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Chris Scoville


Do you know de wae?

17 Replies

Is my laugh really that contagious? kondron


DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago

If you could only tell people one thing about yourself what would you want that to be? kondron

I'm pretty boring.

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago 1

What’s one thing you still want to accomplish in your time here given you’ve done so much as is? kondron

I honestly can't think of anything. There's a few people I'd like to maybe to initiate contact with once more but that's about it.

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago

How do you feel about pineapple on pizza? What’s your favorite pizza topping? kondron

Gross. Pepperoni!

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago

Do you believe in ghosts? kondron

Damn right.

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago

Favorite memory of ours? And go. kondron

Staying up til like 6am being beyond drunk.

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago 1

If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be and why? kondron

Every mistake made is a lesson learned. I'd probably wish I had taken certain situations more seriously, simply because you know, people have feelings.

DesolateWays replied 2606 days ago

Remember when you ‘murdered’ my friends? Good times. kondron


DesolateWays replied 2608 days ago 1

Which movie do you regret watching and why ?

Not a movie, but the San Junipero episode of black mirror. I cry my eyes out every time.

DesolateWays replied 2608 days ago 1

So what's your favorite band? Viper.Brat

It varies. For an all time favorite band, probably behemoth. Simply because ov fire and the void is a killer song. But I listen to periphery and misery signals more than anything else.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago 1 1

Rob Zombie fan? Viper.Brat

Not necessarily. I like my music heavier. Dracula was cool when I was like, twelve though.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago 1

What's your favorite snack food? Viper.Brat

reduced fat, lightly salted chips.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago 1 1

What's your best feature? xxGoddessxx

My eyeliner, it's on point.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago 1 1

Hey princess. Here's a question I CAN ask you. Money is no option. What's the first thing you buy? Viper.Brat

Honestly, all of the money that'd be put into whatever purchase would instead be invested into Amazon and Google so that I could be lazy for the rest of my life and not have to worry about money.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago 1 1

What are you afraid of ?

Clowns. fck clowns.

DesolateWays replied 2615 days ago