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duncan makhubu


siMplE...itS a ChaNcE tO Ask Me whAtevEr yoU likE, noT haTe On mE.. :)**if youre gonna hate, **** YOU and i aint answering your sh*t :)..--»... lE'Gooo (y)

132 Replies

I'll tell you when I'm brave enough... But I will be watching you haha :). Have a good day and God bless

.. :)** And God Bless you Anon :)

Dunlene replied 4907 days ago

Gosh you look hot with your vest on after the gym!! :O.. Take me now boy!

:D** lolz. . . :$.. :)**
--beEeEeg smile!!-- xxo

Dunlene replied 4907 days ago

Haha, I think its girls that are hating on your hair the most. And the guys that just don't look good with that much hair. For a black lad, you've got kick-as* hair (: "white boy swag" (;

Lol. Pahahahaha.. Thank you, thank you. Never heard that before :P.. :)**

Dunlene replied 4907 days ago

R u & Garlene getting back together? Qte

I dunno..

Dunlene replied 4907 days ago

Hell0o0oo0!! The Dun to my Lene:) just thought I'd come on here for some strange reason & ... tell y0u! That! You! Must! Have a great holiday of doing nothing! ((I know you fool)) ;)! --->stranger danger<--- yes yes. We shall talk tonight. Miss you:) oX0xOX Garlene

Lol, aren't you thee cutest thing ever?? "Dun to my Lene" :).. Glad you dropped by!! Made me smile :). Haha, you know me, do absolutely nothing in my holidays...except thinking about...a certain somebody ;).
Indeed we shall talk!
Missssssssss you toooooooo ({}).. --bEeEeEeg Hug-- ex oh ex oh ex oh :)**

Dunlene replied 4911 days ago 1

You'd be surprised if you knew who I was... But I do go to Penryn

Kinda knew you go to Penryn for some odd reason..

Maybe I would be surprised, don't know... Wanna say who you are? Not now? Tomorrow, next year? Never? Wanna stay anonymous? That's cool. Thanks anyways :)x

Dunlene replied 4912 days ago

You seem like a nice guy who gets a lot of hate.... I'm sorry that people are so harsh :(x

Haha, we live in a world where other people can't stand seeing someone else succeed in something they know they couldnt/cant:)**

Thank you, Anonymous.. T'would be real nice if we had more people like you around. The world and especially Penryn needs more people like you. Lolz.. X x x --bEeEeg smile--

Dunlene replied 4912 days ago 1

hey D-breeze i like that name, but you didnt like my suggestion.. (?) lol :) you support Chiefs or Pirates? beeLove

Hahahah, what suggestion was this again??? :)** I'm not sure I got what you said? I'm guessing you're a Pirates supporter? I'm Chiefs supporter :).. (Y).. :D

Dunlene replied 4912 days ago 1

U into white gals , they not into u! Wait no gal is!

Don't you think its time we grew up now, anonymous? Did your mother not give you books to read so you could be imaginative in asking or making statements that can get you somewhere in life?
I'm into white girls, got a problem? Come say it in my face :O... Coward.

Dunlene replied 4912 days ago

Your dad is my Dad i dnt get what ur saying he's stupid? dats totally harsh!!! dnt lyk u lil comments..we also havn hard tyms it aint u onli!!!! Tumi_Momo

If that is what you'd like to believe then okay :)**

Dunlene replied 4920 days ago


My mom's the most important girl in my life.

Dunlene replied 4920 days ago

i hav a feeling dat u dnt luv m anymre cus of wah ma paps is duin ta heartbroken idk wat ive dne 2 u..not dat ur evn gna answer m bt knw dat i rly rly need u @ da moment evn if u dnt luv m i luv u 2 SPPEDSTER!!!

Your paps is stupid. Plain and simple. Lolz. But its fine, still have you right? That's all I need, my mini-me and my :)**
I just don't wanna confuse you, that's all. . .don't want you to be mad at him coz I'm mad at him so I choose not ya what I feel, yes?
You know you can talk me about anyyyything :)**

Dunlene replied 4920 days ago

hello brother rmbr m

** naaaah :O ** I don't know who you are. Who the heck are you??!
Hahaha, I'm kidding. .
Hello, Sister, is there a good enough reason for me to ever forget you? :)**
Love you!!! :')

Dunlene replied 4922 days ago 1

stupid!!!have u lost ur sister..she says ur ignrn her lyk literally why wena ? eh o ya tlanya shes ur sister

Lol, please. You don't know me, so please don't judge. You're not here living my life with me, helping me sort my problems out. You're there, wherever you are. Call me crazy, 'tis cool. But remember 1 thing though, you don't know the 1st thing about me :)**

Dunlene replied 4922 days ago



Dunlene replied 4928 days ago