How would your friends describe you?
What turns you off in a person ?
Body Odor
You have a very nice as* ;)
why thank you, i quite like the donkey from shrek too ;) hehehe
I really need to pee, but I'm in bed ): what do I do?
I hope my big **** is okay for you ):
only if its from my michelle
Your p**** tastes nice
ma pee peee? i know hehehe michelle tells me all the time
Michelle loves you
oh i know hehehheheheh
im on my way right now ;)
2 things you dislike about yourself?
1- my under eyes cos they look like I have been punched in the face if I don't wear makeup and 2 - my CHIN!
What did you last dream about?
cant remember :'(
Name a person you lied to today
emma and jo, i told them i came to join them study, in fact i came just to eat nachos :(
What are you really good at?
I'm not quite sure :'(
Who are you dating?
Hamish Patterson ^_^ <3
Who would you like thank today and what for?
mum for driving me to school^_^
What pisses you off the most?
fake *****es
Hey hey cutie pie why don't you talk a little more on the phone I like hearing your voice :3 wub you Christine :*
-_- HAMISH! should of known
Well hopefully you feel better soon so we can go out together :D
if I know who u are hahah
Are you feeling better darling? Xoxoxo
no I'm still sick :(
Naww that's such a long time how much longer do you think it will be?????
for another billion years :)
Nawww you and him are so cute :P how long has it been? It must be ages
haha why thank you <3 it's been around 1 year and 7 months xxxx
What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
having my amazing boyfriend hamish in my
life <3
Smartphone that is on your wishlist?
The IPhone 5c or the latest 6 that hasn't
come out yet!
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
would be associating with 2 **** heads when I was in year 10..
thank **** I don't keep in contact with them anymore.. hate them with my soul :)
too classy for rubbish like that ;)
do you like sleeping with me?
Nah m8
you a virgin?
yes I am :)
why don't you talk to me like you talk to the people on qooh me, it's like you don't love me as much as i love you, these people are annonomus i'm some one you love. gosh christine
awww, well I'm sorry but you are on annon aswell Hun. unless you are hamish then I'm sorry I fell asleep when u got back :(
*exy time with Chrissy is the best time ;)
*exy time with michelle is the best time ;)
We both know you really wanted to grab my boo*s ;)
Just wish you wouldn't do it in public ):
hahaa oh you caught me bby ;)
Did you like grabbing my boo* today ;) hahaha
**** YOU HAHAHA I meant to push u away :P ;) or did I... reow
Person you've been friends with the longest?
at Avila, emily Langdon :)
Craziest person you know?
JO! hahaa
Fav song?
one direction story of my life <3 there is
more just can't remember them at the
moment ^_^
First crush? :P
can't even remember. kindergarten hahahah
I love you chicken boo*ies xxxx georgianorts
I love ya too chicken nugget ;) xxxx
Who was your childhood best friend?
mirren <3
Nicknames you have?
Chrissy, Spazzbrow,
hahaha can't remember any more
is there anything you have heard about yourself that you want to remind everyone isn't true?
like what?
Last time you cried?
last time I cried was when I saw the price tag of a prada wallet . ^_^
Ham'ish is my gay lover
and that's nice love <3
Favourite car?
I have a few
why you no reply to your boyfriend on facebook! this make him sad :(
cos I'm too cool for school
why are you so attractive?
hahahahaa why are you so attractive annon
What upsets you?
when people cancel plans.
What is your weakness?
why is your thingy ralph
cos I love Ralph!
why are you so smart?
I'm really not haha
weelllllllll that depends on who you are on the phone to
well I'm on the phone to my amazing boyfriend
can you say i love you?
depends on who it is :)
i just cant help it :)
the one that we took at your formal! i was in a suit! :3 do you know who i am now?
omg fek u hamish <3
hahahahahaha i don't want to be smothered!!! can't i just have like a little bottle of chrissy juices that i can keep in my room next to your photo?
what photo?
what if i was really hamish? o.O
well then be prepared to be smothered in my as* juices
HASHAHA NO, its only for hamish
that's ok!!!!!!! <3 i've missed you as well and your nice smells! <3
thanks its my b*m juices ;)
Would you like some wind in your ear? ;) michellemessina
ooo yes please bby, **** YOU;)
why thank youuuuuuu <3 <3 <3 <3
Why are you so pretty?? I wish I was as pretty as you are :)
oh shucks, who is this :) <3 im sure you are absolutely gorgeous!
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
haha no one <3 all I need is hamish :)
What is your nickname?
SpazzBrow ^_^
You are so rude and blunt on here
if this is the person asking about roachies party I'm sorry but I can't tell someone I don't know the details. just ask her your self or pm me and I can ask her for you once I know who you are x
Like what date
I don't know who u are just ask her
When is Emily roach's party? How many people are going :)
soon and why don't u go ask her ^_^
You have family over seas?
why am I even discussing to you about this. and no when they went on a holiday but that's it.
where did we speak? what social media ?????
A while ago.
on where? I only have Facebook so.. and I havnt spoken to anyone from a different country unless it's my family that are over seas.
Because we've talked before.
well when?
Because I'm not being creepy. I just think you're a beautiful girl that I'd love to meet one day.
well you live in a different country. and I don't even know you and u won't tell me who you are so it is creepy, how did u even find me?
It's really only creepy if you make it.
how is that?
Different country. :(
um that's creepy, how did u even find me?? I only share this on my Facebook page which is private! WTF.
No, I'd love to. I'm quite far away though.
oh. how far away?
Don't worry, no creep here. Just feel too awkward right now. lol
awww don't feel awkward! have we met before??
You'll see. Maybe
nah ya sound creepy mate, go find another person ^_^
One day you'll know who I may be.
do I know who you are now? or are u a stranger?
Pshh, you will be :))
how hmmm? if I don't know who you are
I'm not Hamish either.
I know, so I guess I'm not yours then :P
Your secret lover
well if it's secret then I can't be yours...
Be mine beautiful?
not unless you are hamish ^_^ who's this?
100% perfection :))
thanks love <3
You have the perfect face
oh shucks, your making me blush
u wanna get shanked?
I'll roll ya
you'll never know
dun dun daaaa
sounds like stefano actually haha
the sender
not u
ooohhh hmmmm jesseeeeeeeeeeeeeee an I right?
is this stefano, jesse, ben, harry or hamish?
um this is Chrissy...
You are the most gorgeous, talented and amazing girl :) Keep shining beautiful xx
Naww thank you <3 XOXOXOX who's this ^_^
what do you think of people who take drugs?
it's their choice but I usually don't associate with them ^_^
Why did you get qoohme?
cos I could
How long would you like to live for?
forever ^_^