Who are you currently dating?
No one but I still lyk shayne <3
Didn't you just break up with Storm? And you have a bf already?? You move on quick ey!
Its been 2 weeks ey and I don't have a boyfriend I just really like Shayne..:)<3xo
Hey hope every thing is going well!!
Hey thanks everything is gr8 thnx n u 2 :)<3 xo
Heya :D can't u plzzzz make ur bbm p.p a pic of u in ur bikini °̩ just wanna show my 1 friend how beautiful u r :) thanks :)
Lolz hey sowi can't do that ey :)xo
Hey how did ur exams go!?
Haha it was good thanks and hope yours went well if you have written yet..:) otherwise hope it all goes well :)
What's more comfortable to wear?hotpamts or gstring?
Lolz dat a bit personal dnt u thnk.. :) n every1s diff ey :)
Amazing girl :)
Lolz thnx means a lot :)<3
Naaa if you knew who °̩ am you would agree , I'm not degradeing myself I'm just telling the truth .... :(
I reli dnt thnk I wld agree :)
N dat is degrading urself swtie bel dat u r beautiful inside n owt neva thnk of urself lyk dat u r so mch beta dan dat no mater wu r :)<3
Haha I'm smart in away hehe, soo you going to name them??
Npe lolz nt n qoohme ey sowi :)xo
your beautiful , $exy , loveable , jys n perfecsie , °̩ wish °̩ culd call u a besty , but gal u havnt rely met me , °̩ wish we we're friends donny:) , but let's face reality , ur fuken good looking but look at me :(
Aww thnx bt m shor dat so NOT true.. U shld neva degrade urself lyk dat m shor u frieken amazin altgh I havnt met u..:D xo wu r u? Ping me pls :) xo
Haha smart but not going to work cos thing you'll no who I am lol
Lolz so I ce u figured it owt..:Pxo
Wats ur bbm pin ???
22415742 :)xo
Ok ill tell but 1st you gotta name all the guys that are about 3 years olda than you that you would least expect it from!
Lolz ping me n ill tel u :Pxo
Let's hookup:P
Lolz wu r u :)xo
In what school are u?
Alex :)
I would tell you who I am but its going to be wired!
Lolz y? :)
Certain things happen 4 a reason Sometimes ii don't believe it tho.. but don't worry all ur huRt will faid away you deserve better:) xx
Yup so true ey I totali agree..
And thanks means a lot :) xo
This isnt anonymous Its is Duray. Just wanted to say I regret not spending more time with you :D xxx
Hey u its so gr8 2 hear frm u..:)
Been way 2 lng.. Hpe u dng alryt n lyf treatin u well..:) n miss u lots n no stress swtie bt wld hve loved 2 also spend mre tym wth u..:) keep well n pls stay n touch..<3 xo
Storm dose not deserve you ! : ) you are beautiful & its his loss babygirl : ) I hope you're okey
Aww thnx means a lot..:) N dat babygirl so gve u away..:P:D xo
But I'm only like 2/3 years olda ahahah
Dats nt old lolz..:) wu r u? :)
Donna my old bestie I'm so sorry 2 hear u and storm broke up. . . You guys were the most amazing couple ever. . Always here if you wanna chat cuz I deff know the feelingxx good luck girl 4 ur tech paper know ul do great xx
Ping me pls..:) n thnx means alot...<3 y my old bestie tgh? Xo
Haha I can't tell you who I am I'm a lil to old for you lol
Haha lolz I ce..:P smethins beta unsaid..:)xo
I sooo wanna kiss you once:P
Haha lolz thnx..:P wu r u..:)xo
Who broke up with who? U hurt? Do u still wana be with him?
I broke up wth him. N yup a lot ey. N dnt thnk dat wld eva be possible let's jst say I gt hurt by him 1 to many times n unfortunately he's done nothing 2 evan try n change it.
U and storm like almost over??
Unfortunately we r over ey.. *
Your sure or do you know for a fact..take a guess
Dnt knw wu dis is ey ping me or inbox me pls n ill let u knw..*
Nothing I Can do...:/ maybe you came into my life..made me smile for a few months then left with everyone else
Who is dis please inbox me or ping me... N I'm veri shor its nt lyk dat...
