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Gabrielle Whitehead



512 Replies


Lol I only just remembered this existed. Anyways. Most of this list will consist of fictional people but whatever. Fictional men are so much better than the real deal.
Sebastian Stan.
Every member of the RFA jesus christ.
Jim Hawkins.
The Yuri!!! On Ice Golden Trio. Yes, both Yuri, Yuuri AND Victor.
Joseph Gordon Levitt is a babe.

Now, time to not use this thing for another year.

GabbyLouise5 replied 2941 days ago

What is the most embarrassing thing you had to tell your parents ?

When I got my first period, my god that was embarrassing

GabbyLouise5 replied 3105 days ago

What have you noticed about yourself recently?

That I'm really serious about being an actress.

GabbyLouise5 replied 3109 days ago

What is your favourite slang word ?

I really don't know, there's quite a few

GabbyLouise5 replied 3112 days ago

Which trend are you not into ?

Sports clothes and tying flannels around the waist

GabbyLouise5 replied 3117 days ago

How did your "crazy ex" become your "crazy ex"?

He's always been crazy

GabbyLouise5 replied 3121 days ago

What is your purpose in life?

To be an actress

GabbyLouise5 replied 3124 days ago

Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?

This year is looking pretty good cause Im doing some awesome things with my cosplaying so it makes me happh

GabbyLouise5 replied 3129 days ago

What causes you to stay up late?

Period cramps and existential crisis'

GabbyLouise5 replied 3133 days ago

Who do you love ?

Seb ♡

GabbyLouise5 replied 3134 days ago

What or who are you obsessed with right now?

'Thighs of betrayal'
'Your Bucky'
'Gymnastics god Lance'

GabbyLouise5 replied 3178 days ago

My god you're beautiful ?❤

Awww you are so lovely! You've made my day, thank you so much ?❤

GabbyLouise5 replied 3180 days ago

What is something that people might not like about you?

I am stubborn

GabbyLouise5 replied 3181 days ago

How do you think the world will end?

My world will end the day my favourite celebrity is no more

GabbyLouise5 replied 3183 days ago

What is your biggest fear?

Dying without being ready. That and dying before meeting Sebastian Stan.

GabbyLouise5 replied 3186 days ago