Chris Mcdonald
Best song you've heard this week ?
All about the Zombie eaters cover by Ill Nino this week not gonna lie
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Watching Hannibal! (the tv series)!
Craziest thing you ever did for the luls?
Grand Larceny
Craziest thing you ever did for money ?
All crazy things iv done for the luls not for money
If you're going to fly, how should you do it?
What is your ringtone?
The god father theme! :D
The most unreliable person you know ?
Don't rightly know sir!
Your girlfriend is way better looking then you. You are a lucky prick you are.
Damn right anon!
Biggest regret?
Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?
Who the **** takes a ****ing bath before going to anything apart from bed.
A hippo? I'll ride a tiger! tippychick
A hippo would win in a fight.
I love gorillas! Let's go to the zoo! tippychick
YES!!!!! ima ride a hippo.
How big is your p****?
Approximately the size of an average nipple
do you love lisa chris-mas? (this is not in any way lisa at all)
Milhouse loves Lisa!
Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
to adhere glue needs to dry, keep the lid on and it wont dry out and thus wont stick
If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands?
Is washing someones mouth out even still a thing since the 20s?
Why do toasters always have a setting so high that could burn the toast to a horrible crisp, which no decent human being would eat?
iv known people to like their food burnt to ****. steak and toast and what not.
Would you rather have nips the size of a doodle or a doodle the size of a nipple?
I already have both. whats not to like?
Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not?
Nope. Don't know how to CPR although I would take the excuse to vigorously make out with him. No one would question it.
Tinker can't farm ancients any more!
Well ****. I love that so much. **** tinker.
Game of thrones vs Vikings ?
both good... like the books of song of ice and fire, sooo for show vikings is better.
I heard you like to play dress up with your mums clothes. If this is true, can I draw you?
As long as you draw me equally or greater then your French girls
Most expensive thing you have?
Who's asking? you tying to rob me qooh, ey?!
im going to lock the door so drunk brad cant get in.
I would highly suggest that!
If people could read minds, and two people were reading each others minds, would they be reading their own mind?
there would be no content to be read. from either party.
If you are at guf ima come hug you soon
I am not at guf. and this sounds a little rapey did you know?
I know everything
Who am I dating?
Adam Sandler
Who are you dating?
Jesus Christ
Who is your BEST friend?
Mr bobbets!
Would you rather brutally murder your entire family, or be part of the human centipede?
Human centipede. Shotgun middle
would you rather have a million Camel Spiders your body for an hour, or a money shot on your face from a homeless man.
Wtf is a camel spider. I'd take the spiders.
What do you do when you angry?
nothing special... there is meant to be a general reaction to each emotion? odd.
I heard not brad likes regards keeg0
not brad likes many things mr keeg0, being brad is one of them
Why is the word for 'a fear of long words', hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
I need to know, Christoberg!
Everyone just needs more ways to say **** you to the mentally ill apparently.
Nah bro wasn't that bad guy. His looks like a top bloke. You should buy him a present or something.
Regards not brad
you are all dirty liars! I NEED AN ADULT!
Why do anonomoose keep asking you stupid questions. What ****ing authority do you think you are to answer these questions? think you are better then me? You wait champ next time I see you I'll smash ya face in.
Anonomoose values my oponions on the mayter. IM IN FOR A WREKIN
What would happen if I hired two private investigators to follow each other?
They would get quickly bored realise what you have done then spend weeks pretending to keep working for you untill you are broke.
Why can't I hold all these limes??
Use your t shirt like a bucket to carry them instead of holding them all in your arms like an idiot, gosh L2 lime
If I ate myself would I double in size or disappear completely?
Neither, assuming you could eat your entire self the body never absorbs all of what is put into it and converts it to growth, you would become energy for yourself, if you didn't use yourself energy you would become your own fat.
One thing you like about yourself?
Symmetrical elbows
Would you rather be short and ginger or a fat nerd?
Cant i be both? that would be *exy as ****.
If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?
Incase people forget that jimmy cracks corn it could become an issue if not delt with regularly.
Would you rather have a v***** on your forehead or have a row of p****es down your back like a stegosaurus?
I'd go with stegoboners. Getting my period though a forehead gyne would be just horrible for everyone..
Ever had your heart broken? If so by who?
Lul u Sah silly qooh
if i know anything about you, the set time is whenever the **** you get tired. amirite?
that does seem about legit! without maximum the tired sleep is impossible.
What time do you sleep?
There is a set time for that?
How tall are you?
Half way between dwarf and midget
Who inspires you?
Captain snooze
How far would you how to when to get with while you go would you?
There when to be the on the can. Do the now, have the maybe.
I've gargled fresh seamen and it was less gay than this anon question ****
How Fresh, and was it your own or someone / something elses?
How come no-one stopped me from necking that bottle of Johnnie Walker, I mean it was a fun 10 minutes and all, but the next day... cannot even deal
haha, because who were we to interfere with your man mode?
I have seen you punch, I ain't afraid of you maggot. mess with the bull you get the seamen in your eye
I haven't seen me punch, I always close my eyes really really tight and look away then swing wildy!
What are you ignint? there ain't never be no planes around these parts, fool...
