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23 Replies

Lou__TomIinson :///

I'm getting to this late and I feel horrid.

I haven't spoken to you lately, it I'll have to change that after this because I need more Loui in my life. I was following you back when I was Lily so I've known you for a good, long bit. You're absolutely hilarious and talking to you is always a favorite thing to do just because of that. You'll always be my fake boyfriend too, so don't ever forget that. :/ Or else.

EmmaDuerre replied 3105 days ago 1 1

You're so, so lovely, and I absolutely cannot wait to see you in Beauty & the Beast. That's all! Have a splendid evening. ghostvirtue

This is so beyond sweet! It made my night, without a doubt. I miss you and hope you're doing well!

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago

Let me back in or else.

You're lucky Jess did.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago

AlexwGaskvrth pointlessblog


I've only gotten close to you recently, so this might be a tad bit too short but you're such an angel. I love you as whoever you fake because you're so perfect at them. You give them life and you make them yours at the same time and that's just so remarkable and admirable. You've also got the best taste when it comes to fakes and you really do need to know that. I'm always excited when a new fakes that's yours comes around because I can't wait to to see what you'll do with them.

I love you to bits.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago


Cleavon. Sweet dck Jones. Big dck Depp.

I can't remember your name from the Cancun trip and I'm genuinely distressed. Honestly, I love you so BLOODY much. I can go on for days about you. I've always admired your inner strength and your ability to make the best out of every situation because that's something not a lot of people are able to do. You've taught me a lot when it comes to that and I'm eternally grateful to you because of that.

I've known you for years too. We go back as Annie Cresta and Natasha Odair, and it's a proper shame that we were only mutuals by then and didn't talk much. I'll always see you as those you fake because you're so damn good at them. Emilia Clarke. Jason Momoa. Cleavon. Ronda Rousey. Iskra Lawrence. Balbina. Starlet Smith. Alex Daddario. Jessic Brown's father.

You're just one of my best friends and I'm so fortunate. I'm so blessed that that's the case. I can't wait to meet you and Jessica sometime soon.


EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago



I've been so fortunate to have known you for years now, and I genuinely am so glad that I've gotten closer to you than we've been in years. I really like you, honestly, and I love DMing you, whether it be separately or in a chat. You're beyond hilarious and that's always been a trait I've found endearing + made me stick close to others.

You've also always got the best Twitter packs and I don't know how you manage to do it. It's unbelievable. That, and the practically unnatural level of how kind you are. I've never encountered someone as sweet as you. It's a rarity now a days.

I'll see you in the Gryffindor common room soon. X

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago

quit being extra

Cleavon, now is not the time.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago


Outback tiddies.

Christ, I've known you for so long. One of the best things that happened to me on here was last summer, when we reached out to each other and became close. I was recovering from something then, and you helped me. You taught me things I cherish now and taught me to expect more from friends. You made me realize a lot of things about myself honestly, and I think that's why I hold you so close to me. You've been nothing but good to me, and that's why I'll always return that to you.

I think that no matter what, no matter who we're faking, you'll always be the tropical to my fakes. You'll always be the Gigi to my Alexis and I refuse to ever see anyone who isn't as you as Gigi. Or Taissa. I mean, that might not have been the best time for either of us but sht. You did her so much justice and I loved you as her.

I can't wait until I bring my butt back home to California so we could finally hang out. I love you so much, and I hope you never forget that. Juan Pablo definitely won't.

Never Chantel.

Love, Crab Nuts.
(Or was I Chantel?)

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago



He actually isn't one, but that's one of the words I've grown fond of using to describe him. Honestly, I've known you for what? Four months I think too? When you followed me, my heart just about stopped, to be quite honest, and I was intimidated of you. I mentioned you right off the bat, but I was terrified about getting to know another person. That's sort of why I was super formal with you and everything.

