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Ask me anything you like anonymously but no hate please

113 Replies

What do you no longer waste time on?

Peoples sht ??

HDKayla replied 2675 days ago

Lol ? what was the situation?

My sister screamed as if somebody broke in and stuff like she yelled out help and obviously i was in the bathroom so i went out checking whats wrong and it was a flippen spider ?? i was so mad ?

HDKayla replied 2682 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where you had to stop peeing mid-pee?

Yes ?

HDKayla replied 2683 days ago

What popular thing doesn't appeal to you?

Dabbing ??

HDKayla replied 2683 days ago


So mature ☝️
Ever think that maybe you hurt peoples feelings by saying that... Not that it hurts me coz people that are so insecure about themselves could never hurt me! ? but the fact that you're so insecure you'd rather hurt other people and tell them to die, then being kind ! Wow shows what a fcked up person you are ! Just because you are pathetic doesn't mean you have to prove that you are ☝️

HDKayla replied 2691 days ago

The secret to a good friendship is... ?

Always caring and never push them away

HDKayla replied 2693 days ago 3

What do you never plan on doing?

To be a better myself ✨

HDKayla replied 2699 days ago

What do people brag about that you don't find impressive at all?

That guys think they are the sht and that they can treat a girl however they want coz they are the best ?

HDKayla replied 2703 days ago

What was your biggest waste of money?

Birthday presents for my ex

HDKayla replied 2707 days ago

Heard you are going to Zwartkops... Is that true?

Yeah ? why you ask ??

HDKayla replied 2711 days ago 2

What's the most expensive thing you own?

My cat ? coz she eats sooo much ??

HDKayla replied 2713 days ago

Jy is beeldskoon ? ! Wow ! Bly wie jy is asseblief ❤️

Awwghhh danqi ❤️?☺️

HDKayla replied 2717 days ago

Jy is n amazingly mooi girl ! Ek het soveel liefde vir jou neh ❤️

Dankie ☺️?

HDKayla replied 2717 days ago

Jy maak my huil ! Maar nie in n slegte manier nie ❤️ Want jy is so mooi en dit maak my sad dat ek jou nie as my vriendin kan he nie

Noooo ! Message my ! Dan kan ons vriende wees ❤️?

HDKayla replied 2717 days ago

Ek hoor jou ou is gay?

My ou is nie gay nie !!
Jy weet dis mense soos jy wat ander mense upset maak terwyl hulle in n verhouding is ! Want niemand kan net happy wees deesdae sonder dat stupid fckd up mense soos julle moet komentaar lewer ! So jy weet wat gaan vra jou ou of hy gay is ! Dis as jy even een het ?? !!!

HDKayla replied 2721 days ago