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Chloe Kay


What do you want to know?

29 Replies

What do you think of the military? What about ISIS?

I condemn ISIS and their actions. Their attacks have been horrific, most notably I think the thousands killed and tortured throughout the Middle East. There are many criminal organisation posing such threats under different names committing the same atrocities, i.e. Boko Haram and Al-Quida, although we don't not hear of them as recently their attacks have not involved Australia. I definitely think something needs to be done about this. However, after 9/11 and the actions and ramifications of George Bushs administration I do not believe military intervention is necessarily the answer. I am not to fond of the Australian and US defence forces at this point in time. I recognise and respect those who have fought in past wars, although, I find our military of the 21st century quite concerning. When we do see fascist dictatorships, and/ or criminal organisations harming civilians, we seem to just bomb their whole country to rubble. We cannot do this as we ourselves are only then posing a further threat to the innocent civilians caught up amongst it all. If we want to enforce military intervention we need to first figure out how we can do so and make sure the civilians of that country stay safe. I am not knowledgable enough on the topic to know exactly what we should do instead, although economic sanctions seem plausible and/or the ICC can possibly enforce penalties on those breaking international law if member states of the UN were to support them in deciding to do so.

Chloekkk replied 3371 days ago

What do you think of young mummies or single teen mums?

I think before having a child nearly all people, despite their age, underestimate exactly how much work it will be. Peoples maturity and attitude, although influenced by age, can differ vastly from individual to individual. A parents ability to love and care for their child is not defined by how old they are and therefore there is nothing wrong in having a child young. Although I recognise it can pose some difficulties as the younger you are the less likely it is you will be in a stable position that allows you to provide your child with support they require. When it comes to parenting the focus should be solely on the quality of life and support you can provide your child with, emotionally, socially, financially, physically, academically and so on. I think every parent, mother or father, 17 or 42, when choosing to have a child, takes on these responsibilities and from then on should fulfil them to the best of their abilities

Chloekkk replied 3371 days ago

Do you spit or generally swallow?

Do you mind to stop prying into my personal $ex life? I'll spit in ya face

Chloekkk replied 3371 days ago

So do u like ****???

Lol so vulgar, yes I like men

Chloekkk replied 3371 days ago

Do you like playing with other v*****s?

Straight to the point I see, and nah not my thing

Chloekkk replied 3371 days ago

Why are you such a lame nerd?

I'm cool alright

Chloekkk replied 3372 days ago

Was there an event or major influence in your life that made you take an interest in feminism besides being aware and gaining knowledge to be wiser in the topic, any influences real life or people who you look up to?

I would say my interest in feminism has been influence by a whole range of things. Ultimately I think my first awareness regarding these issues was influenced by a multitude of real life experiences and cir***stances I saw those around me faced with, rather than a specific event. As I got older, become more informed and began to better understand the grave impact of systematic gender discrimination worldwide, my interest continued to grow until here I am now. There are no particular names that come to mind, although, overall I admire many of the actions of different individuals throughout different feminist movements.

Chloekkk replied 3372 days ago

Seriously, why are you friends with the psychopath? He threatened to kill people and has deep psychological issues. aren't you scared he's going to kill you?

Stop with this "the psychopath" ****. No. 1- there isn't one psychopath in the world, if anything it would be "a psychopath" not "the psychopath" and No. 2- he isn't a bloody psychopath anyway. If I wanted to know your opinions on my friends (which I'm sure are highly influenced by your own personal prejudices), I would ****ing ask. And no I'm not scared, not in the slightest.

Chloekkk replied 3671 days ago 1

Holy **** your answers are on point!! Perf girl xx kyralaine

Hahah thanks buddy, love ya

Chloekkk replied 3673 days ago

Yeah sure, its her business and her right, but when she puts it out in public, its also our right to criticize and "shame" Umad?

No it is not your right to criticize and shame a girl from "putting out" in public. It is her right to be treated with dignity despite the idiotic judgements you may make on her. It is her right to feel comfortable with herself no matter what assumptions you decide to make about her appearance. What the **** would give you the right to shame HER body, for HER choices, in HER life. It has nothing to do with you. Why would you even want to shame a girl for her clothing options? It's a bit pointless and cold hearted wouldn't you think, to want to enforce feelings of humiliation and distress towards someone because of there clothing choices?

Chloekkk replied 3674 days ago 1

The problem is, feminists don't want to be "true equals." They want to have all of the benefits of being a man, but without all of the downsides. Is that true?

That is not right. A feminist is an individual who advocates for woman's rights in order to reach gender equality. An actual feminist does not want to be treated any better than a man, just no worse. They want true gender equality. No, I would not want the downsides that come with being a man to apply to me as well but instead I would not want them to apply to anyone. Being a feminist does not restrict you from believing that in some cir***stances men have it worse and consequently advocating for them. The thing is though, that is not heard of as much considering all throughout time woman have always been discriminated against more than men have. Recently feminism has adopted a bad undertone which I find deeply upsetting considering it is such a vital step in creating a society where everyone can thrive and flourish. With how woman are treated all over the world feminism is something that should be supported and celebrated by all.

Chloekkk replied 3674 days ago 1

I ****ing hate you. With a passion.You don't understand what it's like to have someone close to you graped. Or find out that someone close to you was graped. My girlfriend was graped last summer, before I even met her

What? I'm really confused to what you're saying? I'm not going to reply to your other messages until I can properly understand what you are talking about. Graped? And what do I have to do with this and the story you go on to tell?

Chloekkk replied 3675 days ago

Calm down


Chloekkk replied 3675 days ago

I think it's really great how you are speaking up for women's rights and equality - I know too many people from our generation making "women in the kitchen" jokes which really anger me. Good on you for standing up for us girls!

Thankyou :) I'm glad to know others agree! Yeah, all the ignorant ***holes can get a bit tiresome I find.

Chloekkk replied 3675 days ago

You have turned into such a wonderful young lady and you should be really proud of yourself for overcoming such great obstacles in your life.

So sweet! Thank you so much

Chloekkk replied 3675 days ago