But after we started DMing, I got to know you way better and I like it. Jokes aside, I think you're sweet and I'm glad that we're talking way more often now. Conversations with you aren't ever dull — there were moments where I'd send off replies and you'd still manage to spin up some great reply so you're a keeper. Michael Scott can't really go without his Dwight for long, so I'll usually be sticking to your side and bothering you.

Unless you refuse to release my name.

Then I'll expose you.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago 1


Love of my life. My daddy.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago 1

FredericStroma ?

I snorted.

I genuinely can't think of you without remembering how I spanked you on the timeline. I've got tons of memories with you, but one of my favorite qualities is your ability to make anyone laugh, no matter what. You've genuinely just got this spark to you and it's something I don't see a lot in other people, and doubt I'll see anytime soon. I'm beyond ecstatic about you and Sam because you deserve that. You deserve to find someone who treats you like that and I haven't seen you this happy for a long, long time. And it's a change that's most welcome.

Also. Fatty Wap (I really can't spell his name). I'll never forget how you tried to pimp me out and let the man try to take me from my Miguel. Forever shaking my head at that.

You're one of my favorite people on here and I hope you know that. I don't ever want to let go of you.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago

PhoebJTonkin PhoebeTonkin

My Aussie babe.

I remember that I first met you via mutual friends. I didn't know much about you, but the first thing that genuinely hit me was fck, this person puts in an intense ammount of research into their fakes. I'm not going to even lie about this, you intimidated me too much and I was so nervous about that. But then I got to know you and honestly, it was one of the best things I ever did.

You're beyond kind. I know I've got a habit of saying this to my friends but with you, that's the truth. You've always helped me with anything, even icon crisises, and that means the world to me because that requires tons of patience. You've got this habit where you send sweet texts too, even unexpected ones and those have always made my morning. There's nothing I love more than to wake up to those because they're so heartfelt and thoughtful. I never tire of our calls either. There used to be a period where we would spend most of our time on the phone with one another, and honestly, I miss that. I wish I had enough time to be able to do that again.

Hearing from you is always a pleasure and it always makes me brighten up because that's rare for me. Brightening up when someone messages me isn't something I'm used to.

I never plan on letting you go. I love you.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago 1 1


My little mermaid.

I had to throw that in there. I haven't known you for too long (it's been what, four months? Four or three?) but I found that in that little span of time that you're one of the sweetest people I've ever met on here. I'm not going to lie, I remember being intimidated by you at first too because of how put together you are. But that all changed when you linked me and Liv to that teenage mutant ninja turtle p*rn.

I'm joking.

Kind of.

I'm glad I came to know you because you're one of he people on here that I know I can tell anything to. I'll trust you with anything and I thought you ought to know that. I'll always be here for you, whether it be to send you GIFs of hot men, daddy hunting, sending you jokes and puppy GIFs, and literally anything else.

Remember that you mean the world to me, and I'm so glad that I have the ability to call you one of my best friends.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago

HarryTraedaway HarryJohnTreads

Love of my life.

I'd say I'm joking, but I'm not. I think out of most to my friends on here, I've known you the longest. I remember when I first followed you I was beyond intimidated too. That was years ago and a fandom away, but it was the slightest bit terrifying for me, not going to lie.

You were friends with me when I was figuring myself out, and countless arguments later, we're still here as friends, better than ever. I value our friendship so much and you mean an incredible amount to me. Stay Putin yourself out there. You're such a (the) rock in our friendship in terms of telling me off with certain things and keeping me grounded and I appreciate that immensely.

Love you to the moon and back, Treads.

EmmaDuerre replied 3106 days ago 1



I've known you for a couple of years now, and one thing that's always struck me about you is how kind you are. You're such a sweet, genuine, kindhearted person and I've never seen you involve yourself in any issue that didn't regard you or a friend. You're so down to earth, your tweets are beyond hilarious, and DMing you is always a blast.

I love you to bits.

(P.S. I can't believe you fancied Helena.)

EmmaDuerre replied 3107 days ago