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Tarlia Couzner



445 Replies

What are you currently worried about ?

Exams ?

tarliacouzner replied 3143 days ago

Alannah ain't my sister Maddisonsnart


tarliacouzner replied 3147 days ago

Thoughts :) Maddisonsnart

I'm like never sure whether you like me or not and sometimes you're nice to me and then you also aren't ahah but you're Alannah's little sister, seem to always be up for a good time and I really don't know you other then being Alannah's sister ahaha

tarliacouzner replied 3150 days ago

What's missing in your life ?

A boyf

tarliacouzner replied 3279 days ago

thoughts chicka xx natasha.watkins

honestly not enough I could say about you. you're my best friend, my soul sister, the first person I turn to for everything, the one I tell everything, person I btch too, the person I cry too, the person I laugh with most. I would be completely lost without your love and support and never want to lose you. they're so many things I love about you and I love how easily we get along and click. ugh I don't know what else to say even though I could say so much. I will always be here and support you no matter what, I'll never judge you and will love you forever xxx

tarliacouzner replied 3293 days ago 1

What do you hate about yourself ?

Nose, teeth, height + more

tarliacouzner replied 3299 days ago

What would make you happy?

Leave this town

tarliacouzner replied 3357 days ago

What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?


tarliacouzner replied 3388 days ago

Thoughts ? :) Tearicampbell101

Nice, funny and can always have a laugh with you :)

tarliacouzner replied 3393 days ago

Favourite age you've been so far and why ?

12, was before **** happened

tarliacouzner replied 3399 days ago

Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?

Wtf of course not

tarliacouzner replied 3409 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

Alannahs bday present

tarliacouzner replied 3412 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Science and humanities

tarliacouzner replied 3415 days ago

A memory you want to forget ?

September 2012 to end of December 2013

tarliacouzner replied 3418 days ago

What is your nickname ?


tarliacouzner replied 3421 days ago