Ill punch you right in the throat m8.
There is a cabin in the woods, inside are two dead people. what happened?
A plane crashed
**** one, marry one, kill one... Susan Boyle, Rebel Wilson and Gina Rinehart. Kgo
I'm not sure who all those people are. As far as I know. Kill Susan. **** Gina and marry rebel haha.
Hey Chris this is your mother, can you please come out of the room. We are all worried about you. I made your favorite. Water melon and fried chicken for dinner. Please darling we love you xoxo
I do likes me some fried chicken!
Oh I get it, your name is a play on Heiseinberg. the character from Malcolm in the Middle, right?
Malcolm, we need to cook.
I hear Dodo have good unlimited plans, you should look them up
I could do with that, sitting on 8gig a month usage. so not cash
How much attention will it take before you stop this gay ****?
Hey it got your attention ****S WORKING DAWG!. also unlimited.
Have you ever had a dream that, that you um, you had, you, you wou-, you cou-, you do, you wi-, you want, you, you could do so, you, you do, you cou-, you, you wanted, you want him to do you so much you could do anything?
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?
How're you and presto going to go raising a little jew kid with the last name christoberg together?
In todays modern society there is no reason two young male jews cant raise a child together.
who is best doto hero
What turns you off in a person ?
basicly everything.
How do you counter Void?
Ranged cc. Hex ethereal blade stuns or aggressive tri early to disable farm
I an Confucius. Who is sempai
Senpai is who notices you
Do you even game?
omw que us
Can you notice me Sempai?
Senpai will not notice you.
How do I git gud?
by not being ****.
Can you tell me the secret of monkey island
I cant, i never played that. something about treasure
Where were you when they built the ladder to heaven?
Opium den in shanghai
Do you think I'm kawaii desu uguu~
Oni chan, s-so suddenly
Do you buffer your raybans? They're really pretty.
Nah i have them downloaded so they don't need to buffer. huehuehue
What do you use in your hair? It's really pretty.
Fermented pig spit
What do you use in your skin? It's really pretty.
In my skin? Melanin id say!
Void is more uselful
Robin Williams
Rest in pepperoni sweet prince
But what if I don't want to be friends :O
Your words hurt more then you know </3
Did you ever changed your waifu
Changed my waifu? i don't recall ever having a waifu.
Can we be friends?
Certainly anon face man! :3
ey beb u wan sum fuk
when this **** comes up it's gonna look like a bunch of ****ing f***** **** stars and **** **** ***** boo*s, and that's how I won the wolrd election
Peoole are senstive to swearing on the internets for sure
Of you where forced to do an***, would you prefer, 1 black dude or 3 white dudes?
Lol..... It could be a black dude with a small Wang.... Depends which has the smaller combined girth. Ha.
No-one said you had to have *ex with, it was a, Would you rather be
OHHH. my bad, i misread that!. assumed *ex was involved due to the recent questions.... hmm.. id be the girl with the ****. due to no periods.
Would you rather be a girl with a p****
Or a boy with a v*****?
Personally, girl with a p**** would have to be best right? its what every guy wants, boo*s and a ****
Hahah... Uhhhh... I dunno it would be like having *ex with a really ugly girl. If picked the boy... Wouldnt really know how to deal with the wanged up female.
Why dont they make mouse flavour cat food?
Cats Probs don't like the taste of mouse that much, I think they just like hunting and killing.
Would you rather wear someone elses dirty undies or use someone elses toothbrush
Depends on the person. Probs go with tooth brush.
would you rather lick peanut butter off a homeless persons naval or a dead cow?
A dead cow, it's just unprocessed steak :3
What is your biggest Secret, no troll answers :)
I dont have any of my own secrets... I stole a belt the other day? Hahaha
What is one thing you could tell us about yourself that others would be shocked to know?
Depends how easily shocked people are. Can't really think of anything honestly. Only even had 1 girlfriend? Is that a thing? I dunno.
What's the strangest pick up line you've gotten?
"My friend wants to have *ex with you" - no teeth in regaurds to ghetto ***** in a hungry jacks in Queensland
What is a question i could ask, that you would not be willing to answer?
Anything that involves someone else's secrets
If you had to bang the mum of one of your mates who's would it be?
I don't know many of my mates mums. but probs Munzi, he would get maddest about it.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
don't say doing your wife, don't say doing your wife... doing your son? im not sure. where ever i end up i guess.
Would you rather have *ex with a your grandmother every day for the rest of your life, Or Play one game of Magic with steve?
haha, playing magic with steve isnt so bad. its just being in the same room as him while he complains about everything that is painful
Would you rather wear a live cat as a football helmet for the rest of your life or wear an octopus as a male g-string the rest of your life?
hahaha... brilliant... if the cats not being hurt then the cat helmet, if the cat is hurt will have to take the octopus, octopus dont have feelings.
would you rather bury your tongue in a dogs an** for 10 seconds or cats an** for 20?
So your saying a cats an** is better then a dogs an**?. man that is creepy... both would be horrible. go the dog due to shorter duration.
Toilet paper, scrunch or fold
ohhh... both, neither, don't really think about it lol