Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I have lots of heros for different reasons really. I pretty much look up to just about anyone who’s made a real impact on the world. John Lennon, Ozzy Osbourne , Stephen King, J.K. Rowling, Sam Jackson, there are so many. And I have different heroes according to different things so??♂️ I look up to anybody who’s kicked life’s A$$ at any point. My parents are on this list as well. Love them.
That’s a tough one really. Uhm.......I love listening to music and reading. They can kinda take you anywhere you want to go.
All questions that involve relationships. If i’d have to choose one it would be “who do you like?” Also , questions involving my family(if you know me , you know what I’m talking about lol) are annoying and sometimes just rude.
This best pals thing seems to be popular. I’ve answered that part of the question though. And yes I’m single.
No particular order here. I repeat NO PARTICULAR ORDER. Milani Mgaga , Schultz , Yokell , Murray , Siba Ngonyama(sorry if I spelt that wrong buddy , love you?) , Silu(miss you❤️) , Rycen aka dun mannetjie, Keagan Herman, Jesse , Connor. Milani’s my bestie though. We have matching onesies with our faces on them. And matching tattoos.
I went for a jog and stopped to watch a football game when a man came and stood next to me and we got talking about football. Then another man also came and joined our conversation. I don’t talk to strangers/new people often at all and my social skills are limited to crazy talk about conspiracies and controversy. So it was just beautiful to see three people from different places , backgrounds , cultures , generations etc. brought together by this beautiful game.
I am not going to be your typical dude smashing away at his keyboard online and judge it without really knowing a lot about it but I have heard some rather uhhhh......intriguing things about it?.
Yeah I miss you dude??those Westering days??
One of my guests once felt the sudden need to throw my pool balls(which obviously belong on a pool table) in the damn swimming pool. And no , we were not intoxicated.
Hey Nolan (if you don’t get it then I don’t know who you are lol)
Lmao ❤️ You Jesse?
Ryc , Mila , Schulz , Murphy , Bob , Yokell , Turkey , Keagan , Siba , Connor. I speak to them the most atm. Plus they send me the most memes
Thank you. NEEEVVVVEEEEERRR thought of that
I like to think I’m quite a good soccer player. But then again I could be wrong ??♂️?
I’d prefer for you to just send me memes instead tbh
No , I have been using Apple phones for years now. Never had any real problems that I couldn’t fix quickly.
I don’t like garlic. Never had it. But thanks for telling me something I don’t know. If you want to replicate this “garlic smell” , David Beckham cologne is the way to go.
Only if those videos involve our lord and savior??????
Yoooooo??I think I've got legitimate questions and you ouens do this ????
Yo wtf??
That I should play Center Back?
Nothing , really. That'll all change soon though. Then exams will start and I'll surely end up joining a cult and shaving my head??
"Wanting to be someone else is such a waste of who you are." - Kurt cobain. That's one of the quotes I live by I guess
Youtubers making diss tracks. It's painful to listen to
sorry to disappoint you, but no. I do not consume p****es of any sort.
Weird. Awkward. Realist
My religious views
This black dude that captains Westering's u16 rugby team
Watching movies