Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I really am =) I'm not used to being this happy about this sort of thing. Wade is quite simply the kind of person I could see myself with for further than I've ever thought about before. He's my person.
I kind of don't want to answer too much without actually asking Wade if he's fine with me talking about him, since you know it takes two to tango, we're all in this together, birds of a feather flock together (any other corny phrases you can think of) hahahaha. But I'll tell you how I met him. We met through a friend at a party and we just clicked. I haven't looked back since =)
I talk with them, I just don't actively start messaging them. I'm more than happy to reciprocate and hold conversation with them if they want to and I see two of them around my hometown quite often. It's not that I'm avoiding them or dislike them, but rather that I don't want to force my company upon them if they don't want it. I try to respect people's space.
Um, okay? I don't want to go misrepresenting him though hahaha What would you like to know dear Anon? =)
Um, I think you can deduce that from what I've told you about my previous ex-boyfriends already... If you can't then I don't think it's worth spelling it out to you.
Most annoying thing? It used to be distance, but that sorted itself out. I think the most annoying part would be that it was through him that I discovered I sleep talk and now I'm self-conscious about the weird **** I could say whenever I fall asleep.
Me, a cheeky sequence of astericks'? Naw stahhhhhpppp ;)
Michelle, Georgia, Tessa, Emily, Steph and Keeley. Without a doubt the best group of individuals I've had the pleasure of knowing.
I hope not. He has been in a pretty successful long term relationship since then that's still going strong, so the indicators would say he's doing just fine hahaha
What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD. No^ You know what's cooler than being cool? This Anon <3 Stay fabulous.
Sure do =) My boyfriend, Wade. Quite frankly he's the best thing in my life right now and I'm so lucky that he showed up when he did. Couldn't be happier!
Why thank you complimentary Anon hahaha I'm actually really flattered that you think so =)
Not gunna lie it probably s*cked balls for him =/ It's not the nicest thing to do to a person. But I figured that if things aren't working out its better to bail early than to deceive someone and put them through the pain of never truly being loved in return.
Technically three. I didn't mention one earlier because to be honest it was such a short relationship. I'm not sure if it truly counts. I was fourteen, it only lasted two weeks, and we only hugged. It ended because I realised I had confused being really great friends with someone and seeing them in a romantic way. I realised my mistake and ended it so I wouldn't put him through a love-less relationship.
Not travelling to Italy when I had the chance.
I think the pilot might have simply suffered from spatial disorientation while turning, went to make correctional manoeuvres which lead to them going in completely wrong direction. The same sort of thing happened to Flash Airlines flight 604 where the pilot suffered spatial disorientation, turned off his instruments believing they were faulty and tried to "correct" the flight plan, resulting in him crashing the plane into the Red Sea and killing all on board. Because the pilot was highly respected, his co-pilot didn't speak against him. Basically the human mind is easily fooled by vertigo and could easily have effected the pilots of MH370 as well.
No, not really. I see Jason around and am happy to talk to him whenever I see him, but I don't really initiate texting him, mostly because I don't want to bug him. I mean while he's still a great person and funny as hell, we sort of just drifted apart. I don't talk with my most recent ex-boyfriend because we didn't end well at all. I only started dating him a very short time after meeting him as well so didn't know him as well as I should have. While on paper he seemed great and romantic and sweet, when we tried to translate that to real life there was just so may things that didn't work out. Like many things in life, it seemed great in theory, but kind of ****ty in practice. Sort of like Communism. So I guess in summary I don't really. I kind of just leave things where they fall and try my best to keep moving.
*blushes* Thank you anon! I love you as well =D
I'm not really missing Cobram itself yet, rather my friends and family who are still there. Also my cats. I ****ing miss my cats. Never thought I'd turn into the crazy cat lady, yet here I am.
Favourite ex-boyfriend would have to be Jason. He was sweet and treated me with respect. He helped me realise a lot about myself that I hadn't seen before, especially when we broke up. And I think that's the most important thing about a relationship, even a failed one; that you learn as much as you can from it, whether that be about yourself, the other person, or the world around you.
