Tristan eugene spies
Will you ever date a black hot chick?
Never eva
QOOH mE rape barney the dinOmallowsawherass was here ;;) love you my dowAH!<3 naybae
Awwwwwwww love you 2my barney :D ;;) but check out my question °̩ asked u =D ;)
What was your first cellphone ?
No clue °̩ think it was a Nokia =))
sorry I mean who do U love my bad
My mother =))
Who did I love the most out of all ur relationships
Wait what do u mean???? Who are u =))
What's the one thing you wish to take back ?and why
My old teddy bear from my sister :| because its my teddy but my mother says I'm 2 old for teddies :|
Lovies you my friend
Lovies you even more
Heyy yeww ♥ ,, do yeww love me ? Aww °̩ know you do don't even answer that !! ♥ :p #stay amazing ♡
Of cause °̩ do ♥
Who's your girl best friend?
Its my 1 and only barney :D
Soo lark your best friend barney sooo raped this page completelz!...sooo I'm just popping in to tell u that u have to keep staying *exaaay as always like meh of course ;;) =Dand no one gets to call him my dowah!:| only °̩ can:| :D♡ toodlez :D nayjelloz
Awwwwww you are so cute my barney ♥ =))
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
I'd still say 2 my self that I'm *exy =))