Were slowly but surely drifting apart and no one seems to care..especially you:(
Ping me or inbox me please I want 2 change dat..<3
Do you also like winnie da pooh!? Me too! He's the yellowest fatest cute lil character ever! XD
Haha lolz I totali agree ey..:P we shld hve a gt 2gtha n watch it smetym.. :D xo
What if Storm stopped loving y0u
I think he already has so doesn't make a difference... *
Who's your favorite, cutest character? :D
Winnie da pooh n tinkerbell..:D xo
Hey Donna_Its TayLa, Well Ive known you almost my entire life_We hardly ever speak&when we do its just pas*ing each other & saying "Hi" .. Just wanna tell you that you're getting more&more beautiful every single year:)Stay True Tooo Yourself :)
Tay<3xXx TinxyBuhmz
Heyy tay :)
Lolz so true ey we mst reli catch up smetym wld be gr8..:D n thnx swtie means a lot u 2 ey..:)<3 mch lv xo
Omw its soo nice 2 finaly see u afta all these years ay...
Luv U soo much Donna!! :) <3
Stay just as U are and don't change 4 any one okay!!
U are the bestest sista eve ;;)
Luv U lots like jelly tots... <3
Guess Who??!!....
Lolz ncaww thanks swtie was amazing seeing u 2 miss u stax..<3
N dnt let any1 tel u diff chicka u amazin..<3
U r truli amazin n amazin susta 2..:)
Hpe 2 ce u soon agn love u lots n lots..<3
Wher u in Sunridge
Yup :)
U Are the Bomb Donna <3
When we gOna Blok pas*ive 2getha ? (G)
From Zoe :) (In ur hockey Team Btw :)
Haha hey watsup Zoe :D
We mst deff gt 2gtha sme tym wil be nxa..:D
M sooo glad mam put u under my arm as a wing :P we hve 2 mch fun 2gtha..:D:P
Mch lv ce u at practice swtie n gd lck 4 exams..:D:)
Why do love storm so much :-)?
He loves me 4 me, we hve an amazing tym 2gtha no matter wat da occasion is, he mkes me feel special, he's gt a gr8 personality, he does stuff 4 me dat I cldnt dream of otha ppl dng 4 me, n ders so mch mre reasons inbox me if u wna knw mre..<3:)xo
Yo biatch.. What's your favorite scary movie
Aww we so need 2 watch dat movie agn adi gd tyms..:D<3
Hey poopie face. <3 :P lovee youu lots and lots and don't change 4 anyone you mean the world 2 me hope 2 c u soon :P jokes
Haha aww love u 2 lots n lots n u eitha..:P:D<3 hpe 2 ce u soon 4 reals..:D xo
Wu els do u tink is se*y in alex except storm??
Onli gt eyes 4 storm saaiman ey..<3
Hey, its Craig, can I?(Have se*)
Craig wu n npe sowi*
Please learn to spell........
Pls learn 2 read mxit lang..:)xo
Do you wanna sleep over by my house?? FRIDAY
Haha ja shor afta foodshed jst ping me or inbox me den we can mke further plans..:D xo
Wats ur bra size
Dnt u thnk dats a bit private..:)
So donna:) I rate u quiet pretty...are u nawty in that way like some of these qs?
Thnx :) n gt a boi m reli hapi wth so no ey...:)
I Love you Donna :( wish we were stil frnds .....
M dno y we wouldn't be frwnds.. Inbox me pls m shor we can sort it all out..:) xo
Can I ask you something anonymously please???
Shor :)
ay bbe guess what u know me. I know u. an i know u are beautifull.
Have a good day skatabol
Haha nt 2 sure wu r bt hve sme1 in mind..:)
N thnx swetie..<3
U 2..:)<3xo
Honestly who do you like?
U rnt bl0nde? Make ur bbm pic 0f u dats bl0nd
Sowi I didn't reli undastand dat... Bt m nt blonde n hair colour...:)x
Hmmm,, I don't know you at all butttt... Did you know your seriously super hotttt???
Haha aww thnx n na I'm nt bt thnx mwah...:)x
Do u have a bf ??
Yoo aRe mii bestest eMzz buddii_blonDiiee :))
LoVe 4rm TasNeem - But I'd like 2 remain anonYmous :P x x
Haha aww taZi...:)<3
U r 1 fUnI rAnDoM cHiLd n I lV u 2 bItS..<3
LV u yU tAzI mWaHz..:):Px
Describe yourself in 3 words?
Half colourd..:Px
Yo0 are an awesome friend :D
Aww..:)<3 n m veri sure u r 2..:)x
Who do u like?
No1 at da moment ey...
Who in 8R do you have a slight crush on?? :P (Out of the guys Donna- just saying , can never be to sure :P )
Haha no1 ey...
Who are you dating currently
No one!