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62 Replies

Thoughts on Jennifer Long?

Haha ive only really had random little conversations with you in class but you seem pretty funny and shy

GingerWithASoul replied 3805 days ago

You don't even taste like ginger...

How would u knooo

GingerWithASoul replied 3805 days ago

when u hear my name what do u think of chvrlotte

How u maxed out all the machines in the weight room u go girl.

GingerWithASoul replied 3812 days ago

thoughts? :) katiegoalie.xoxo

Welll, just started talking to you at the end of the achool year haha, you're funny and nice, also pretty sassy. You love hockey way too much but it's all good lmaoo. Stay classy

GingerWithASoul replied 3816 days ago 1

why are you such a funny guy?

Comes with the red hair i guess

GingerWithASoul replied 3816 days ago

are you 42 swag?

Nah im at least double that

GingerWithASoul replied 3818 days ago

how much swag could a swagchuck swag if a swagchuck could chuck swag chvrlotte

Like 42 swag

GingerWithASoul replied 3818 days ago

If you're a ginger, do you taste like ginger aswell?

Between you and me... maybe

GingerWithASoul replied 3818 days ago 1

Thoughts? :) singingsabrina

Duude, ive known you since like jk and yeah you're pretty quirky and outgoing, you always brighten up people's day haha

GingerWithASoul replied 3819 days ago 1

Why would I want to ask you something? nachogurrl

Because u luv me

GingerWithASoul replied 3819 days ago 1

Thoughts? :) Melissa.Hooghiem

You're actually pretty hilarious haha, and your eyes are super pretty. Hope to see you at a party this summer lol :)

GingerWithASoul replied 3819 days ago 1

favorite song of all time?

Milkshakes - Kelis

GingerWithASoul replied 3829 days ago 2

Thoughts? AllisonR16

Yoo allisonn. You write mean things on my binder in chem but you give me paper so it works out. You're pretty funny and seem like a fun and joyful person to be around haha, and yeah your sister is crazy about hockey so have fun with that.. ;)

GingerWithASoul replied 3838 days ago 1

Actually though why aren't you

Hahaha msg me if you want to know brah

GingerWithASoul replied 3838 days ago

Why aren't you and Sarah dating

Cause Sarah has a thing for guys with souls and I dont need that kind of negativity in my life

GingerWithASoul replied 3839 days ago 2