Georgia Norton
What's pissing you off right now ?
Are you still friends with any one from Avila ?
Yeah, I still keep in contact with some beautiful people from school ?
Your biggest wish ?
To make music
What turns you off ?
What do you love the most?
Where do you want to live when you older?
LA or New York
yeah i totally agree (sorry for the late reply this is about the formal dress) something you feel comfortable in will always be better than a cheap one that you feel like **** in. do you reckon you'd where it again somewhere and where to?
I hope so, honestly not sure
The most unreliable person you know ?
Mr Potatohead
Biggest regret?
Not being true to myself when I started at avila
What do you like about the person you dating?
We can eat nachos and have nacho babies while watching beavis and butthead
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Yes, everyone was brought into this world for a reason and has the right to live
gorgia ain't pathetic. she's a beautiful bird ready to fly over you and **** on ur toilet worthy head!!
I wonder who this is :')
Whoever's telling Georgia to kill herself might want to back the **** off. I will find you, and you will regret it you ****in **** stain.
Hahaha I'm glad there are people who have got my back!
If you kill yourself I would kill myself, I love you
Aw I love you too
your pathetic
Babe tell me something I don't know
Don't talk about my chins like that!
Aw looks like you finally realised what you are :')
Thoughts on Johnny Arhondis?
That ****head hahaha he's a legend!
What’s a common misconception people have about you?
A lot of people think I'm always about the laughs
What have you lied about lately ?
Whether I'm ok or not
Do you think your formal dress was worth the money? Also where did you get it from? :)
You'd be surprised, but I think it was worth it. For me, it's one of those dresses that actually made me feel pretty. It's from gasp :)
what kind of tattoo do you want?
I want one of the ribbon of autism, and another one most likely related to disney
Everyone leave Georgia alone she is a amazing person and just because you get a kick out of saying bad things about others doesn't mean you should. Grow up and stop acting like little children.
Aw thank you! That is really sweet :)
How much is your formal dress?
Most expensive thing you have?
My formal dress
Thoughts on Dale Tralongo?
A really sweet, talented guy! Love talking to him about photography :)
One thing you like about yourself?
Can't think of anything
Don't listen to them porgie, you're obviously amazing at make up and they're just jealous that they have an ugly face that make up can't even fix theirs :P michellemessina
Aww Michelle! x
****ing wow.think you're going get a career out of caking someone's face up?have you given up on music because you've finally come to realise that you're nowhere near as amazing as the others? is that why you wear makeup? to hide what others see in you, ugly
Are you done? Because if you are, leave me alone
What turns you off in a person ?
Thoughts on Tierney Rowland
Cutest babe out! Haven't seen her in 4 years, miss her so much
love you georgia! xx
ignore the people who say **** to you.
you're amazing inside and out!
Aw you babe xx
do u like carla perna lol she a retard
Hahaha seriously bless her
she's a babe
honestly,people bringing stuff up about panic attacks, cutting and all that you sound like a bunch of twelvies who see anyone normal as "weird" jesus u moles grow up and be mature then maybe people will stop talking behind YOUR backs!
Can I get a mother ****ing amen in here?!
Even if your formal dress was "hideous", you made it beautiful. Don't worry about the haters. They only envy you and what you have. Your happiness is their biggest fear so Chin up x
Hahaha aw why thank you! It's people like you that give me a little more faith in society x
Your formal dress was hideous, why did you get it?
Because I liked it, that's like asking why did wear what you wore to formal. What makes you think that your opinion matters when it comes to my choice of clothing?
You actually make me laugh
how much do u weight nigg.a
I find it difficult to s*ck your doodle because it's too small :'(
- you're naughty ;)
I think you're talking about drew ;)
You're rude!
want belly peircing?
Yep, also nose and a tattoo
do you like long hair or short hair on you
Probably long hair
most weirdest person in year level?
Current best friend??
Can't name just one:
best friend in year 7?
Emily peck :)
2 things you dislike about yourself?
Skin and my weight
what course do you want to do after school
I'll still be doing makeup and skincare next year but i want to get a diploma in specialist makeup :)
Your thought on Melvin Lee? I can't believe you know him, he's a AWESOME fully sick ****, and your awesome as well.
