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To be able to trust them
Making the wrong decision and being stuck in a life I don't want to be in
When it happens. You can't predict these things.
Probably Josh and Kim - josh has the physical strength and speed to survive while Kim would be able to find food wherever she goes
House near the beach, if not, in a nice house in a good neighbourhood
It depends on the situation. Were they together before and how long, or was it a once off kiss?
Probably my iPhone or my bed
Always. It doesn't matter their background or situation, you'd never just leave someone to die. But I need to know CPR first...
What I'm going to do with my life.
That everything is okay
When's the end of the world?
Probably my ipad
Um. Bacon all the way.
Intelligent, hilarious, and sometimes a great combination of the two. Loving his qoohme questions and answers atm
Apple juice and lemonade :) it's pretty good Also, anything with chocolate turns out pretty well
This is my 11th year
R u sure you don't?
I'm so betting this is Adam
A guy
I love you too Pilou :)
Not looking forward to school
Neither - just don't like them
Chicken all the way
Once his name becomes uncensored, why not.
Love them, glasses are a pain
Wrong closet Jacob.
I'm doing it right now
This is so vague i just don't know how to answer it
Idk - you tell me
True. My bad
Firstly, you need a lot of money to have one, and second, it'd be weird - imagine a random guy in your house all the time
I never was in one... Obvi you haven't come out yet :P
A guy?
Do you know this from personal experience?
Shrek is love shrek is life ruined all the movies
Oh, totally.
I'm sorry, sometimes i'm just out of it. Perhaps send me a message on fb?
What's the bet it's not? Anyway, adam's funny (sometimes a bit inappropriate but idc) and him and jacob make a good combination
Yes. All the way
If it's been the last week, i'm sorry, i'm kinda semiconscious cos i'm sick. If not, then i'm just distracted
Funny, even better with Julian - the two of them make a great combo ;) gonna do great things in the future i reckon.
As a friend, yes
Haha coming from you
She's intelligent, gorgeous and funny, and we always find something random to talk about :)
This isn't a question..? But thanks
From anywhere from 10:30-12
Cos I'm totally going to put that on here, nice try :P
I dont have a best friend, but my close friends are Kim, Aaliya, Tamar and Brie
Based on personality, I'd have to say Jacob, Dwig, Nathan, Matt B and Reuben
Someone who only cares about themselves, who has nothing good to say about anyone