What do you hate about yourself ?
My figure
What do you want right now ?
cup of coca movies blankets and my boyfriend ♡
How do you deal with a break up ?
Cry until u can't cry anymore and jam COD.. :D
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Being with my bf
Nay ! You're such a ***** ! You made me spill vinegar while typing this ! Come clean it up ! :P yohh ... Not cool galll ... J.k ... Love you ♡ mallory_boshoff
Why would u be holding vinegar :| in the 1st place-_-...love you to ♡
Whose your best friend
The one and only tristan eugene spies ! ♡
What would u do if ur bf left u because he told u he was gay
I'd be dissapointed and burn his G A Y ...A S S for breaking my heart ... =D
If ur granny was 28 when she had you how old was ur goldfishes dog in world war 2 and what was his favorite color and number :| Dowwaah
Go sleep dowah!=D
If charne was a man, on a scale of 1 to 10, what flavour would your favorite colour of the alphabet be? ●_● Dowwaah
Chocolate :D...becoz C is my favorite letter and it would be purple :|
Which movie s*cked for you this year ?
50 shades of grey they made it out to be such a hectic movie but it wasn't :|
What's the weirdest thing you ever did with your bf
While he was kissing me I'd randomly blow into his mouth :|...#haha don't even ask -_-
Your bf's such a f** how did he pull you
Haha honey don't come and F U C K around this isn't a place to judge people especially my BF AYT! The only F A G here is YOUR daddy ayt honey :D THANKS!
If your bank account had a mood ,what mood would it be in right now?
Very extreamely happy :D
If you could choose any of your friends to be your servant for a day, who would you choose and what would you make them do?
I'd make tristan my servant and he must massage my feet all day =D:'D=D..!!!!
HEY barney its dowwaah =D ijust so bored :|so °̩ had 2send u 1 of these =)) Dowwaah
Hey dowah! Haha ur always bored!=D:| liTtle rascal:p =D
Does bryon have an older brother for me ;)
Do you think you and Tristan will ever be together???????;)
Nah he's to much of a mate
Hey nay:p guess who yes me thee one and only jamiez just wanted too hack your status and say how awesome and pwetty you are ! Stay fresh nay;) jayys
Aaww heyyy beaut! ♡ hehe..! Glad u hacked my qooh meh! °̩ need some awesomness here :p:D haha thanks you're just as awesome and preddy :D! I'll stay fresh if only u do the same ♡
But don't u like talking 2 ur dowwaah :'( feel so sad now barney :'( ♥ Dowwaah
Who do you want so bad ?
My bf..
Not ur not wimpy :| but u are my bellybutton :| so that means when u eat eat barney :| ok????????? Ok!!!!!!!!!!!:| ;;) ♥ =D Dowwaah
Dowah!! Go sleep..:|
And me?:| that is of the most ruralness 2 not make food for ur dowwaah:| Dowwaah
Psht I'll make u come fetch! =D :| this isn't wimpy :| =D ;;) ♡
HEY :D just wanted 2 rape ur qooh.me thingy AGAIN ;;) =)) lol so what is u doing :D Dowwaah
Dowah!!! ;;) hehehe so lark I'm making foodies for mehhh :D.!
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
2 hours =D
Wish things with u and jordan worked out u 2 were the best couple:'(
...Yeah but things changed...thanks tho ({})
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
28 =D
Hey NAY just wanted 2 rape ur qooh.me thing :D ;;) and °̩ wanted 2 be the first person on ur wall thingy :D Dowwaah
My dOwaaahhh!!! Eeeekkk!!! :D ;;)
As long as yew do the same ♡ :*
Why so amazing ??? Love u staxxxx nay ! :p teaddybear555
°̩ get it from the best!!! ♡ love u stax to my handsome tedaay bear!!! ♡