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Finn Balor


Ask me anything you like anonymously

43 Replies

What makes you nostalgic? angelicwhispers

You’re going to laugh at me, but, when I see potato cakes. I’m reminded of Ireland and it makes me miss my childhood.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What do you bring most to a friendship? angelicwhispers

I’m loyal. I’m not going to abandon you just because of a little disagreement. I also bring Legos with me everywhere.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What’s a bad habit you have? angelicwhispers

I rarely sleep. Which, even though it’s a bad habit...some days it’s worth it.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What song do you sing only when you’re alone and what memory does it bring back? angelicwhispers

Somewhere I Belong by Linkin Park.
It reminds me of when I first was trying to figure out where I wanted to be with wrestling, and trying to find my place in Japan.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What has been your favorite thing about wrestling in the states compared to Japan and the UK? angelicwhispers

Honestly, meeting you and becoming as close as we did. If it wasn’t for me wrestling in the states, we wouldn’t have met and I wouldn’t have the most important thing in my life.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

Where is one place you have traveled to that you would like to spend more time in? angelicwhispers


Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What were your New Years resolutions? angelicwhispers

To come back to WWE and come back stronger than ever. Also, to make myself truly happy.

I accomplished both.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

Favorite television show to binge watch? angelicwhispers

The Office.

Demonprincewwe replied 2673 days ago 1

What was your favorite thing about growing up in Ireland? Would you ever consider moving back there after wrestling? angelicwhispers

I would say everything about Ireland is my favorite. I would absolutely want to move back there, but only if you're right there with me.

Demonprincewwe replied 2697 days ago 1

How would you describe Rami and Ben? angelicwhispers

Rami and Ben are my best friends. They get me more than pretty much everyone else. I can easily go to them for anything and they will be there in a heartbeat. Rami has been my friend for years. We talk every day. If we don't, I feel like I would go insane. Ben is the same way. They both just understand me at such a deep level. I wish them both the best in life, in their careers and in general. They're one of the few who I'd take a bullet for if it came to it. Our friendship is hard to find, but envied by most.

Demonprincewwe replied 2731 days ago 2

Who was your favorite wrestler growing up? angelicwhispers

The Undertaker, Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, and Hulk Hogan.

Demonprincewwe replied 2732 days ago 1

If you could book your dream wrestling match, who would it be against? Where would it take place? And under what match stipulations? angelicwhispers

If I could have my dream match...I would fight The Undertaker. I would be in my demon gear of course. It would be at Wrestlemania and would be a casket match.

Demonprincewwe replied 2732 days ago 1

What do you think of when you hear the word Wrestlemania? angelicwhispers

I think the biggest stage to ever perform on. I want my Wrestlemania moment. I will get it, and it will be everything I think it would be.

Demonprincewwe replied 2732 days ago 1

What three events made the biggest impact on who you are today? angelicwhispers

1. Finally getting the courage to ask you to be my girlfriend.
2. Becoming the OG Leader of the Bullet Club
3. Joining NXT

Demonprincewwe replied 2732 days ago 2

What’s something that all your friends agree on? angelicwhispers

That we're the three best friends that anyone could have. =)

Demonprincewwe replied 2732 days ago 1