I honestly haven't seen him in 3 years but I remember him being the funniest kid.
What did you last dream about?
Going back to primary school for a reunion and not being acknowledged, so I tried to run away so nobody could see me cry but i felt weak and couldn't run.
Can people leave Georgia alone, she doesn't want these attacks, it's not like she asks for it. You're obviously jealous because she is fabulous and you are not (: michellemessina
Aw I love you Michelle!
panic attacks? more like freak attacks
aha yeah because you know so much about panic attacks, let alone the state of panic
do u even get panic attacks?
Nah, I just let the adrenaline run through me and breathe irregularly and sometimes faint for fun.. you're clearly a ****wit
Nah babe, au naturel x
**** off annon. she's to *exy to die for a start. and she doesn't have cuts **** head. she had whip marks that me, drew and michelle give her when we were in bed. ChrissyS
HAHAHAHA people don't know **** :')
you're absolutly amazing
oh please! speak for yourself x
love you georgia :)
aww love you too xx
everyone has seen ur cuts so why do you keep hiding them? its pointless
***** I don't have any. You can see for yourself
What pisses you off the most?
When people insult those who are seen as "retarded". They are just like everyone else, if not, a lot nicer than the rest of society tbh
How long have you been together?
3 and a half years :)
Are you and your boyfriend still going out
Yeah we are :)
Obviously people who are hating on you are jealous of your fabulous looks.
Hahahaha I ****ing love you Mich <3 learnt from the best xx
I don't know what people are on about you're so beautiful, sometimes I see photos and wish I looked as good as you
Aww don't say that! You're perfect
honestly don't blame u for wearing makeup all the time. u look monstrous.. not tht the makeup makes much of a difference anyway
You're not much of a supermodel yourself
what did you do that makes people think you're a horrible person?
Mainly my attitude problem
The biggest mistake you made in your life?
Not being true to myself. Because of that, people still think of me as a horrible person
Everybody loves you! Don't be sad xxxx
Not everybody but thank you xx
I haven't seen you in ageessss but you are the kindest person
Aw why thank you! That's very sweet
You're beautiful
Aw thank you xx
why are people so mean to you i mean in my opinion you are a babe in music class x
Aw well thank you bebz x
How much do you weigh
i heard u were so **** at ur recital that people were trying not to laugh lol
Well I'm glad I entertained them, tell them to laugh a little louder next time
Who was your childhood best friend?
Nathan, Trent, Chrissy and Paris :)
You look *exier when you wear Hawaiian shirts... ;)
Well what can I say, why thou so *exy in thous Hawaiian shirt ;)
Ur awesome as heck like a 10 outta 10
Aw thank you x
what is your medication for?
You're going to have to inbox me for that one.
Last time you cried?
This afternoon
Whoevers telling Georgia to "give up", get your ****ing as* off anon. You're clearly a pathetic piece of **** because you're hiding behind a ****ing computer. Grow a pair and say it to her face. jodiebeach
Can I get an amen in here?
Please just give up
I already have
I don't think you realise that no matter how nice you are to people, they're still going to hate you, just do yourself everyone favour and just disappear
Yeah cheers for the advice xx
WHAT DO U THINK OF CHRISTINE SOLDATOS ;) muahahaha chicken boo*ies ChrissyS
Im glad we put our **** behind us and moved on with life cause your not as bad as people say you are
Wow thank you, glad that it's all in the past xx Inbox me
i like you georgia you da bomb machew1996
oh you, you rock my sox off x
i liike you :)
aw I like you too :)
Whoever says noones likes you, Well I do and youre awesome and dont listen to them because their immature and dont understand the awesomeness you have because you can speak quack :D Sure you know who this is, Love Ya :D Dont let kents get you down plz!
Oh you mother quacker! Cheers homie x
do you not get that no one likes you?
woop de ****ing doo
why can't you drink?
georgia today is nort your day :P machew1996
Oh wow you are so not funny :')
I'll give you a wave of twerks
Wave? I prefer a tsunami of twerks
I drank sum bong water it was delish
Bong milkshakes is my fave ❤️
Do you even inject marajuanas?
Bro do you even drug?