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road trips and beaches.
Hey Sarah.
This is the third time someone had asked me this... Weird. Thoughts - funny, easy to talk to, great friend.
aw thank you. Xx and you should message me!
he's interesting and hilarious.
She's one of my best friends. Love her to bits..
The people who I care about. Either don't care about me or ignore me.
thank you Xx.
Beach in the day. Dinner at night at a restaurant. With the people I love.
People who don't say what they mean.
Doctors without borders.
whenever it feels right.
YOU FOUND ME. by The Fray. :)
girl - Sarah boy - Ludwig OTP.
my friends, family and the internet.
In a house.
I cleaned.
Um... Jaydwig.
Love you.
Awww miss you too!!!!
My bed. < is that sad....
Of course I am. Is that even a question. Two words DYLAN OBRIEN.
I would very much like to tell you but it's way too much to say on here. Msg me and we'll discuss it.
My view on life.
Stydia -- stiles and Lydia. search them up Kimerek -- Kimberly and Derek. ;)
Love you too!!!!
School is death.
Amy, joe, Jacob, Hannah j, Kim, Brie, Sarah, Ludwig, Sirisit, and Nathan.
Aww cutest thing someone has said to me all day.
HILARIOUS!!! Wish he and I were closer friends. He gets better with age.
Kiss Dylan marry Dylan kill every year ten boys EVERYWHERE!! Mwahahahahahahaha.
Why is your face weird? These are the unanswerable questions of our generation.
Jacob, joe, Adam, Ludwig, Nathan, Julian, Reuben, Matt b, josh. Pretty much all of them are hilarious.
God made you tall, it must be for a reason.
It's what I do best.
Direct message me in Facebook or iMessage. ;)
Sarah, you are a pretty spectacular person, honestly looking forward to YWAM so I can know abit more about you. I feel like if we had the chance we'd be better friends. Jacob is a weenie but a funny weenie. And I officially won the SASS battle. Fin.
I'm going to be really boring and say DM me. And i pinky promise to tell you.
Personality wise - I'd have to say Jacob, joe, Ludwig, Nathan and Reuben.
Your SASS is laughable. That's how little you have. If I could measure your SASS.. Oh wait I can't because it's so small, one of your cells could have cellular respiration take place and your SASS would become non-exsistant. BOOM! End of story. Fin.
My nose is no place for your tongue.
Out of my dwig ships - she's in the top 3.
Unbelievably cute. Love her to bits.
You may.
Somebody that I used to know.
Amy Meredith.
Yes, yes i am. BAM! ( feel the burn of my SASS )
To hesitate.
Anyone in my class that I could have a really good convocation with and have a lot of fun with.
Using the word 'pretty' means you're aprehenceive. Therefore meaning I am more fab.
I don't think that's possible.
Um thank you so much. Never been called that before.
Bethany childs. Hands down ;)
I'm so weird, I always either laugh than look down or look at them when they're not looking or I might bite my lip. I try not to make it too obvious.
Super knowledge. ;)
I'm thankful for people in my life that care.
Because he would talk to me if he liked me.
Nice try Amy. Love you too!
I have fallen for one person in particular this year but I know for sure, they don't like me. You win some you lose some. Right?
Of course I like them. They're my friends. :)
Probably not telling people what I actually think.
Thank you
Of course. I think everyone has.
What ever need, I'm here to help. DM me!
Who hasn't?
Love you too! Xx Aww people are so cute sometimes.
Have deep convosations in person instead of on message.
Pretty sure I've already answered this.
People who don't make an effort to care.
Hahaha yes. But that's not where I got it from.. It's a awesome memory from one of my past closest friends. And I wanted to keep it. :)
Hey kimmy. I like chocolate too. ;)
Aww thank you.
Love you too. :)
Idk who are. Pm me.
The thought of being able to do what I want is pretty happy. So I'm going to go with freedom. And cute cats.
Hey hey hey. That was cute.
We fight all the time. I don't see your point though. ;) Nah I still love her.
Thank you. ;)
Taneesha is just so fun to be around and so pretty. Really hoped she'd stayed longer at the school so I could I got to know her.
All four of them are so smart, beautiful girls and if I say here and wrote every little good thing they've done for me is be here for days. But I just hope that they all know that I love each and every one of them.
This guy called NO ONE. He's really cute.
I don't really know him that well, we haven't talked in ages but he's a nice guy.
I don't like most but I like some, I'll let you decide who they are:
Sophia and Elise were on my netball team so I know them pretty well. Helen is really nice and fun to be around.
There are so many...!?!?
No, I don't.
I honestly don't like popularity. But everyone else says Brie, Tamar, Sarah and Victoria.
Honestly, I know this Is a weak answer. But I'd like to better friends with everyone I'm my class.
I had a medical reason and my parents didn't want me to push myself to get to the point of getting sick again.
8. I honestly love Melissa. She's fun to be around and I think people don't really pay the attention that she deserves. She like a hidden gem. ;)
Honestly I thought a lot more people deserved higher awards than what they got. I think people just got a a bit frustrated that I got it and I didn't do the bike ride. But I did do a lot of extracricuulars and I had a medical reason. But I was intending to do it. I'm just super happy that I got a gold one :)