a smile on her face, and it puts a smile on mine. She's such a cutie, and she is so pretty! :)
Sarah Weber is so so funny. She always finds a way to make me laugh and smile. She is a beautiful person on the inside and out. She is a really good friend.
Shai is so so kind to everyone. She is one of the nicest people I have ever met (seriously) and I never want to lose her. She is amazing :)
Nawh, Thankyou so much. I'm sure I'd love to become closer to you, if you told me who you are :)
Haha yeah I know (:
Words can't describe her! she is so kind, and nice to everyone! She has a great sense of humor and is always making me smile and laugh. She is so so pretty, like EXTRMELY pretty and I love her to bits. xx
Wow. Wow. Wow. Are we talking about the same Ellouise? Because Ellouise is freakin amazing.
Pooj is extremely funny! She always has a smile on her face and is always making me laugh. She is so pretty and really fun to be around!!
Malone : Lisa & Cooper , Da Vinci : Ellouise & Mitch , MacKillop : Emma & Baylee , Gandhi : No clue. Chisholm : Niki & Liam R , Hollows : Madi & Connor
I would go to Hawaii (because the beach) , England (see my auntie) , Hollywood (because it's hollywood) and probably New Zealand (because people say it's good) :) Hope this answered your question!
Aww, Thankyou so so much! The same to you. We will definitely stay friends forever because without you my life wouldn't be half as good as it is. xx
People in Da Vinci like Rory and Billy and all them.
I would if I knew who 'Jack' was..
Bella is so kind. She is extremely pretty, she's so sweet and she always has a smile on her face. Love you Bell xx (:
Lol no. I am the complete opposite.
Darcy is really pretty and always puts a smile on my face :)
Ellouise is so kind and extremely pretty. She is perf (:
Chisholm : Brooke, Liam r MacKillop : Emma, Baylee Malone : Not sure Da Vinci : Zoe, Mitch Gandhi : Issy, Hayden
I can't chose just one.
Pretty annoying, but I love her (:
Probably Zoe L, Emma P and Abby (:
Really nice, good basketballer, good friend (:
I don't have a favourite.
Baylee & Liam Ross
Words can't describe her. She is beautiful
I don't really know him, but he seems nice. Probably wouldn't date him though.
Broooke ;)
nice, cool, funny (:
Dunno, not really anyone.
Pretty, funny, always smiling, good at keeping yabby's alive (:
Way too hard.
I don't really know you but your SUPER PRETTY, and nice and really kind! And... GORGEOUS! (:
I'm not amazing?!?! Why are you so amazing?
Pretty, funny, a cutie, small, crazy (in a good way), nice, good to talk too (: x
I don't even know what that is, sorry.
Haha, thankyou. But no.
Not alot Massah.