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Ask me anything you like

89 Replies

If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?

The DeLorean from Back to the Future.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3020 days ago

What's the dumbest rumour you've ever heard about yourself?

People say a lot of sht, I don't even know but I'm not as bad as any dumb rumour.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3043 days ago

What was the best decision of your life?

Falling in love with the most amazing person, it wasn't really a decision because I can't help falling in love with her.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3057 days ago

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

It sounds cheesy and like an "as if" thing but I'd use it to help around the world like in the Calais camp and to fund things to try help different causes that I believe it because I couldn't sleep at night knowing I had money to help people but I wasn't using it to help them.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3089 days ago

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

I'd do a thing that sends out memes to my friends after I die and take the one I love to a Rick Astley concert, then spend the rest of my hours loving her.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3093 days ago

Why are you so lovely?

I'm willing to bet that you're lovelier!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3095 days ago

Who is your favorite person and why?

I'd spent forever listing them all and even then I'd accidentally miss someone out so I'm just going to say Alicia because she's my match.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3095 days ago

Two words: Muscular Scooby.

You know my kink!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3099 days ago

Hey, you.
I love you.
You make me crazy but I love you and always will.

I love you and you're such a little sht but that why I fcking love you, sappy little fairy.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3099 days ago

What does your name mean ?

That I'm the sht, btches.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3101 days ago

I am Piglet and I am here to clarify that Tigger really IS all that and a bag of Doritos. Enjoy your morning.

I love you more than all the stars in the sky, Piglet!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3103 days ago

You are not a prick at all. You are a beautiful person with one of the brightest personalities I've ever seen. Your smile lights up the whole world, so please do me a favour and keep on smiling. I love you so much, you precious little puppy.

I love you so much, bless you for this and for existing. I appreciate this and you so much and I don't know what I'd do without your existence!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3103 days ago

U shouldn't date any1 again bc u make ur exes lives a living poop. News flash, when it comes to all ur problematic relationships, maybe u should take a look at what they all have in common. A certain lil prick who thinks he's all that & a bag of doritos.

This is probably true and this is what I've stated privately to my friends.

HarryJohnTreads replied 3103 days ago

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey. Chin up buddy. You are incredible.

You're the incredible one, thank you so much for this!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3103 days ago

Please remember that you are amazing. ANYONE would be lucky to have you. You are sunshine, you are joy and your mind is SO open and so pure. It is beautiful and perfect and you are just an incredible being. The right person will come!

Bless you so much for this, thank you for being such sunshine! I know I just need patience and to find someone who'll do the same for me as I do for them, that's something everyone deserves because everyone should be able to find that happiness!

HarryJohnTreads replied 3103 days ago