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As selfish as it may sound, no one.
Is totally amazing! She is such a funny person! And absolutely gorgeous. I really do love her, she is just fabulous! x
With words or a very intriguing interpretive dance routine.
I guess I'll kill myself so I don't have to kill these beautiful souls.
Every moment of my life?
Okay. *plays first song that comes into my head which just so happens to be the best song in the world*
Oh my God, Emma, you can't just ask people why they're white.
I comb it regularly and use only the finest waxes and resins.
I think I'll marry Jack Black, snog Hitler and avoid Manson. I don't know why...
Pretty hectic! Like right now I'm eating ice cream with chocolate sauce and hundreds of thousands. Doesn't get more hardcore than that!
Shall we wow the crowd again?
All of them at once.
My cat. When I grow up I want to be just like her; fluffy, lazy and coughing up hair balls. <3
LIBER-TEA! but srs, Prince of Wales or Lady Grey.
Oh wow. Well Keeley is so great I want to say her again. But I guess if I had to pick another it would be Jesus. He's a top bloke.
Definitely a chicken sandwich, bro.
Wow, as melon-scratchers go that's a honey-doodle.
I will fight thou in the realist of lives.
I hope so too. It's pretty chilly outside.