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73 Replies

Well, I'm happy you're happy!

I really am =) I'm not used to being this happy about this sort of thing. Wade is quite simply the kind of person I could see myself with for further than I've ever thought about before. He's my person.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

Well, what does he do? how did you meet? and how did the long distance sort itself out?

I kind of don't want to answer too much without actually asking Wade if he's fine with me talking about him, since you know it takes two to tango, we're all in this together, birds of a feather flock together (any other corny phrases you can think of) hahahaha. But I'll tell you how I met him. We met through a friend at a party and we just clicked. I haven't looked back since =)

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

so u dont even talk to any of those 3

I talk with them, I just don't actively start messaging them. I'm more than happy to reciprocate and hold conversation with them if they want to and I see two of them around my hometown quite often. It's not that I'm avoiding them or dislike them, but rather that I don't want to force my company upon them if they don't want it. I try to respect people's space.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

Tell us more about Wade !

Um, okay? I don't want to go misrepresenting him though hahaha What would you like to know dear Anon? =)

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

so it goes
2. two week kid
3. communism guy


ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

ok then worst bf??

Um, I think you can deduce that from what I've told you about my previous ex-boyfriends already... If you can't then I don't think it's worth spelling it out to you.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

Most annoying thing about your current relationship?

Most annoying thing? It used to be distance, but that sorted itself out. I think the most annoying part would be that it was through him that I discovered I sleep talk and now I'm self-conscious about the weird **** I could say whenever I fall asleep.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

You're a cheeky **** too.

Me, a cheeky sequence of astericks'? Naw stahhhhhpppp ;)

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

Who are your best friends?

Michelle, Georgia, Tessa, Emily, Steph and Keeley. Without a doubt the best group of individuals I've had the pleasure of knowing.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

you probly scarred him for life hhaha

I hope not. He has been in a pretty successful long term relationship since then that's still going strong, so the indicators would say he's doing just fine hahaha

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

You're cool and stuff.

What's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD. No^ You know what's cooler than being cool? This Anon <3 Stay fabulous.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago 1

got your eye on anyone? :) and don't name some famous guy...

Sure do =) My boyfriend, Wade. Quite frankly he's the best thing in my life right now and I'm so lucky that he showed up when he did. Couldn't be happier!

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

Ahhh Human factors. An area of pilot training that was until recent times basically ignored. I'm impressed Ellen!

Why thank you complimentary Anon hahaha I'm actually really flattered that you think so =)

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

hahahahhaha poor kid

Not gunna lie it probably s*cked balls for him =/ It's not the nicest thing to do to a person. But I figured that if things aren't working out its better to bail early than to deceive someone and put them through the pain of never truly being loved in return.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago

wait how many ex-bfs do u have?

Technically three. I didn't mention one earlier because to be honest it was such a short relationship. I'm not sure if it truly counts. I was fourteen, it only lasted two weeks, and we only hugged. It ended because I realised I had confused being really great friends with someone and seeing them in a romantic way. I realised my mistake and ended it so I wouldn't put him through a love-less relationship.

ElleBelle19 replied 3992 days ago