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everybody who isn't open to new idea's and looks :)
Suits ;D
I'll **** wu-tang all day... o_o sounds bad but **** YOU.
haha idk, GD is just awesome imo. Perfect ;)
Drama and people being so plain. I tell people I am going to bleach my hair white the first thing they say is "But then you'll stand out" Yeah, that's the point.
So i've heard.
>.> true that.
Because I love GDragon but I want the look of TOP, they are both my idols and I use them as inspiration :) ~ Also my league of legends account is called GDragon so that's why this is called GDragon :P
Lol, of course I am not scared of trains you retard, it's called a joke. Everyone seems to think I am being serious lmao. ~ half the **** "im scared of" like drinking out of the water tap at school isn't me being scared of it, I'd just prefer a tap because they taste better. Trains? I don't like trains because tons of people are on them, but i'd still take one.
Phan is a really awesome person, I admire him and he probably doesn't know that :P Apparently I creeped him out in like year 7 by always wanting to hang out with him I think he got over it but I really cherish our friendship and he's a great friend who I hope I can stay in contact with when school ends :)
Kpop ;) I am gonna cop so much **** for that response xD
Why the sudden interest? That's personal.
lol, she's my best friend
Delaney: I used to think she was mean but recently I have changed my mind and she's quite nice :) pretty too :) Taylah: haha she's intimidating, I would really like to be friends with her since I hang around "the boyz"(wow I just said that) but haha yeah she's scary, I thought she was phan's girlfriend and that her name was jessica for like a year. ~_~