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Georgia Robertson


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372 Replies

Wow! You now get drunk and smoke weed.

For the lllaaasssttt time, No I don't, go away and find something better to do, sending this **** doesn't make you cool, it's actually boring and you have no clue what you're talking about hahahahahaha

Georgiarob replied 3756 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?


Georgiarob replied 3825 days ago

Girls from different schools you want to be closer with?

more specific please :)

Georgiarob replied 3836 days ago 1

What are you really good at?

Eating, that's it

Georgiarob replied 3837 days ago

Thoughts on me x Turlz4

Great guy, caring, so nice, have the best personality and you're one of my favourite people to be around x

Georgiarob replied 3842 days ago

Thoughts on me? baileycogan

Attractive, really nice and good to talk to

Georgiarob replied 3843 days ago 1

Thoughts ?xx Rstewart

You're gorgeous and seem really nice x

Georgiarob replied 3843 days ago 1

Thoughts? :) xxx Kiabrooke

I love you so so much, you're always here for me and you always seem to make me happy. You're so gorgeous and throughout everything you've been through you still manage to stay strong with a smile on your face! It's ****ty we don't catch up that often though :/ xxxxx

Georgiarob replied 3844 days ago 1

Thoughts C.Brookes

Cutest kid, great pal and good to talk to :)

Georgiarob replied 3844 days ago

the best girls always go for the ****s..

Not true

Georgiarob replied 3853 days ago

What pisses you off the most?

Uhm well if you message me, and I'm busy so I reply with an apology an hour later, build a bridge and get the **** over it :)) or when people continuously send you hateful comments hahaha, I couldn't care less what you think about me :))

Georgiarob replied 3853 days ago 1

Thoughts :)) Xx Alannahjayne

You're gorgeous, super nice and funny x

Georgiarob replied 3856 days ago 1

The biggest mistake you made in your life?

Letting people push me around and make me feel like ****

Georgiarob replied 3860 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?


Georgiarob replied 3861 days ago

thoughts on me? x jsandfort

You're stunning, very funny and have a great personality xx

Georgiarob replied 3867 days ago