This is going to sound awful, but I'm not sure if I would take a bullet for someone. If I knew it wouldn't be fatal, then yes; but if it was a fatal bullet then no. Don't get me wrong I would hate myself for doing that for a really long time, but I think I'm more scared of death than I am of hating myself for not doing the righteous thing. If it wasn't fatal, I would take a bullet for my friends, mainly my lovely ladies: Steph, Tessa, Keeley, Emily, Georgia, and Michelle. I honestly don't know what I would be able to do without them in my life.
Yes she does ;D
How'd it get up there though?! O.o
*cue guitar solo*
How big are my toes? Probs you know the usual. They fit my sandals just fine.
Sure, man, all you had to do was ask =P
I live in a house full of muggles, magicking the door open would breach the statute of secrecy. GOSH.
Harry who? (Please say "yer a wizard 'arry")
Whatcha gunna do? huh? huh?! HUH?! o.0
Don't you know who you are? You're Jelly!
There, there, "worst gay ever". There, there. XD
Whatever you want it to be. For me it's to live your life to the fullest, take the opportunities presented to you and seek out new possibilities.
It's a tie between Adam Hills and Michael McIntyre =3
Orchid! =D they're so pretty and there are so many varieties. I kinda fell in love with them when I visited Singapore and went to the national orchid garden.
I plan to test this theory.
I have 83 protons.
Nothing wrong with a little bit of double checking ;)
You're asking me whether I want to be Harvey Dent or Batman? Always Batman.
Nope. Why? Would it be a problem if it were?
Yup, all the babies ;D
Tom Felton <3 together 5eva bb
Anthony Geurts
Does anyone ever actually have anything?
Which post are you talking about, anon?
The world probably doesn't know much about me, I'm just a small town girl... living in a lonely world... *starts singing* Took the midnight train GOING ANYWHERE!!!!! *AIR GUITAR*
It was year nine. It happens.
... I'm not single.
Pretty??? O.o I guess its a combination of genes, chromosomes and societal perceptions?
Thank you for making my night, Anon =P You're wonderful! xx
He seems like a nice enough guy. I knew him in high school, but I haven't really talked to him much since then. I wouldn't consider dating him, since I'm in a relationship at the moment. Why and how is the last part relevant?
Steph, Kirsty and Sami!
1: "Jenny" by Walk The Moon. 2: "It's Nice To Be Alive" by Ball Park Music 3: "All These Things That I've Done" by The Killers
Chocolate, always chocolate. I'm actually not a big fan of marshmallows.
Oh stop it, you're just saying that =3 thanks, you've just made my day!
Don't really have a preference. Literally the only song I know is Ghetto Gospel. Oops.
I read the books before it was aired but I still wasn't emotionally prepared =( let's just say the feels created an ocean of tears. I'm still recovering.
Ta! I appreciate that =)
If you came off anon I could make it so that you don't miss me. ~hugs~ in the meanwhile!
Aw thanks! =) You're great!
Turns out Mat is not only Jesus, but also God, and the ultimate wingman of Cobram. It's not likely, it's certain.
I wouldn't really call it a proper relationship but, I dated someone for just over a week before realising we were better off as friends.
Not with those grammar skills!
By most people's definition, yes. But I don't think that's something to be ashamed of being or proud of being. It is what it is.
Yes, but sometimes, that's for the best. I mean, for some people you don't have any chemistry with them and no matter how hard you may wish there was, there just isn't. You can't force someone into liking you, just like if someone tried to force you to like them, you'd repel that. And sometimes being friends can be far more rewarding than being in a relationship.
Actually, it looks like you're doing fine... xD
Aw stop it, you're making me blush =3 I don't even mind the grammar mistakes because thank you, beautiful!
i really just dont kno ya kno lyk im pretty sure its coz im so popular and every one wants a piece of my time even if that means takin it up with all there crazy questionssss But really, who knows?
Always to bro, my brethren. Always to bro.