How did you meet your bestfriend ?
What is your purpose ?
Be the best that I can be.
Whats the one thing you cannot forgive ?
Money or Loyalty ?
For now, money.
Last person you argued with and why ?
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
"awww ****" -1Puglife
You're nice, funny and pretty. We don't talk that much and a majority of the time when we sit together in English, the teacher talks too much. We should talk more and hangout sometime. :)
What is your bank balance ?
3 fiddy
Where do you want to live when you older?
What would you suggest everyone try ?
Biggest regret?
no regrets brah - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frvW7l6YiNU
What do you like about the person you dating?
hah nice joke, not now
What have you lied about lately ?
Lots of things xD
Ayoooooooooooo twinn;) we've been talkin a lot lately and we should keep doing so. we should hang out some time in the near future:P *i dunno what else to write really at dis point
What do you do when you angry?
Turn green and rage. Duh.
What are you really good at?
Being bad at mostly everything though my last name is Best.
Who are you dating?
ha i wish
Have you ever had feelings for a friend?
Who was your childhood best friend?
10/10 Alysha Koster
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Arianna Grande.
You don't even know.
K then? UOENO
How long would you like to live for?
till i've made empire leleleleleleelee
Your next smartphone?
The one that can thing
Who do you think is dying next on Game of thrones?
u a *****
1v1 me irl ill play NuNu
The most boring person you know?
McKenna Bosilo
Who would you take a bullet for?
Da peepo
When you help someone, do you ever think, “What’s in it for me?”
One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to?
If you met Nelson Mandela what would you have told or asked him?
What is missing in your life?
Why are you such an as*?
heh, msg me on facebook.
What would you do this year If you had no fear ?
whats the day today
Its Sunday
What have you learned today?
What do you think people think of you?
What is the best way to approach a girl you like?
A lie you told today?
"I wanted to walk with my best friend Karter to class."
this horse is as majestic as an eagles dong
do you like Jewel ;) <3
Yeah u do
The government doesn't control me!
Hehe I sleepy night
Ummmm do i care?
<(^¿^}> {>^¿^)> <(^¿^<) <(^¿^}> duh
ill take it.
Yes I do haha I have like no respect so yeah
You do hate her! Loooool so do I!!!
GG Jewel you hate yourself?
Jewel wants to know if you hate her
If muffins had baby's would they keep it in there bottom of muffin top!!!! Hehehe
Who do you really want to kill
The government.
A person is askin if you hate jewel
Well GG not happenin?
Cheese, bacon and what makes the best coffee?
Fat Fat
Do you hate jewel
Depends, whose asking.
Two Things that you would like to improve about yourself?
Choose 1 person tidy date in your religion class
You cool Jeff! Dont anyone tell you different :)
Same thing was written on that paper. Kinda obvious whom wrote this.
what do you think of the people you hang out with? (Honestly)
I wouldn't want anyone else to hang with. :P
Who do you like?
No one currently